"I knew it was going to be this stinky boy." Huang Yaoshi laughed and scolded when he saw his daughter like this.

"Husband, Rong'er has invented a few more dishes, hurry up and come over to Rong'er to cook it for you." Huang Rong looked at Li Zhenwu and seemed embarrassed, so she pulled him towards the kitchen.

Li Zhenwu thought at this moment that when he first arrived at Peach Blossom Island, he liked Huang Rong's cooking and told her that it would be better if he could invent some new dishes. Therefore, in addition to practicing martial arts, Huang Rong cooked in the kitchen every day. .

Hey, if Rong'er doesn't agree, it seems that I have to give up the little dragon girl, and let's get the luck from other places!Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

It's a good idea, but where can the luck of the heroine in a world be made up for?If Li Zhenwu really can't get the luck of Xiaolongnu, then the origin of this world will be missed by Li Zhenwu.

"Rong'er, I have something to tell you." Li Zhenwu looked at the busy Huang Rong and said.

Huang Rong continued to chop vegetables there, without raising her head to face Li Zhenwu, "Husband, if you have anything, just tell me."

"Rong'er, do you believe in luck, or the protagonist's halo?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"Luck? I don't know, what else is the protagonist's halo?" Huang Rong asked in confusion.

Li Zhenwu then explained to Huang Rong about luck and the protagonist's halo. Although Huang Rong seemed to understand it, she still nodded and said, "What else?"

Li Zhenwu really wanted to tell Huang Rong everything at this time, but Li Zhenwu couldn't, because as long as Li Zhenwu confided the truth of this world and that he was not from this world, the world would reject Li Zhenwu.

"Rong'er, I want to get luck." Li Zhenwu slowed down and continued.

Chapter 20 Huang Rong and Xiaolongnu

"Husband, how do you get that luck? I'll help you." Huang Rong said, putting down the kitchen utensils in her hand immediately.

"Rong'er, I need to get close to the heroine to gain luck, which means that I am in love with a woman." Li Zhenwu said with his eyes closed.

After listening to Li Zhenwu, Huang Rong did not speak for a long time. Li Zhenwu found that Huang Rong was not moving at this time, so he opened his eyes and saw Huang Rong looking at him with red eyes. Li Zhenwu held Huang Rong in his arms without thinking. In his arms, he said, "Rong'er, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"Husband, do you mean that as long as you fall in love with the heroine, you can get her luck?" Huang Rong said calmly at this time-.

"Yeah." Li Zhenwu nodded.

"So Rong'er was also the heroine back then?" Huang Rong continued to ask.

"Well, how did you know Rong'er?" Li Zhenwu asked immediately as soon as he agreed.

"Then why did you stay with me because of my luck?" Huang Rong said with excitement at this time. At this time, Huang Rong seemed to be really angry. She usually calls herself Rong'er in front of Li Zhenwu. , but now it is me.

"Rong'er, I love you. I admit that it was because of luck that I approached you at first, but after getting along with you slowly, I fell in love with you." Li Zhenwu heard Huang Rong say that, and immediately knew Huang Rong's heart changed, hugging Huang Rong tightly.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Huang Rong struggled in Li Zhenwu's arms.

"Rong'er, I love you." Li Zhenwu kissed Huang Rong directly.

In this way, the two passed an hour quietly in the kitchen, when Huang Rong said, "Take me to see her."

"Who?" Li Zhenwu suddenly heard Huang Rong's voice and replied subconsciously.

"It's the heroine you like." Huang Rong said resentfully.

"Rong'er, you forgive me." Li Zhenwu heard this sentence and knew that Huang Rong had forgiven himself, otherwise she would not speak resentfully or go to see Xiaolongnu, so she said in surprise.

"I haven't forgiven you yet, I just went over to see that little sister." Huang Rong said dutifully.

Just an hour ago, Huang Rong thought about it. She still couldn't let go of her relationship with Li Zhenwu. Although she didn't understand the whole meaning of what Li Zhenwu said just now, she heard it, luck, it seemed that she was right. Li Zhenwu was very important, so she kept persuading herself in her heart to accept the woman she didn't know.

"Rong'er, Rong'er, Rong'er." Li Zhenwu hugged Huang Rong and circled on the ground.

"Stupid." Huang Rong pointed her finger on Li Zhenwu's forehead.

After staying on Peach Blossom Island for three days, Li Zhenwu took Huang Rong and prepared to leave. When he left, Lu Wushuang's little loli's reluctance and Huang Yaoshi's complaints sent them off.

Huang Yaoshi complained because Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong let Huang Yaoshi take care of Lu Wushuang, so Huang Yaoshi was full of resentment.

"Rong'er, this is where the little dragon girl lives." Li Zhenwu told Huang Rong everything about the little dragon girl along the way, and walked to the door of the ancient tomb. Li Zhenwu said.

"I didn't expect that Miss Long's grandfather and mother-in-law was really a heroine!" Huang Rong thought of the story Li Zhenwu told her, and Lin Chaoying sighed with emotion.

"Rong'er, I... I called!" Li Zhenwu said hesitantly.

"Come on." Huang Rong said calmly, but her fingers turned white, and it could be seen that Huang Rong was just calm.

"Miss Long, I'm back." But Li Zhenwu didn't see it, and shouted at the ancient tomb.

Soon, the little dragon girl appeared at the entrance of the ancient tomb. At this time, Huang Rong saw the appearance of the little dragon girl. She put her hand directly on Li Zhenwu's waist, twisted it hard, and said to the little dragon girl, "This is the dragon girl!"

Li Zhenwu's painful face was contorted together, but he restrained himself, and did not cry out.

Xiao Longnv wanted to say hello to Li Zhenwu, but after seeing Huang Rong beside Li Zhenwu, she immediately asked, "Who are you?"

"Well... my name is Huang Rong, and it can be said to be his sister." Huang Rong continued to twist Li Zhenwu's waist.

Xiao Longnv's original hostility towards Huang Rong dissipated. Seeing Li Zhenwu's face distorted in pain, she asked, "Brother Li, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Rong heard Xiaolongnv's name and thought of the name she used to call Li Zhenwu, and her hand became stronger, but Li Zhenwu's face was calm, because Xiaolongnv was asking him, so she replied, "It's nothing, just now Just move your facial muscles."

"Miss Long, can I go in and have a look? I also admire Senior Lin Chaoying very much. Can I go in and pay my respects?" Huang Rong asked Xiaolongnu, then turned to Li Zhenwu, "Brother, you stay here. Are you alright here?"

At this moment, Li Zhenwu felt that Huang Rong's whole body's power seemed to be concentrated in his hands, and he felt that his waist was no longer his own.

"Rong'er, you are..." Li Zhenwu said to Huang Rong.

Xiaolongnu glanced at Huang Rong, and then at Li Zhenwudao, "Yes."

"You're not allowed to follow me secretly." Huang Rong just took two steps before turning around and saying viciously, but Huang Rong's vicious expression only made Li Zhenwu feel very cute.

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