Zuo Zimu said coldly: "Since Brother Duan is not a good friend of Brother Ma Wu, then if the brother offends Brother Ma, it is not counted as sweeping the golden face of Brother Ma Wu. Guangjie, people laughed at you just now, you will ask for advice when you end the game. Bar."

At this time, he saw Gong surnamed man who had just won the game draw out his sword, stood in the field, and handed over to Duan Yu: "Friend Duan, please!"

"Tsk tsk."

Li Zhenwu got a handful of melon seeds from somewhere, and sat on the roof, staring at the situation on the field with interest.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel speechless for Duan Yu's words.

Before, whether watching TV series or reading novels, all of them felt that Duan Yu was a very annoying person. Now that he was in the scene, Li Zhenwu couldn't help laughing as he watched Duan Yu push himself into the fire pit step by step.

Duan Yu was still young, and he didn't know much about the affairs of the rivers and lakes, or the four characters of the unpredictable human heart. It was natural that there was such a disaster.

Just when Li Zhenwu was thinking about it, several disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect were already staring at Duan Yu and rushed towards him, and their lives were at stake.

"I wonder when that little girl Zhong Ling will come?"

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, picked up a melon bullet and went out.

With a gust of wind, the melon seeds were instantly embedded in the hands of a big man.

The big man fell directly to the ground in pain, and he didn't have the time to find Duan Yu's trouble.

"You brat, what a sly trick! You can't catch it if you don't hold back!"

The big man fell to the ground, and another disciple in Tsing Yi jumped out and smashed his fist directly at Duan Yu's face. Seeing that he was about to be beaten, Li Zhenwu suddenly laughed.

He smiled brightly.

Just look at the young girl sitting on the roof at the moment, the girl is holding the poisonous snake in both hands, smiling like a flower.

This woman should be Zhong Ling.

Duan Yu also looked up and saw her. Seeing that she was holding a poisonous snake in her hand, she was not afraid and asked, "Did you save me?"

Zhong Ling wondered, "Why didn't you fight back when the wicked hit you?"

Duan Yu smiled miserably: "I won't fight back..."

He is very sincere.

Zhong Ling on the house, with his feet swaying, was wearing a pair of light green shoes with a few small yellow flowers embroidered on them.

Although he is young, he is quite skilled, especially the lightning mink, which is extremely fast and very obedient.

The big men were teased so much by such a little girl that even Li Zhenwu couldn't help laughing.

Fun, fun, really fun tight.

Suddenly, a man came in from outside the hall door. The man was walking heavily, and at first glance it looked like he was seriously injured.

Li Zhenwu, who was familiar with the plots of the eight parts of Tianlong, looked from a distance and saw that many disciples of the Shennong Gang had gathered at the foot of the mountain, and they were about to attack the mountain.

Li Zhenwu stretched his waist and shook the melon seed skin that fell on his body. Seeing that all the plots were proceeding slowly according to the situation in the novel, he didn't stay any longer, and flew away from the Infinite Sword Sect.

According to the normal trend of the plot, it will take a long time for Duan Yu to leave the Infinite Sword Sect and go to the Valley of Myriad Tribulations. Li Zhenwu has no time to spend it here.

After thinking about it, Li Zhenwu flew towards him.

He didn't use the air dance technique, he just used the light technique he had practiced in recent years to jump up and down, and he felt very happy.

Qinggong is very different from air dance, but it is also different to make the general open.

Qinggong is about dodging, unfolding, moving, and soaring. When you do it, you will feel that your body is as relaxed and happy as catkins in the wind, while air dance is more like a way of changing gravity, and it is not as interesting as Qinggong.

Chapter [-] Zhong Ling

After searching on Wuliang Mountain for more than half an hour, Li Zhenwu just found the "Lang Huan Blessed Land", which was the place where Wuyazi and Li Qiushui lived when they were in Wuliang Mountain.

Standing in the cave, although it is not clear what skills Wu Yazi used to build this stone room, just looking at the exquisiteness of this stone room, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of his predecessors. It is possible to build such a stone room at the bottom of the river.

Although the stone room is good, it is not as good as people.

Li Zhenwu couldn't wait to see what this "Sister Fairy", dubbed by Duan Yu, looked like.

Passing through the first stone room and walking towards the second stone gate, Li Zhenwu pushed open the door and entered, but, like Duan Yu recorded in the book, he was startled.

I saw a beauty in palace dress in front of me, holding a long sword, the tip of the sword was just aimed at his chest, as if it was about to fly over.

"Haha." Li Zhenwu laughed at himself.

I already knew it was a jade statue, but I was still taken aback. I can only blame the jade statue for being so lifelike, especially this pair of eyes, the deeper you look, the deeper you look, as long as it is a man, Looking at these 570 eyes will be deeply sunk in.

"It's really beautiful and moving!" Li Zhenwu murmured, "Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful a woman is, now she is just a dead bone in the tomb."

Li Zhenwu never thought that he was a character like Liuxiahui. Everyone has a love for beauty, but the person in front of him is just a jade statue. It is difficult for him to have any interest. It is not as good as the magical Beiming magic. It's fun to microbuy with Lingbo.

Looking at the yellow futon in front of the jade statue, Li Zhenwu easily tore it open and took out the silk bag.

As for the character "Kow down a thousand times, for my encouragement" written under the jade statue, Li Zhenwu didn't see it at all. He was not a dull-headed person like Duan Yu, and he had nothing wrong with this jade statue, so he kowtowed a thousand times. ,just forget it!

I saw that the silk bag was about a foot long, with a few lines of small characters written on the white silk: "Since you have kowtowed a thousand times, you will give me advice, and you will have no regrets for the rest of your life. This volume is the essence of my Xiaoyao School's martial arts. At the third o'clock in the afternoon, you must practice with your heart. If you are a little lazy, you will frown and grieve. Once you have achieved your magic, you can go to the blessed land of Langhuan to read all kinds of classics. That is to say, I will use it all for you. Encourage it, learn to go down the mountain, and kill all the disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect for the rest. There is one omission, and the rest of the world is full of hatred."

This word is very beautiful, but there is always endless hatred between the lines, which is unpleasant.

Li Zhenwu frowned slightly, opened the silk bag, took out the silk scroll in the silk bag, and unfolded it. The first line was written with the words "Bei Ming Shen Gong".

If you expand it again, the nude female figure is all in sight.

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