Thinking of this, he said, "But you're fine, why did you sneak into our room?"

"I, can't I find my granddaughter Xiaoyu?" The old fox immediately took out Xiaoyu as a shield.

"Yeah, Big Brother Li, my grandmother should have come to find me. She didn't know I was in that room, so she must have gone wrong!" Xiaoyu also naively explained for her.

"Really? Then why did I see you spinning in front of the lotus lantern?"

In fact, this was just Li Zhenwu cheating the other party. He woke up and the old fox fled. How could he see her spinning around in front of the Lotus Lantern.

But the old fox didn't know, she thought that Li Zhenwu had really discovered her intention, and she was immediately speechless with a face of panic.

"Grandma, won't..."

Xiaoyu also knew about the lotus lantern that the old fox wanted to steal back then, and she said in pain.

"I... I was just curious for a while. I wanted to see how powerful this legendary ancient artifact was." The old fox thought for a few seconds.

It is said that foxes are the most cunning creatures, and as expected, Li Zhenwu's questioning was immediately fooled by her rhetoric.

Judging from this situation, she has not threatened Xiaoyu to steal the wick, but if she didn't show up today, maybe she was about to do it.

Thinking of pure Chenxiang, Li Zhenwu felt that he had to solve this possibility, but this old fox was Xiaoyu's grandmother, and the two had a deep relationship. If he killed the old fox, Xiaoyu would also be sad.

What a problem!

Li Zhenwu hammered his head with a headache, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Brother Li, what's the matter with you? Don't be angry, my grandma really has no ill intentions." Xiaoyu was pure-hearted, and naturally she didn't know that her grandma was harboring evil intentions.

At this time, Li Zhenwu, who was thinking of a solution, had a flash of light, and he had a solution.

"Xiaoyu, I didn't misunderstand your grandma, but Chenxiang told me before that the lotus lantern is very important, he was afraid that the lotus lantern would fall into Erlang's hand again, so I set a spell on the lotus lantern. , as long as anyone other than Chenxiang touches the lotus lantern, they will be dissipated and die."

He didn't change his face and told a white lie.

"What, Big Brother Li, do you know spells too?" Xiaoyu knew that he was lying, and immediately admired it.

"Of course." Li Zhenwu nodded and looked at the embarrassed old fox, "So for your safety, stay away from the lotus lantern in the future."

Then, he yawned, "I'll go back to sleep first."

Then turned and left.

Chapter [-] Dispel thoughts

But the old fox behind him stared at his back for a long time in despair and resentment.

When she thought of the idea that she would no longer be able to play the lotus lantern in the future, she felt that life would be better than death. Thanks to the terrifying power that Li Zhenwu showed just now, the old fox didn't even know that he was lying.

After understanding this, the old fox no longer had the idea of ​​forcing Xiaoyu to play the lotus lantern, and after explaining a few words to her, the old fox left in a hurry, looking for a place to heal.

On the second day, Li Zhenwu paid special attention to Xiaoyu, and after finding that she had no abnormal reaction, he knew that the old fox should be intimidated by him.

This more or less reassured him.

This can be regarded as an indirect help for Chenxiang and Xiaoyu, the pair of hard-to-follow mandarin ducks...

At this time, the Heavenly Court was in chaos.

"What, Yang Jian, you said you lost?"

The majestic Queen Mother was wearing a gold hairpin and a phoenix robe, and her face was full of anger at this moment.

"Miss Qi, this minister is incompetent!"

"Hmph, you said, that Chenxiang is a spearheaded child without mana, and the people who follow him are just little characters with three-legged cat kung fu. Why do you say that you can let them escape several times?"

The Queen Mother said, and suddenly looked at him with a sneer, "Yang Jian, do you think you are secretly helping that evildoer?"

"Niangniang forgive me, if this minister really wants to help Chenxiang, why would he take the initiative to tell you about him? I have always tried my best to hunt him down, but Li Zhenwu, who I don't know where it came from, is very powerful. defeated."

"What, in this world, are there any opponents who can defeat you?" The Queen Mother was surprised when she heard this.

However, she could also see that Yang Jian was indeed seriously injured.

Not only did she think, who else could hurt Yang Jian in these three realms?Is it...

"Is it Sun Wukong?"

Zhu Bajie, the messenger of the Jingtan, is Sun Wukong's junior brother. Maybe he can invite Sun Wukong, but it will be troublesome.

That Sun Wukong is the guy who likes to cause trouble the most. If he is really determined to help Chen Xiang, it will be bad for him!

"No, that person's name is Li Zhenwu. He has no immortal power in his body, but he is extremely powerful."

"What, no immortal power?" The Queen Mother frowned, her face full of suspicion.

"Yes, madam, this minister does not dare to lie. My brothers Meishan can all testify!"

"Hmph, I want to see, there are still such strange things in this world?"

"Come here, let's speed up the four heavenly kings!" The Queen Mother suddenly shouted to the outside world.

Soon, four majestic gods walked in.

"Meet the Queen Mother!" The four heavenly kings said in unison.

"Niangniang, I don't know why you called us here?"

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