The Four Heavenly Kings stood there faceless and let her scold her bloody head, not daring to make a sound.

"Oh, okay, okay, the Four Heavenly Kings are old immortals anyway, you've gone too far." The Jade Emperor quietly pulled the Queen Mother's sleeve in private.

Regarding his actions, the Queen Mother just threw him a few flying knives with her eyes, and the Jade Emperor immediately stopped his mouth with some lack of confidence.

With the help of the Jade Emperor, the Guangmu Heavenly King of the Four Heavenly Kings dared to speak.

"Your Majesty Rong Yi, it's not because we didn't do our best, but that Li Zhenwu is really amazing."

"Li Zhenwu? Is that Li Zhenwu again?" The Queen Mother was stunned, and finally started to face the person who appeared in Yang Jian's mouth once.

However, the rest of the immortals who didn't know were at a loss, and they whispered and began to discuss who Li Zhenwu was.

"Yes, Niangniang, that Li Zhenwu doesn't know what his identity is. He has no immortal power, but his ability is higher than those of us. Even my umbrella was directly destroyed by his punch."

Duowen Tianwang said, for fear that everyone would not believe it, he lit up the treasured umbrella that had become a broken umbrella.

Everyone took a deep breath!With one punch, it is said that the ancient immortal artifact has been destroyed in this way. What kind of terrifying strength is this!

Immediately, everyone was deeply curious about Li Zhenwu, who had never been masked.

"It's true!" the Queen Mother exclaimed in shock.

Without immortal power, he can defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and destroy such weapons. How sacred is this Li Zhenwu!

"Niangniang, I dare not lie!" The four heavenly kings said in unison.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother would not be able to pursue her further.

She let go of this festival and turned her attention to the immortals, "Every immortal family, now that the three virgins and others have escaped, what should you do about this matter?"

Chapter [-] Discussing Countermeasures

"Niangniang, the three goddesses are kind-hearted, goddess——" Fairy Chang'e has always been on good terms with the three goddesses, and naturally she will not miss any opportunity to speak for her.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, the Queen Mother knew what she wanted to say.

"Okay, I don't need to say any more words of intercession. The three virgins violated the rules of heaven and privately united with mortals. Such acts of defiance of the rules of heaven cannot be punished!" The Queen Mother said lightly, her eyes flashing coldly.

"Yes." Seeing that there was no room for negotiation, Chang'e could only retreat sadly.

"Niangniang, since this Li Zhenwu is so powerful, I think it's better to go to the Buddha's place in the Western Heaven—" Some immortals came out and suggested.

However, the Jade Emperor immediately rejected his proposal.

"No, if I have something to ask the Buddha to come forward, doesn't it seem that there is no one in our heaven? It's not right!"

"Then send someone to lead [-] Heavenly Soldiers down to the realm and arrest these people!" The Queen Mother said angrily.

She didn't believe it, that Li Zhenwu was so powerful that even [-] Heavenly Soldiers couldn't help it.

"This is good, this is good, in short, don't bother the Buddha."

The Jade Emperor, who has always been good-natured, immediately said, as long as she doesn't go to the West Heaven to be ashamed, she can do whatever she wants.

"Niangniang, this Li Zhenwu's ability should not be underestimated, I'm only afraid of [-] heavenly soldiers... Niangniang, don't forget the Sun Wukong back then!" Yang Jian said at the right time.

The Queen Mother's face froze, although she wanted to say that Yang Jian was making a big fuss, but when she thought about what the Four Heavenly Kings had just said, she couldn't take Yang Jian's guess seriously.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, then what do you say!" After a long while, the Queen Mother said angrily.

"Niangniang, according to my minister's opinion, it's better to send someone to Li Zhenwu's place to persuade him to surrender. If he doesn't agree, let's fight again!" Yang Jian offered his advice.

"What, are you trying to make Heavenly Court bow to an immortal, ordinary person?" Hearing this, the Queen Mother immediately said angrily.

"Niangniang, what we want to arrest is only the three virgins who violated the law, and it's not this Li Zhenwu, why do we have to fight with this person."

"Yes, since this Li Zhenwu is so powerful, it's better to recruit security, but don't make a second Monkey King!" Yang Jian's words reminded the Jade Emperor, and he hurriedly said.

Back then, he was frightened by Sun Wukong, and he never wanted to come again.

The Jade Emperor has spoken, but the Queen Mother has no clue.

"Then who do you think is suitable?"

"Nezha Third Prince!" Yang Jian said.

"What? Then the third prince of Nezha only a few days ago for helping Chen Xiang not to face the wall for five hundred years. Now let him go, Erlang God, what is your intention?" The Queen Mother said angrily.

She was doubting Yang Jian's loyalty. Although Yang Jian seemed to be on her side all along, that Yang Chan was his sister after all, and the Queen Mother could never fully trust him.

"Niangniang, it is precisely because he has helped Chenxiang before, so it is the most appropriate to send him there." Yang Jian looked like he was really thinking of heaven.

"If we people go, I'm afraid Li Zhenwu will beat him out before we say a word."

"Yes, Niangniang, Erlang Shen's words are reasonable." A fairy stood up and said.

And here, the immortals who were friends with Li Jing also immediately expressed their support.

When the Queen Mother saw it, all the immortals had always agreed, so she could only soften, "...Okay, since that's the case, I'll give Nezha a chance to atone for his merits, King Tota, you will convey this matter. Give it to Nezha."

"However, this is his only chance." Mother Wang said threateningly.

"Yes, the little god must let Nezha make up for his faults, Niangniang can rest assured!" Li Jing said hurriedly.

Even if this matter is settled, everyone will go their separate ways.

Liujia Village, in a small courtyard with a fence.

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