"Cough, the loss this time is too great, and it is almost impossible to resurrect."

The boy's tone was cold and icy, a little sharp. The next moment, he frowned, reached out and wiped it in front of him, and his appearance suddenly changed.

"It's still comfortable."

The pharmacist put his pocket aside and smiled faintly: "Although that Li Zhenwu is very powerful, he probably would never have imagined that, Lord Orochimaru, your 'non-dead reincarnation' can completely reincarnate your spirit into other bodies."

"There's nothing to be proud of."

At this moment, the one in front of the pharmacist's pocket is Orochimaru!

Orochimaru's face was gloomy: "This time, fortunately, the white snake clone was left before, so that there is room for reincarnation, otherwise it will die completely."

"Moreover, this hasty reincarnation also caused a great loss of my strength, leaving some hidden dangers..."

Chapter [-] Snow Country!

In the body ninja village, Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmalu have already put away their luggage and are ready to start this mission.

"By the way, what is the mission this time, Lord Zhenwu didn't tell us the details in advance." Jun Malu said, a little puzzled.

"Master Zhenwu is mysterious this time." Lan Wan nodded in agreement.

Bai silently packed his luggage without interjecting this topic, but only after the luggage was packed, did he say, "The Land of Snow!"

"What country of snow?" Junmalu and Ranmaru both wondered.

"The destination of this mission is to escort others to the country of snow, where there are many ninjas who are good at using ice escape."

"Ice Ninja?"

Junmalu and Ranmaru were surprised, then looked at each other.

They all know that Bai's Xueji boundary is Bing Dun, and it is the descendant of the Snow Clan.

So now to the country of snow...

"Master Zhenwu said that this time I went to the Snow Country, and I happened to collect some ice escape ninjutsu."

There is a movie that almost swept the country of fire, and also swept the country of red beans, as well as some small surrounding countries.

That movie, called 853 to do "Adventure of Princess Fengyun".

The heroine Fuji Kaze-e also gained huge popularity because of this.

The country of red beans, in the city.

Fuji Kaze-e rode out on horseback, and behind her, many armored guards chased after her.

Among the guards, an old man with sunglasses shouted, "Don't run! Stop."

On the way, many passers-by were alerted. Some people saw the face of Fuji Fengxuehui by chance. They suddenly remembered the movie that was being shown, and couldn't help but whisper: "It's Princess Fengyun!"

Princess Fengyun, is the name of the heroine in the movie starring Fuji Fuyuki, a princess who was hunted down.

Pedestrians on the road were boiling, but it also made it difficult for the chasing troops to continue.

As a result, Fuji Kazee quietly ran away without a shadow.

Not long after, Fuji Kaze-e came to the secluded river, looked at the river, and thought quietly about something.

"Ms. Fuji Kaze-e, right?"

Fuji Kazuki was in a daze when he suddenly heard someone talking beside him.

She turned her head and saw a tall, handsome man with black hair, black pupils, and slightly raised black hair was standing beside him indifferently.

"Who are you?" Fuji Fengxue's language was indifferent, like ice and snow. Although he was surprised that the man in front of him was more handsome and handsome than the hero of the movie, he didn't show it.

"I'm a ninja from the body ninja village, you can call me Zhenwu!"

"A ninja village?" Fuji Fuyuki murmured, then stood up suddenly, but his words were somewhat tit-for-tat: "I really don't know why the director entrusted you with this small ninja village instead of looking for the land of fire. of leaves."

Li Zhenwu smiled slightly: "Because the strength of our body ninja village is not bad. And our country of red beans also has some personal friends with your director, so this kind of entrusted task will be entrusted to our body ninja village, which is not enough. for consideration."

"It turned out to be a ninja village that relies on relationships." Fuji Fengyue said coldly, turned and walked away, she just wanted to be alone at the moment.

"Haha." Li Zhenwu didn't mind looking at the figure of Fuji Kazee leaving, instead he smiled softly after Fuji Kazee walked away.

"The exiled princess of the Snow Country, Fenghua Xiaoxue, is interesting."

Li Zhenwu was right, the reason why this mission appeared in the Ninja Village, not the famous Konoha with complete strength, was because of the relationship between the country of red beans and the director.

To be precise, the investor behind the director is the country of red beans.

Of course, this kind of film investment was also a chess piece that Li Zhenwu laid down.

After all, the construction of spiritual civilization is also a very important aspect.

Fuji Kazuki is alone in the country of red beans, trying to avoid his manager, which is also the search of the three husbands who once guarded him when he was a child.

Because of the popularity of the first film, "The Adventures of Snowstorm", the director is also shooting the second film.

For the last shot of the second film, the director wanted to go to a famous place called Rainbow Ice Wall in the Snow Country to shoot.

Therefore, the entire crew had to go together, and they also entrusted the ninjas from the Ninja Village in the Land of Red Beans to escort them to and from the Land of Snow this time.

However, Fuji Kaze-e does not want to go back to her former homeland at all, even though she used to be the princess there.

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