Xiao Longnv saw Li Mochou returning and asked Li Zhenwu to give her the child again, so she looked at Li Mochou and said in a deep voice, "Senior sister, you better go."

"Give it to me, give it to me and go." Li Mochou confessed.

"Forget it, ignore her, Rong'er, let's go back to Brother Guo first, you will be away later to spend time with Xiang'er." Li Zhenwu really had nothing to do with Li Mochou, and he couldn't kill him, so he Facing Xiaolongnu, who was still trying to persuade Li Mochou, and Huang Rong, who was playing with Guo Xiang there.

"Well, good." Huang Rong rescued Guo Xiang just now, and she kept her head down and coaxed Guo Xiang to play. After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, she raised her head and replied.

So the three of them rushed back to Xiangyang, and Li Mochou chased after him, shouting, "Give it back to me." But after a while, the three of Li Zhenwu disappeared, and Li Mochou could only hate it. Stomp a few times.

Chapter 40

When Li Zhenwu returned to Xiangyang City, they immediately rushed to the Guo Mansion, and carefully inquired about what had happened these days, because when Li Zhenwu returned to Xiangyang, he found that the streets were full of people with colorful martial arts and soldiers.

Seeing Xiang'er in Huang Rong's hands, Mu Nianci immediately rushed over and cried with joy, "Xiang'er, my Xiang'er."

"The intensity of Mongolia's attacks has increased greatly in the past few days, so...hey..." Guo Jing replied to Li Zhenwu-'s question.

At this time, Li Zhenwu thought that Kublai Khan had retreated twice in total, and the Mongolian Khan died. Therefore, Li Zhenwu was afraid that Xiangyang would not be able to hold it, so he decided to assassinate again, but before Li Zhenwu could act, it happened. One thing made him have to give up the assassination plan first.

In the hall, Mu Nianci was looking anxious, and Lu Wende beside him frowned. After Li Zhenwu entered, he said to the two, "Mrs. Guo, why are you looking anxious, what happened?"

Mu Nianci was wearing loose clothes, frowning and said, "The two children of Xiaowu and Xiaowu overheard their husband's conversation last night, these two children actually thought of assassinating Kublai Khan, but they were caught and armed with weapons. We sent it back. Originally, we wanted Brother Li and husband to go to save people, but my husband didn’t want to disturb Brother Li. Now my husband has been gone for an hour or two, and there is still no news, so I really don’t know what’s going on.”

Lu Wende himself is not good at both civil and martial arts, but he trusted Guo Jing and him. He also frowned and said, "If Guo Daxia falls into the enemy's camp, it will be the biggest crisis for Xiangyang. I don't know how they are now? Sigh..."

Li Zhenwu scolded inwardly when he heard it, big and small Wu is really a waste, thinking about Xiangyang without Guo Jing, unless Li Zhenwu is willing to guard, or Xiangyang will definitely lose, so his face changed and he said in a deep voice, "I don't know where you are here. Do you have any heavy weapons for cavalry generals? There are also good horses that can carry heavy loads and fast, if there are any, I will go and rescue Brother Guo."

Although Li Zhenwu believed that Guo Jing and others would be able to get out of trouble, things were unpredictable, so it would be better to see it in person.

When Mu Nianci heard that Li Zhenwu was willing to take action, her face also showed joy. She knew about Li Zhenwu's martial arts, so she sent someone to invite Li Zhenwu over to get Li Zhenwu to help.

"We do have fast horses that can carry heavy loads, but for heavy weapons, take a look at the armory. There are many weapons that our generals can't use." Lu Wende nodded and said.

"Bring the horse to the armory, let's quickly find a weapon." Li Zhenwu said quickly.

Lu Wende was relying on Guo Jing, and he was most worried about their accident. When he heard Li Zhenwu's words, he hurriedly asked his men to lead the horse, and personally took Li Zhenwu to the armory next to the garrison mansion.

As soon as he entered the armory, Li Zhenwu saw bundles of single knives and long spears neatly stacked, bundles of leather shields and large wooden shields on the side, bundles of arrows and arrows flashing dim light, Although the Song Dynasty is absurd and shameless, Xiangyang, as the biggest barrier in the Central Plains, is well prepared for these armaments.

Lv Wende took Li Zhenwu to the depths of the armory without stopping, and opened the door of a small room. Li Zhenwu looked at the room with all his face. There were swords, swords, swords and halberds placed on wooden shelves, and there were some strange doors. Weapons are placed on the ground.

"Why aren't these weapons being used?" Li Zhenwu asked with a light trembling of a bright silver spear.

"There are no generals in the army, so many good weapons are sent here from all over the world. It's a pity that people in the rivers and lakes don't like these long weapons, so..." Lu Wende also said a little tangled.

The weapons here are the best cavalry weapons collected in the Central Plains. Unfortunately, how many generals in the Song Dynasty can go to the battlefield?There are very few people who can use these good weapons.

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu saw a big knife, a long-handled large knife, and a large knife that he grabbed. After shaking it twice in his hand, he felt that the weight was still lighter, so he said, "There are other large knives that are not important, this one is still a little light. , but if it is a sharp weapon, the copper hammer and mace will be fine." Li Zhenwu thought that this time he was going to attack the Mongolian camp, so dull weapons were not suitable, so he chose the big sword, but he found that the heaviest big sword, Still a little light.

Lu Wende was stunned for a moment. Although the weapons here are only managed by the ordnance officer, he also knows that the weapons here are very heavy, otherwise they would not be placed here. Li Zhenwu actually dislikes those made of pure steel. With a light sword, he knew that Li Zhenwu was a capable person. Originally, Mu Nianci invited Li Zhenwu over, but Lu Wende still underestimated Li Zhenwu, but now he hurriedly looked at the ordnance officer beside him and asked.

"There are some."

The ordnance officer nodded quickly. After speaking, he took a few steps forward and opened a wooden box that was about [-] meters long. Li Zhenwu stepped forward and looked at it. A thick halberd covered with red rust was placed in the box. , This halberd has crescent blades on both sides, a spear point that is about a foot long on the top of the head, and a half-foot-long spike at the end. The entire halberd is made of metal, and it looks very domineering.

Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the halberd. He lifted the wooden box with ease, and waved it a few times. "It's a good weapon." Li Zhenwu complained in his heart. Even a good weapon made him rust, and I don't know if their brains were rusted.


Li Zhenwu had a burst of inner strength, and the halberd shook a few times. The rust on it was all shaken off by Li Zhenwu, revealing its original appearance.

"Okay, I'll have it, I'm ready to go." Li Zhenwu said, holding the thick halberd in one hand.

Looking at the appearance of the halberd now, both Lu Wende and the Ordnance Officer showed heartache, but thinking of the purpose of Li Zhenwu's visit, Lu Wende's expression became lighter.

"Your Excellency Sword Emperor, do you need armor?" Lu Wende asked, looking at Li Zhenwu who was striding out of the armory.

"No, it would be inconvenient to save people with the armor on." Li Zhenwu said without looking back.

Chapter 41 Chong Chong Chong, kill kill kill.

From Xiangyang to the Mongolian camp, there are [-] miles, and it will take more than half an hour to get there. Li Zhenwu should be able to arrive in about half an hour.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

An arrow shot from the front without warning. Li Zhenwu saw that in a nearby grass, more than a dozen Mongolian spies who were responsible for the dark pile stood up from the grass, and the longbow in his hand had already set up a second arrow. .

Li Zhenwu kicked the horse's belly with his legs, the halberd in his hand fluttered, and the arrows bounced back as soon as they hit.

When the second wave of arrows arrived, Li Zhenwu was less than ten feet away from the spies, and he bounced the arrows again. Li Zhenwu held the end of the halberd in his hand, and with a flick of his arm, the whole halberd carried a whimper in the air. The sound slid towards the group of spies.


Like a truck hitting a human body, the halberd, with the huge force on Li Zhenwu's arm, sent five or six spies flying high in the blink of an eye. Before they could fall, Li Zhenwu had already rushed forward on his horse. .

The remaining spies were stunned, and they forgot to continue shooting arrows and blowing horns. They flew five or six Mongolian men with one move, and let them take a dirt plane. When they landed, other people saw that these guys were hit. where all the bones are completely shattered.

Li Zhenwu didn't pay attention to those dazed spies. The horse under his crotch kept rushing on the road. Suddenly, the figure of the two people in front of him supporting each other appeared. He recognized them from a distance. The brothers Wu Dunru and Wu Xiuwen were covered in scars Hurrying on the road in a hurry, when they saw the two horses, they were ready to hide in the woods beside them.

"Big Wu and Xiao Wu, where's Brother Guo?" Li Zhenwu shouted loudly as he rode his horse closer.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's voice, both the big and small Wu were embarrassed, but Wu Dunru still replied loudly, "Master is still in the barracks in front. When we left, we saw the Mongols mobilizing the army. Senior Sword Emperor, you must bring the master rescue."

Li Zhenwu scolded the trash in his heart, and then continued with a wave of his hand, "Hurry up and report to your wife, I'll go right away."

After a while, Li Zhenwu saw from a distance that chaos had begun in the Mongolian army camp. He took a closer look. The Mongolian army camp was surrounded by mountains and rivers. The road was blocked by antlers in front of the camp gate. The bow and arrow were aimed at the front, and the war horses neighed in the entire camp, and there were constant screams and cheers.

Looking at the Mongolian camp that was just waiting to destroy Guo Jing, Li Zhenwu pondered and couldn't find any loopholes, except for a frontal breakthrough.

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