"Zhenwu, you know this little doll." Hong Qi said.

"Well, it seems that Yang Guo has eaten up Qigong's centipedes." Li Zhenwu was afraid that Hong Qigong was asking, so he changed the subject and said, after all, it was Yang Kang who caused the civil unrest in the Beggar Gang, so Li Zhenwu didn't want Hong Qigong to know about it. Yang Guo is Yang Kang's son.

"No, I just wanted this kid to have a taste. Who knows he's eaten all of it for me, but with Rong'er here, the old beggar is afraid that he won't be able to eat good food." Hong Qigong was a little annoyed at first, then Hearty.

Just as they had just eaten the game made by Huang Rong, they heard such a voice, "Bang! Gugugu!" The strange man suddenly fell in front of everyone, lying on the ground making a toad-like cry.

"Ouyang Feng (Old Poison)" Huang Rong and Hong Qigong said when they saw the person coming.

At this time, Yang Guo also heard the movement. He looked up and was stunned. Then he jumped on Ouyang Feng and exclaimed in surprise, "Dad, Daddy, I finally see you, it's great, Daddy, why are you here? ?"

At this time, Ouyang Feng felt a familiar feeling from the person in front of him. After being stunned for a while, he pushed Yang Guo away and asked, "Who are you?"

After Yang Guo was pushed away by Ouyang Feng, he was stunned for a while, but he thought that his godfather was always crazy and didn't care, and said, "Father, I'm your son!"

"My son? No wonder I'm so familiar with you. No, my son knows my toad art. You can show me two moves." Ouyang Feng was stunned at first, and then doubted.

"Gugugu!" Yang Guo was lying on the ground using the toad art, and immediately stopped the exercise and said to Ouyang Feng after the demonstration, "Dad, look at the toad art."

"Is he the son of the old poison?" Hong Qigong said in disbelief. He felt that Yang Guo was a good young man, but he suddenly became Ouyang Feng's son.

"Qi Gong, boy Yang Guo is Ouyang Feng's adopted son. This boy was rescued by Ouyang Feng when he was a child, so he became Ouyang Feng's adopted son." Li Zhenwu explained.

"Husband was that time, right!" Huang Rong asked.

"That's right." Li Zhenwu understood what Huang Rong was talking about, so he nodded.

"Let's go, son, father will teach you the best martial arts in the world." Although Ouyang Feng was insane, he was still frightened when he saw Li Zhenwu's face, and pulled Yang Guo away.

"Hey, Dad, slow down, slow down." Yang Guo said to Ouyang Feng, but Ouyang Feng didn't seem to hear it, and continued to pull Yang Guo away from here, Yang Guo saw that there was nothing wrong, so he said to Li Zhenwu, "Brother, I'm sorry for me. I'm leaving."

"Husband, do you want to..." Huang Rong made a killing move towards Ouyang Feng.

"No need, he's already crazy anyway, let him live like this!" Li Zhenwu knew that this was Yang Guo's luck. Ouyang Feng came here to make Yang Guo stronger. It should have been Hong Qigong and Hong Qigong. Ouyang Feng fought, Yang Guo became stronger, but because Ouyang Feng was afraid of Li Zhenwu, the battle was over.

"Yes, Rong'er, anyway, the old poison is crazy, let him live like this!" Hong Qigong also sighed.

After playing on Huashan for two more days, Huang Rong felt tired, so she said to Hong Qi, "Qi Gong, Rong'er still wants to go to Taihu Lake to play, so let's go first."

"Let's go, let's go, the old beggar also sleeps here for a while." Hong Qigong waved his hand.

"The seventh gentleman, take care, let's go." Huang Rong and Li Zhenwu said together.


After playing for seven or eight days, there were only four days left before the Hero Conference began. At this time, Li Zhenwu and the others rushed there immediately.

After two days of continuous travel, Li Zhenwu and his party have reached the vicinity of Dashengguan. From time to time on the road, they see some people from the Jianghu with weapons passing by, and some people from the Jianghu on horses are running on the official road, talking about It was all about the Hero Conference, the Beggar Gang Conference, Guo Jing and his wife, Huang Rong was stunned listening to it.

There are quite a lot of people here, and it is very close to Dashengguan. Xiaolongnu doesn’t often ride horses, so it’s not easy to walk on a crowded road. The Jianghu affairs in the mouths of Jianghu people made Li Zhenwu also understand what happened in Jianghu.

At this moment, there was a sound of eagles chirping in the sky. Li Zhenwu looked up and saw the two big white eagles of Guo Jing's family. Guo Jing's daughters Guo Fu and Dawu Xiaowu must be nearby.

"This is a white eagle from Brother Guo's family." Huang Rong said to Li Zhen.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Zhenwu and the others saw Guo Fu, Dawu and Xiaowu walking through the crowd on horseback.

I just heard Guo Fu say, "Hey, Big Brother Dawu, Big Brother Xiaowu, did you buy the horse whip I asked you to buy for me?"

When Dawu and Xiaowu heard it, Dawu took the lead and said, "I bought it, oh... Sister Fu, see if you like it?"

Seeing that Big Brother had taken the lead, Xiao Wu said not to be outdone, "Sister Fu, I bought it too, look at it."

Guo Fu didn't care what they said, she took the whip directly, shook it in her hand, and said happily, "Not bad, Brother Dawu, Brother Xiaowu, how do you know that I like such a soft whip?"

"That is, how good we are to Sister Fu." Dawu and Xiaowu were praised and said happily.

Xiao Wu suddenly took out a red bell from his clothes and sent it to Guo Fu, proudly saying, "Miss Fu, look at this, do you like it?"

Guo Fu said in surprise, "Hey, bell? I like it, I like it, it's so beautiful... Brother Xiao Wu, you are so kind."

At this time, Xiao Wu gave Da Wu a proud look and said, "That's right, I'll treat you well."

Da Wu could only snorted angrily, secretly blaming himself for being so stupid, and then rode away with Guo Fu.

"Brother Guo's little girl has also grown up, but the two boys behind her are really scumbags, they have no manliness at all." Huang Rong watched Guo Fu and the three of them walk by under the white eagle, facing Li Zhen martial arts.

Chapter 24 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

"Rong'er, don't look, let's find a place to stay first!" Li Zhenwu pulled Huang Rong and said.

For all these years, Huang Rong had always wanted a child, but she had nothing to do with Li Zhenwu, so when she saw Guo Fu had grown so big just now, she looked at her with envy.

"Yeah." Huang Rong bowed her head.


The hero meeting was held in Guiyun Village.

As a landlord, Lu Guanying walked to the high platform built in the courtyard, secretly lucked out and said aloud, "Heroes, everyone, be quiet, Guanying is not talented. It is a great honor for all heroes to visit Lujiazhuang." Taking a deep breath, he bowed his hands to the heroes of the rivers and lakes in the banquet, and continued, "Today, the gathering of heroes here is a rare event in the Central Plains martial arts for decades. However, Guan Ying has become a landlord, and he also wants to have the courage to express an idea here, whether it is right or wrong, and I hope all heroes Haihan."

Li Zhenwu and the others sat in the corner and watched this scene. Because Huang Rong and Xiao Longnv were beautiful, Li Zhenwu had already dismissed a lot of lechers in the past few days, so in order to be quiet for a while, Huang Rong and Xiao Longnv put on bamboo hats. Sitting in the corner with Li Zhenwu.

The heroes of the rivers and lakes who drank during the banquet were very happy. Someone stood up and said loudly, "Master Lu is very polite. If you have any ideas, just say it, and we will discuss it together." The rest of the people agreed.

Seeing that none of the people below had any objections, Lu Guanying suggested, "Guo Daxia and his wife invite all heroes from all corners of the country to come to Lujiazhuang, one is for the succession ceremony of the new leader of the Beggar Gang, and the other is to invite everyone to come here to discuss with everyone the defense of the Song Dynasty. Now the world is in chaos, enemies are rampant, and half of the Song Dynasty is in danger.

As the saying goes: A group of dragons cannot be without a leader. We all have the will of loyalty and righteousness. If there is no leader, it will be difficult to achieve great things.

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