"Quanzhen Swordsmanship... He is the old urchin Zhou Botong." Yang Guo suddenly recognized Quanzhen Swordsmanship after watching it for a while, and shouted loudly, after all, Yang Guo is a Quanzhen disciple, how could he not know Quanzhen Swordsmanship.

Zhou Botong heard that he was exposed, so he beat Xiao Xiangzi to the ground with a stick, threw the mask to the seat in front of him, grinned and made a strange appearance before leaving.

"The thief is this old man." A disciple in green roared loudly.

With this roar, a group of people in the Valley of Heartfelt ran quickly, and soon two huge gold wire fishing nets were pulled up in front of the gate.

"Those people can't keep the old urchins, we just sit here and watch." Li Zhenwu grabbed Huang Rong and said.

At this time, when Nemo star saw Zhou Botong, he jumped into the field and attacked Zhou Botong together with Xiaoxiangzi. This Xiaoxiangzi used a zombie punch. Every move seemed stiff but moved strangely. After practicing yoga, the body is very flexible.

Zhou Botong only wanted to have fun and didn't want to easily defeat his opponent. He used Kong Mingquan with both hands to fight against the two. I saw three people in the field going back and forth, but it was like four masters separating their opponents.

"Look, the old urchin is just playing." Li Zhenwu pointed at the old urchin.

They fought each other for dozens of tricks. Although Zhou Botong suppressed his strength, his martial skills far surpassed the two, and the two were still unable to fight back. The other, Ma Guangzuo, rushed into the battlefield with a few big strides, one big hand like a palm fan. Grab it behind Zhou Botong.

Chapter 36

This Ma Guangzuo is brute force, and what he practices is the physical skills of the barbarians in Gansu, but he has no skills in the means. Zhou Botong flicked his fists to block Nimoxing and Xiaoxiangzi, and his body was short to avoid Ma Guangzuo's big hands. , kicked back and kicked Ma Guangzuo's thigh, this Ma Guangzuo screamed and threw his body, his hands hooped towards Zhou Botong, but was easily avoided by Zhou Botong's fish-like skills.

King Jinlun didn't want to make a move at first, but now the three masters of his own couldn't take Zhou Botong. He took out two wheels, one silver and one iron, from his arms.

I saw Falun Gong Jinlun threw his hands, and the two wheels flew towards Zhou Botong with a humming sound. At this time, Zhou Botong was still able to deal with the three of them when he was distracted. He found that the power of the wheels seemed to be a bit large, so he took a few steps back. As soon as he stepped back, he just stepped back to the side of the steel rod that he had thrown before. With a toes, he lifted the steel rod up in the air to block the two wheels.

"When..." Two loud noises suddenly sounded, and Nemo and others in the field quickly covered their ears and squatted down. The steel rod that flew into the air was hit by two wheels and hit the corner of the hall. There was a buzzing sound on the wall, Zhou Botong made a face at Falun Dafa King Jinlun who had retracted the wheel, and ran out of the gate with a flip of his body.

Seeing that Zhou Botong was about to escape, the surrounding green-clothed disciples pulled away the fishing nets and swarmed up, grabbing the people they saw, closing the fishing nets and pulling them in front of Gongsun Zhi.

King Jinlun in the hall and Li Zhenwu outside the hall shook their heads with a light smile at the same time, and saw Zhou Botong grabbed Ma Guangzuo and Fan Yiweng who was rushing up to besiege when he turned over, and threw them in front of him. When the fishing net was covered, he happened to rush out of the hall from the gap between the fishing nets with a superb movement, and at this time he had no idea where he had gone.

As soon as the fishnets were untied, the green-clothed disciples could not help frowning, and saw Ma Guangzuo and Fan Yiweng jumping from the inside, looking left and right looking very confused.

"You see, the old urchin is just playing with them. If you want to say that in this world, you can use martial arts to capture the old urchin, there is probably no one except your husband and me." Li Zhenwu said to Huang Rong.

"Uh." Huang Rong also looked at the hall in surprise. She could get away in the environment just now, but she couldn't put it down like an old urchin, so she opened her mouth in surprise.

"Stinky old urchin, I thought he would be caught?" Huang Rong also put down the stone in her hand and said angrily.

"It's probably not a problem for the old urchin to defeat his father-in-law. There is no need to worry about the small scene just now." Li Zhenwu said to Huang Rong.

At this time, Gongsun Zhi in the hall opened his mouth. He originally thought that King Jinlun and Zhou Botong were in the same group, but later saw them join forces to besiege up. Only then did he realize that it was true that they were following Zhou Botong. He thought for a while. Then he smiled and said, "I have something to ask for your help, I don't know if you can?"

King Jinlun is the leader of this group of people. He put his hands together and said, "I don't know what the owner of the valley said? The inferior people will definitely not refuse if they can do it."

Gongsun Zhi laughed and said, "Today is my newly married, and there are generally no outsiders here. I would like to invite you to be the next witnesses."

Falun Dafa King Jinlun was about to speak when a young woman entered in front of the gate, with a sad expression on her pale jade-like face, following her body that moved like a ghost.

Wanyanping's heart was full of sadness at this time. She had just learned about Yang Guo's news just now, and then she would become someone else's bride, so there was a hint of death in her eyes.

At this time, the sun just happened to shine into the hall from outside. As soon as Wanyanping appeared, the sun shone on her body. The originally warm sunshine shone on Wanyanping, who was dressed in black and was dejected. Wanyanping's sadness made the hall feel like a It was icy cold.

"Ping'er..." When Yang Guo saw Yan Ping coming in, he suddenly stood up and shouted.

Wanyanping was now in a state of despair, she heard Yang Guo's voice, looked at the front with blank eyes, and said in a low voice, "Yang Guo, is Yang Guo you?"

Yang Guo jumped in front of Wanyanping, grabbed her hands and shouted, "I finally found you."

It’s still the same as the original, Guo Jing and Yang Guo reunited after the martial arts conference. After taking Yang Guo’s martial arts test, they were going to marry Guo Fu to Yang Guo. Wanyanping, who heard the news by chance, went directly to Yang Guo and asked about it…

What Yang Guo thought was that he wanted to find out how his father died and why he died in Guo Jing's hands, so he decided to stay and investigate, but Wanyanping thought that Yang Guo had a crush on Guo Fu, so he left overnight. .

Not long after Wanyanping left, Yang Guo found that he could not do without Wanyanping, so he told Guo Jing that he had a girl he liked. back to the original track.

"You are..." Wanyanping found that Yang Guo's right arm was missing, so she grabbed her empty sleeve and asked.

"It's nothing, I finally found you." Yang Guo said with one hand holding Wanyanping into his arms.

"Hey, that's Yang Guo?" Huang Rong asked in surprise, to say that Huang Rong had also met Yang Guo, but now Yang Guo has lost his right arm, and because of his father's hatred and the search for Wanyanping, his face is very vicissitudes, so Huang Rong didn't recognize it for a while.

"Well, it's that boy Yang Guo." Li Zhenwu agreed.

"Why is Xuan Tiejian with him?" Huang Rong said, looking at the sword behind Yang Guo.

"He's been to the Sword Tomb, okay, Rong'er continues to watch the play." Li Zhenwu replied casually, staring at the hall.

At this time, Gongsun Zhi, who was in the first place, saw this scene, his face had changed 4.6 in color, and a faint cyan was revealed from the sallow yellow. He looked at Yang Guo, and murderous intent rose in his heart. Wanyanping asked in a hoarse voice, "Who is that kid?"

At this moment, Wanyanping came out of Yang Guo's arms and looked at Gongsunzhi apologetically, "Master Gongsun Gu, we were separated because of other things, and you were rescued from injuries while cultivating. I have always been grateful. I promise you that I will never see you again, and now I just hope that the owner of the valley will fulfill us, and your kindness will be repaid in the future."

"No... No, I don't need anything in return. You promised to be my wife, so there is no reason to change it." Gongsun Zhi roared loudly, seemingly insane.

Chapter 37 Qiu Qianchi Appears

"Shameless old man, are you still going to rob a civilian girl? You also said that your ancestor was an official, and you look like a robber barbaric."

King Jinlun was speechless. Ma Guangzuo made a provocative statement. In addition, Yang Guo came with him. Knowing that this matter was no longer good, he calculated the gains and losses in his heart and found that it was more appropriate to help Yang Guo, so he shouted loudly. After drinking, "Master Gongsun Gu, since this girl is unwilling, why are you forcing it, why don't you be a good person and fulfill the two of them?"

After hearing this, Gongsun Zhi laughed savagely, he gave Yang Guo and Wanyanping a cold look, and said, "If that's the case, then we will compare to the last match. If you beat me, I'll let you go. Green calyx, go get my weapon."

When King Jinlun saw that the fight was about to begin, he knew that what Gongsunzhi said about letting go of Yang Guo was definitely just talking. He knew that it would be impossible not to fight today, unless he gave up on Yang Guo, but because Kublai Khan was very optimistic about Yang Guo, So he could only be pulled into the water by Yang Guo.

At this time, Gongsun Zhi had already got the ice blade. He slowly walked towards the center of the hall with the 14 swords in his hand. His sallow face was full of chills. Even a pair of eyes followed upwards. When he was less than ten feet away from Wanyanping and Yang Guo, his eyebrows and eyes stood on his face like monsters.

"Ping'er, stand aside." Yang Guo pulled out the black iron sword behind him and said to Wanyan Ping.

"I..." Although Wanyanping didn't have an ice blade, she still stood there with a firm face, but she was interrupted by Yang Guo when she only spit out this word.

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