After thinking about it like this, Lu Youjiao couldn't help but have some ideas in his heart. After thinking about it, Lu Youjiao finally made a decision, which is the matter of re-selection of the gang leader. At this time, he brought it up in front of Guo Jing and his wife. .

Chapter 47 Gifts ([-])

In the evening, Li Zhenwu hurriedly left the Guo Mansion. When Guo Xiang informed Li Zhenwu that they were attending the conference, he found that Li Zhenwu was not there, so he asked Huang Rong, "Sister Huang, why is Brother Li not here?" Look.

"Your big brother Li went to prepare a present for you." Huang Rong said mysteriously.

"What gift, what gift?" Guo Xiang jumped up happily.

"Go to the school grounds and wait, you'll find out in a while." Huang Rong pulled Guo Xiang and Xiao Longnv to the school grounds.

After Huang Rong and the others went, Guo Jing wondered why Li Zhenwu didn't arrive, but now was not the time, so after arranging for Huang Rong, they waited for a while before starting the selection.

At night, when Guo Jing and the others were selecting the leader of the beggar gang, Mongolia suddenly attacked. Guo Jing hurriedly got up from his seat and walked to the corner of the platform. arrive?"

The spy bowed and saluted, with a confused expression on his face that was still filled with joy. One of the spy replied first, "Reporting to Guo Daxia that the two thousand-strong team of the left wing of the Mongolian army of the Mongolian army has arrived in Xinye."

Guo Jing was shocked and secretly said, "It's coming so fast!"

Immediately, another spy continued, "Report that the two thousand-man teams from the Mongolian right wing have arrived in Dengzhou."

"Yeah," Guo Jing replied with a thought, "The enemy army on the north route is divided into two routes and the advance of the army is extremely sharp." For a time, all his mind was placed on the two Mongolian thousand troops.

But before Guo Jing could think about it, the two spies continued to say that the two unexpected news were good news.

"What? You said that the Mongolian thousand troops in Xinye were wiped out?" Guo Jing asked loudly in surprise.

"Yes, Xinye's [-]-man team was intercepted by someone several miles outside the city, and now the entire army has been destroyed." The spies who returned from Xinye also returned excitedly.

"Dengzhou also found the corpses of the Mongolian Thousand Team a few miles away from the city. It looks like they were ambushed." The spy who returned from Dengzhou added.

"Okay, okay, you all go to the city guard mansion immediately and report this news to Master Lu. Go quickly." Guo Jing said happily.

The two spies responded in unison, bowed to Guo Jing again, and then went to the city guard to report the reward without mentioning it.

The two spies rode their horses and left for the time being, but said that after Guo Jing heard the two great news, he couldn't help but feel excited. He happily strode back to his seat a few steps away, and shouted to the crowd. He shouted, "Great joy, great joy, great news, the four thousand troops of the former Mongolian army were just attacked in Dengzhou and Xinye, and they were all wiped out."


"Mongolia's four thousand troops were destroyed?"

"Guo Daxia was done by the army you arranged, right?" Hearing Guo Jing say this, everyone on the stage couldn't help but rejoice. centaurs.

Going back to his seat, Guo Jing took a sip of the tea that Mu Nianci handed over, then waved his hand and said, "It wasn't arranged by me. Although I knew in advance about the attack of the two-way Mongolian thousand troops, my Xiangyang army did not. Acting rashly, after all, the Mongolians are good at field warfare. If we really want to destroy these two thousand troops, our army will suffer heavy losses. Now I don’t know where these two strange soldiers were destroyed! It’s really a great contribution to the people of Xiangyang. already."

Zhu Ziliu said with a smile, "Guo Daxia, look who else hasn't arrived. You should be able to guess it now, right?"

Guo Jing turned his head and saw that Zhu Ziliu was smiling to the side, and gestured with his eyes that Guo Xiang and Huang Rong were sitting there.

Mu Nianci also nodded and smiled, "Exactly, I think there should be no one else except Brother Li for this matter."

Guo Jing also nodded, but asked with some doubts, "That's right, Brother Li's martial arts are great, but this battle of the army formation is different from the battle of martial arts. It is not easy to destroy the four Mongolian thousand troops. It's a matter, Brother Li, he..."

As soon as Guo Jing finished speaking, he heard several people outside shouting in unison, "Brother Shi of Wan Beast Villa, at the order of the Sword Emperor, give a birthday gift to the second girl Guo."

The voices of these people were divided into five sounds: Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu. After these people shouted in unison, there was another sound of tiger roaring and lion from the southwest corner. Five people divided Holding five leather bags, he jumped all the way to the high platform. After these five people, hundreds of tigers, leopards, lions, elephants, and apes appeared in a phalanx. They looked extremely scary, and they didn't know Xiangyang With such a tight city defense, how did they bring these beasts in?

Naturally, as soon as these ferocious beasts appeared, all the heroes in the audience also exclaimed in surprise. Even the impatient ones had already held their weapons in their hands and looked at these beasts on guard. Naturally, Guo Jing and others on the stage could not sit still. Now, they all got up and walked down the high platform, looking at the five men named Zhushou from a distance, but for some reason they were carrying a large group of beasts.

"Brother Li prepared this?" Guo Xiang asked Huang Rong, who was beside him. Huang Rong just smiled and said nothing.

The five big men dashed all the way, and in an instant, they reached the stage and settled down. A man in the middle took two steps forward, looked at Guo Jing and the others who had already stepped down from the stage, and greeted them with a clasped fist and a loud voice, "But Guo Daxia is now? The third child in the Shi Bowei ranking and several brothers have lived in the Villa of Ten Thousand Beasts, and this time, on the order of the Sword Emperor, they came to present a birthday gift to Miss Guo Er, and I would like to ask Daxia Guo and all of you to forgive me."

After speaking, he clasped his fists and bowed to Guo Jing and the others, and the four men behind him also clasped their fists and saluted them with him.

Seeing that these five rough-looking big men were so polite, Guo Jing and the others hurriedly returned their salutes and said in unison, "Don't dare, don't dare, the five owners are polite." Then they turned to look at Huang Rong in confusion, but Huang Rong this Shi only had time to talk to Guo Xiang, but did not answer Guo Jing's doubts.

"Xiang'er." Huang Rong pointed to the front and signaled.

So Guo Xiang stepped up to meet him, walked out from the crowd and watched, the five of them laughed crisply, "I am Guo Xiang, but I don't dare to be called the second lady. When I first met, I would have to trouble the five uncles to travel. Guo Xiang I really can't stand it, thank you again for the five uncles." As she spoke, she bowed to the five of them.

The five brothers of the Shi family raised their hands to help them, and smiled politely, "Second Miss Guo is very polite, Second Miss Yulu Xianzhu, open-minded and forthright, I have heard it before, it is my blessing to be able to congratulate Second Miss. Second Miss, please see that this is the congratulatory gift that Lord Sword Emperor handed over to us." The five of them opened the mouth of the leather bag in unison.

Chapter 48: Huashan On Sword - General Sword Art

Originally, Huang Yaoshi went on the road with Li Zhenwu and the others, but it didn't take long to see Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong chatting with each other every day, and Huang Yaoshi left immediately, so only Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong were left, walking slowly. Huashan.

On the day of the sword discussion, Li Zhenwu took Huang Rong to Mount Huashan, but saw a group of martial arts people rushing towards Mount Huashan. Huashan was not famous at first, but since the sword discussion on Huashan, it has become famous in the rivers and lakes. During the period, these martial arts people came one after another, wanting to see the appearance of the master.

It's just that they don't know that, if they want to see the masters compete, they must have a certain level.

After going up Mount Huashan and walking for a while, the two of them drifted with the flow, and together with this group of martial arts practitioners, the mountain climbed the peak, and they went higher and higher. In the blink of an eye, they had reached a dangerous cliff.

This dangerous cliff has no road ahead, and the two cliffs are more than ten feet apart.There are only two stone pillars in the middle. No one has stepped on the stone pillars for a long time. They are covered with moss, and they are not slippery. Top.

At this time, there were already rows of martial arts practitioners standing in front of the cliff, all of them eagerly scratching their ears and pulling their cheeks, wanting to pass, but did not dare to pass.

Li Zhenwu pushed Huang Rong to the front, and found a group of martial arts people, old and young, but no one dared to go there. He couldn't help laughing in his heart. If he couldn't go, he went back quickly and stayed here to bask in the sun.

"Qigong, Rong'er and I are one step ahead." Li Zhenwu saw Hong Qigong in the crowd, greeted him, and floated over the cliff with his arms around Huang Rong's waist, and continued to go up.

"Qianjun Yibai Li Zhenwu, the one who killed Tiemuzhen Li Daxia." Someone who participated in the battle of Xiangyang at the beginning shouted after seeing Li Zhenwu.

"It's true, Li Daxia is worthy of being a Qianjun Yipi. He passed the cliff so easily." Another person shouted that Qianjun Yipi was Li Zhenwu who killed Temujin among thousands of troops. Li Zhenwu's title, although Li Zhenwu is very reluctant to be called like that, but his mouth is on others, even if Li Zhenwu wants to control it, he can't control it, so he ignores it.

When Hong Qigong heard Li Zhenwu's words, he also flew directly over the cliff and went up quickly.

"That's the old gang leader Hong." Someone in the crowd shouted.

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