In that world, Tianlong Babu was a martial arts novel that Li Zhenwu liked very much. Of course, the biggest reason for liking this book is that there are more beauties in it.

But when he really saw the martial arts masters in the Central Plains besieging Xiao Yuanshan, Li Zhenwu fell in love with this Khitan man inexplicably.

Keep your promise!

Even if these Central Plains martial arts masters are often the ultimate move, but he always exerts a lot of strength, then takes back three points and shows mercy everywhere.

Even so, these dozens of martial arts masters have always been unable to take him down, which shows how high Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts are.

After not being able to attack for a long time, these famous martial arts masters even had crooked thoughts and attacked the panicked woman in the carriage with their swords.

These two swords are fast, even if Li Zhenwu kept staring at them, he was surprised by the speed of these two swords.

The sword is faster, Xiao Yuanshan is faster!

With a single palm, he went straight in, taking the two people's life gate, and made a desperate attitude. The two also cherished their lives, and immediately retreated backwards.Xiao Yuanshan was just a feint move, and when the two pulled away, Xiao Yuanshan slapped the horse's butt with a slap, causing the horse to suffer pain and immediately ran into the distance.

But these martial arts masters came here today with the intention of killing people, how could they let the carriage escape easily.

"Master of martial arts... Hmph, what a ruthless heart!" Li Zhenwu said coldly.

However, he also knew that this was the direction of the plot, and he couldn't interfere, so he could only watch the long sword sink into the back of the woman's heart, and the blood slowly flowed out of his mouth and from the wound!

The two biggest pains in life are the loss of a loved one, but not being able to stay together until old age!

These two major pains, at this moment, Xiao Yuanshan has fully accounted for it.

Under the great pain, the oath of the past is just like a floating cloud.

I saw Xiao Yuanshan wielding the long sword in his hand, and every time he slashed, he would take one person's life.

Li Zhenwu clenched his teeth tightly, and silently encouraged this handsome man in his heart.

If the system had issued a task of killing him, Li Zhenwu would definitely take action at this time, but unfortunately, the system did not issue such an order.

There was still no such task until Xiao Yuanshan was so angry that he left his pen.

Li Zhenwu watched Xiao Yuanshan jump off the cliff with his wife in his arms, and then he slowly breathed a sigh of relief and followed closely.

He didn't go directly to save Xiao Yuanshan, he wanted to see if there was really a small tree on the cliff that saved Xiao Yuanshan's life.

But until Xiao Yuanshan was about to fall to the bottom of the cliff, there was still no small tree. This may be the difference between fiction and reality. In reality, in the current situation of Xiao Yuanshan and his wife, it is definitely not something that a small tree can save.

Leaving the little tree alone, Li Zhenwu directly rescued Xiao Yuanshan.

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan had already passed out in a coma, and as for his wife in his arms, he could no longer die...

After a while, when Xiao Yuanshan woke up, he was already lying on the edge of a small stream, with his deceased wife lying beside him. True martial arts.

Li Zhenwu turned his back to Xiao Yuanshan and stood on the cliff, looking like an expert outside the world.

Xiao Yuanshan did not write any ink, and knelt down in the tunnel: "Xiao Yuanshan, a Khitan, thank the senior for saving his life!"

Li Zhenwu deliberately lowered his voice and said slowly: "Killing for life! The death of your beloved wife and the death of Your Excellency is a good thing, but, Your Excellency 0.3, don't you want to meet your one-year-old child?"

After a little help from Li Zhenwu, Xiao Yuanshan immediately woke up and said: "What the Master taught is that Xiao Yuanshan, who was useful, did this useless thing.

Li Zhenwu laughed a few times, and then he didn't say much more. With a flick of his body, he suddenly disappeared from behind a big rock.

Xiao Yuanshan shouted loudly: "Engong, Eunuch!"

But no matter how clever he is, how can he compare to Li Zhenwu's kung fu, that's all.

After standing for a while, I heard Li Zhenwu's high-pitched voice: "The person you are looking for is in Shaolin Temple, so you can do it yourself!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuanshan knelt down and said with great joy, "Thank you for your grace, thank you for your grace!"

Chapter [-] Duan Yu

After noon, there were not too many guests in the restaurant, and the man complained from the hall on the first floor: "I don't think you look like a person with no money, even if you have no money, eat less, when It’s not worth the money to cook with your clothes, but you have eaten so much, and you say that you don’t have any money to eat, are you trying to make me want to eat for free?”

The man opposite Li Zhenwu is quite helpless. It has been nearly [-] years since he left the Xiaoyao faction. In the past [-] years, he has made some money and finally survived in this world of Tianlong. But he forgot to bring silver taels. Listening to the scolding from the man, Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly and said, "Second brother, I'm really sorry, I really forgot to bring silver taels when I came out this morning. I didn't mean to eat free food."

After all, it's not like he can't get the money, the guy suddenly became unhappy, and pointed to a high-ranking job and said, "Where are some people who don't even know if they have money or not, our restaurant is open for business, It's not a good thing, not to mention that you have eaten so much..."

Looking at this man's high job, the man was speechless for a while, he had never seen such a person who could eat.

Even if 14 were the richest man in the world, he probably wouldn't be able to support such a person.

At this moment, a male voice suddenly sounded. This voice was not from the Central Plains, and it always had a bit of the local voice in Yunnan.

"Second brother, it's just a few silver taels. I paid for him."

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu followed the reputation and immediately saw a very handsome young man. Although handsome, his face was very anxious. Li Zhenwu saw his identity at a glance, stepped forward and clasped his fist. : "Thank you for your kindness, sir, I am very grateful!"

"It is inevitable that you will encounter difficulties when you go out. You don't have to be polite."

Li Zhenwu said: "My surname is Li Zhenwu, I don't know what to call your son?"

"In the next section." As he spoke, he took out the money and handed it to the guy who came along.

"It turned out to be Young Master Duan." Li Zhenwu smiled and nodded, "Listen to your son's accent, is Young Master from Dali?"

"Li Gongzi is right. I am from Dali. I hear Li Gongzi's accent, like a person from the Central Plains?"

Li Zhenwu smiled and said, "I'm from Bianjing!"

It turned out to be a Han Chinese, Duan Yuxin said. Seeing that he was alone, he subconsciously asked, "Are you alone, are you here to play in Dali?"

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