"What is the origin of these two little ghosts, the ninja logo that I have never seen before,"

Ninja Parker turned to look at the two of them, and then said.

"They are ninjas from the body ninja village, and they also came to take the chunin exam." Haruno Sakura explained to Parker.

"So it is." Ninja Parker nodded: "These two little devils are much stronger than you."

The three of Sakura didn't speak, because in the previous Chunin exam, the strength displayed by the body ninja village trio was indeed very powerful.

The ninja dog Parker followed Sasuke's breath and led them forward, but it didn't take long before he discovered something else.

"There are two teams behind, and eight ninjas are chasing us." Ninja Parker said, and suddenly added: "No, there is another person, nine ninjas are chasing us."

"There are chasing soldiers so soon! It's not fun anymore." Nara Shikamaru sighed with a look of embarrassment on his face.

The ninja dog Parker suddenly jumped from the tree to the ground, walked for a while, and then stopped.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Just follow me." Parker the ninja dog said, it suddenly backed up, and it was still stepping on the footprints it had just made, while saying:

"Like this, it can create an illusion that we have disappeared suddenly, and can confuse the enemy. Of course, it would be better if they can completely make it impossible for them to catch up with us."

As he spoke, the ninja dog Parker had already retreated a sufficient distance, and suddenly jumped back to the tree in the other direction.

"It looks like a lot of trouble." Naruto murmured, but did as he did.

Then they moved on and went after Sasuke.

But it didn't take long for the ninja dog Parker to speak in a deep voice: "Although I just made a disguise, the pursuers are catching up again!"

"Damn!" Nara Shikamaru said angrily: "I am afraid that the ninjas who are chasing are all characters of Chunin or above. If we are really caught up, we may be wiped out!"

"The whole army was wiped out?" Haruno Sakura was a little worried.

"Damn, since this is the case, let's just stop and make an ambush! Be the first to shoot!" Naruto suggested.

"No, an ambush is indeed a favorable tactic, but two conditions must be met." Nara Shikamaru said.

"What are the conditions?" Naruto was puzzled and didn't know what to do with an ambush.

And Nara Shikamaru has already stretched out his finger: "First, if we want to ambush as an escape, we must act silently and be able to find the enemy one step ahead."

"Second, there must be a favorable position for us, which allows us to pretend to be in ambush and catch the opponent off guard."

"Only with these two conditions, an ambush is a favorable tactic, but." Nara Shikamaru shook his head, "Both of these conditions seem to be favorable to us, but the other party is a subordinate of Orochimaru, so they are very interested in The understanding of the village may not be unfamiliar."

"And there is still a gap in strength. In this case, an ambush is not necessarily a good thing for us. Although there is a certain possibility, it is not safe to be able to ambush successfully."

Nara Shikamaru analyzed Datong's words, but finally came to a conclusion.

"So, we have to choose one person to disguise the state of ambush, to delay and confuse the ninjas behind, and let the remaining people complete this task more advantageously."

"Is this going to be a bait?" Haruno Sakura couldn't help asking after understanding the meaning of this sentence.

"That's right!" Nara Shikamaru's tone was calm and unwavering: "And this person who stayed as a bait might die! But the others were able to escape smoothly."

As soon as Nara Shikamaru's voice fell, Naruto Sakura's heart was stunned, and she was shocked by "will die".

Their footsteps suddenly stopped, silent.

Naruto suddenly stood up and was about to speak: "If that's the case, then I..."

Naruto just wanted to say that he came to be the bait, but Nara Shikamaru stole his words: "So I'll stay!"

Sakura was surprised, and Naruto was also stunned. He didn't understand why Nara Shikamaru was still rushing to do something that was almost a 'send to death'.

"I am the only one who can survive because of the bait." Nara Shikamaru jumped, stopped behind the crowd, and said, "My shadow imitation technique was originally designed to stop the enemy's ninjutsu. ."

Nara Shikamaru said and turned his head, "Anyway, I will catch up with you later."

At this point, the scene appears to be somewhat sentimental and heavy.

Ranmaru and Junmalu looked at each other, and both saw the same meaning in each other's eyes, and then Junmalu said:

"That... don't make it so heavy, if it's just a few chunin, I can handle it myself."

Suddenly, the originally heavy atmosphere was destroyed...

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Chapter [-] Shadow Imitation! (Second more)

"If it's just eight chunin, I can stay and do it myself."

When Nara Shikamaru and Naruto Sakura discussed countermeasures together, and then he was righteous and prepared to stay as a bait to stop the chasing soldiers behind him, Ranmaru and Junmalu looked at each other, But he opened his mouth, looking at the heavy and sad atmosphere among the several people, he couldn't help but say so.

He really couldn't stand it anymore, as if he and Ranmaru were just here to make soy sauce.

But there are only eight Chunin, he didn't take it to heart, but Naruto, Nara Shikamaru and others did not ask his opinion.

The opening of Junma Lu immediately destroyed the heavy atmosphere that had appeared before.

Then Junmarou continued: "Since this Nara Shikamaru is going to stay and ambush the ninjas behind, then Ranmaru and I should also stay alone, and then we will meet up after the ninjas in the back are dealt with. "

Junmalu said so.

Naruto and Haruno Sakura looked at each other and felt that this was a good idea.

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