"Brother Li!" Chen Xiang in the field had already shouted hoarsely, while Lilac Xiaoyu and the others next to him were already crying.

"Haha, good, good! Look at you, this is the end of going against the heaven!"

The Queen Mother of Lingxiao Palace let out a smug laugh, pointed to the deep pit under the dust, and sounded the alarm to the immortals.

All the immortals were as pale as earth, and all sighed with embarrassment...

It's such a pity that such a character died like this...

"No, look!" At this moment, a surprised voice sounded!

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, but they saw that in the virtual curtain, in the deep pit, there was a faint red light gradually shining.

It was only the size of a grain of rice before, but slowly it became the size of a finger, and the light gradually lit up!

Did a miracle really happen?

The immortals looked at the light in surprise and anticipation, and held their breaths.

"...How is this possible!" The Queen Mother's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

And everyone in the field naturally found this red light.

"Brother Li, come on, we believe you must win!"

Although he didn't know what that red light was, Chen Xiang instinctively felt that it was Li Zhenwu, so he immediately shouted at the red light regardless.

"Brother Li, come on!"

"Come on, Brother Li, we believe you can do it!"

The Eighth Prince and Xiaoyu couldn't help but start shouting!

And the group of red light seemed to hear their shouts, and gradually had a fist smaller.

And as the light gradually became brighter, everyone in Yuntou also discovered that the light was indeed emitted from Li Zhenwu's body.

And Li Zhenwu, who thought he had been smashed into meat patties under Sun Wukong's fist, stood at the bottom of the pit miraculously unscathed, and his hands were firmly holding Sun Wukong's fist.

Sun Wukong naturally felt it for a long time, but he didn't believe that this person could have such a strong strength, and could actually catch a punch when he was in a state of dominance?

He increased his strength even more and pressed down fiercely—

"Brother Li, come on!" Looking at this scene, Chen Xiang and the others shouted desperately!

This scene shocked everyone present!

"Come on... Come on!" A faint voice suddenly sounded from the heavenly soldiers watching the battle. He felt the eyes of his companions. He seemed to realize that he had done something wrong, and the voice stopped abruptly...

"Come on Li Zhenwu!" The moment he stopped, more shouts suddenly sounded beside him.

These shouts were a little messy at first, but slowly, they gathered together and gradually turned into a powerful shout!

"Come on! Li Zhenwu!"

At this moment, none of them remember their position. They just hope that the young man who has been creating myths all the time can break the record again and create a myth that belongs to Li Zhenwu!

"It's the other way around, it's the other way around!" The Queen Mother saw a burst of anger, and she stood up, just wanting to have someone take the lead in arresting the troublesome Heavenly Soldiers!

"Come on!" Who knew that before she could speak, there was an imposing voice in her ear.

The Queen Mother was almost scared to fall by this sudden voice!

Who would dare to go against his will?She looked angrily.

It turned out that the person who shouted these words turned out to be her husband, the Jade Emperor!

"Your Majesty!" The angry and angry Queen Mother looked at the Jade Emperor fiercely with the anger of being betrayed by 4.5.

Finally understood what he had said, the Jade Emperor's face was a little tangled.

But with him taking the lead, the immortals immediately ignored it and roared immediately.

Now, in this world, the Queen Mother has appeared, and all those who are paying attention to this battle are united to cheer Li Zhenwu on.

The Queen Mother was sitting there alone, with the anger in her eyes, which was enough to destroy the whole world!

This Li Zhenwu, she must kill him!

And just when everyone's heart was about to jump to their throats, the battle situation on the field suddenly had a new change.

The red light burst out quickly.

"Bang——" In the deafening sound, an extremely powerful force burst, and at that moment, it suddenly exploded all around.

Chapter [-] Sun Wukong is defeated

This powerful wave of force dissipated, and the heavenly soldiers on the cloud head were among the first, and they were immediately knocked off the cloud head, causing casualties.

Even so, this force is still unabated, and it rushes directly into the distance. Wherever it passes, flying sand and rocks, grass and trees are all shattered into powder.

Eventually, the force hit the mountain.

Bang, there was a loud noise on the mountain, and the head was cut flat.

Such terrifying destructive power made everyone look stupid.

Before everyone could sigh, the majestic and tall giant ape was suddenly lifted up by a terrifying force and slammed out.

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