Listening to their bickering, Li Zhenwu couldn't help laughing.

This Pig Bajie is really a living treasure.

After a few people scolded, it was almost time for Boss Mei to remember the business.

"Stop arguing, hurry up and use the trick that the second master taught us last time!"

His words immediately caused everyone to restrain their expressions. Several people quickly changed their positions, rushed up again, and surrounded Li Zhenwu in the middle.

After fighting with Li Zhenwu twice, Boss Mei found that although Li Zhenwu was strong, he seemed to be using brute force.

The best way to deal with such a person is not to confront him head-on, but to win by skill.

Therefore, Boss Mei immediately changed his strategy.

With his command, everyone immediately understood that they kept walking around with weapons, taking the opportunity to hack at Li Zhenwu's body.

I thought that I had found Li Zhenwu's flaw, but it was only what they took for granted.

Li Zhenwu has gathered the strengths of a hundred schools, how could he be defeated by their petty tactics.

And the reason why he kills everyone with one punch every time is simply because these people are too low-level, and there is no possibility that he is worth his shot.

Now, he immediately saw what Boss Mei was thinking.

So when Boss Mei and others rushed over, he immediately resorted to the corresponding tricks.

For a time, several people's weapons glowed and flew, and the fight was indistinguishable.

Boss Mei and the others wanted to see that even if they could not cause heavy damage to Li Zhenwu, they would still be able to suppress him, but the fact was exactly the opposite.

It looked like a few of them were entangled in Li Zhenwu, but in fact, Li Zhenwu completely suppressed them. Because of the formation, the four of them had to cooperate completely.

This also led to the fact that even if they were suppressed by Li Zhenwu, they could not withdraw their moves, otherwise the formation would be chaotic and they would definitely lose.

Several people are constantly changing their positions.

Li Zhenwu roamed around, but he was able to do it with ease.

He has a hobby that he always wants to test the enemy's bottom line, so every time he encounters a battle that he finds interesting, he will not rush to win immediately, but likes to fight the enemy for a while.

After all, only in constant close combat can the body's adaptability and sensitivity be better exercised.

Therefore, after he accompanied a few people to completely cover up the entire formation, he almost saw where the flaws of this formation were.

Although these few people cooperated well, but if you look closely, you can see that the two of them do cooperate very well, but the four of them rarely communicate.

As a result, this formation is actually like two formations.

A thought flashed through his mind quickly, and when he saw the third Mei, who was cooperating with Boss Mei, attacking him again, he suddenly staggered away, and then the person flashed behind the two of them very quickly, shooting two consecutive shots. palm.

The fifth and the old Liu were originally behind the eldest and the third, and they planned to wait for their ultimate move to pass, and after they retired, they would quickly replace them. Who would have thought that Li Zhenwu would suddenly do this.

And his move was too quick and too unexpected.

The two of them, who were not in a hurry to rescue them, could only watch helplessly as the eldest and the third were hit, and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

"Big Brother Third Brother!"

The two rushed towards Li Zhenwu angrily, but they were too angry at the moment, so they still remembered the formation, and they were completely reckless.

Li Zhenwu, who didn't want to play any longer, shot again, and the two of them were defeated, and they were shot and flew out.

All this only happened at the moment when the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and the situation of the battle that seemed to be glued just now suddenly changed——

Seeing the Meishan brothers who fell to the ground, Zhu Bajie laughed smugly and proudly!

Chapter [-] Yang Jian

"Hahaha, now you all know how awesome it is!"

His face was full of pride and pride, as if he was the one who defeated these people.

The roaring dog on the side looked at this scene, and shrank back in fright, when he found that Li Zhenwu's eyes fell on his - body -

He was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground, "Small surrender, I admit defeat, please forgive me, my lord!"

He was only seriously injured yesterday. Of course, he knew how terrible this person was, and immediately begged for mercy without the spine.

"Bah, howling dog, I knew you were an unreliable thing!"

"Look, let's tell Second Master when we go back!"

Brother Meishan immediately spurned his actions.

"I... I'm called Junjie, a person who knows current affairs. Unlike you, wasn't he still arrogant just now? Why did he still lose?"

The roaring dog immediately retorted.

Several people were so angry that they almost didn't spit out another mouthful of blood.

Seeing their behavior in this nest, Zhu Bajie and the others almost fell to the ground without laughing.

After laughing enough, Zhu Bajie stepped forward and suggested to Li Zhenwu: "Brother Li, kill them! All of them are Erlangshen's lackeys. If you want to save the Third Mother, then kill them so as not to prevent Trouble in the future!"

"No, don't kill me!" Roaring Heavenly Dog immediately said with a sad face.

However, the people in Meishan are much more stubborn than him, except when Zhu Bajie said he killed them, they glared angrily at Zhu Bajie, and didn't say a word of begging for mercy.

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