I've been a ninja for so long, can I still beat you?Tsunade had such a naive idea, and then she bit her silver teeth and snorted again, and another punch had been bombarded again!

"Strange Fist!!!"

If Tsunade had some temptation just now and left a little bit of strength, then now, there is no reservation at all, and all the strength of his body is concentrated on his fist!


This time, the air exploded with her fist, and then went towards Li Zhenwu!

To be precise, Tsunade's punch has already performed exceptionally, bringing with him twelve points of strength!

Li Zhenwu gently let go of Tsunade's other hand, smiled, his body still did not understand, and then raised his hand to receive another strange punch from Tsunade!


Li Zhenwu stretched out his own palm, and when Tsunade's strange force fist landed on it, there was a crisp sound, and the next moment, Li Zhenwu's palm was clenched, and a big hand held Tsunade's Small hands are wrapped in it.

As for Tsunade, after he punched his fist, he felt that his own 087-point [-] strange power was attached to his fist, as if he was hit in the air and landed on the sea. No trace!

Then, she also felt her fist, being held by Li Zhenwu!

Moreover, Li Zhenwu seemed to hold her fist casually, but it also made her feel a lot of pressure!Faintly, she felt that her fist could hardly break free from Li Zhenwu's hand!

Tsunade was very unwilling to admit defeat. After she exhausted her powers and broke free from Lizhen's palm, she threw out her legs in the next moment!

"Tian Shou Foot!" It's the same as the trick that just stomped lightly on the ground and made the ground collapse like a dragon turning over, the difference is that Tsunade's kick now is directly kicking Li Zhenwu!

"This time, you can't still block it with your hands!" Tsunade thought to himself, one leg was already filled with a fierce wind noise, filled with the strange power of his whole body, and kicked Li Zhenwu fiercely and quickly.


"Crack!" sound.

Tsunade and Tianshou's feet with their huge strange power were blocked.

Tsunade was surprised, looking at Li Zhenwu's hands, obviously not moving.

Looking down for a while, Tsunade suddenly saw that Li Zhenwu was Tong Yan who raised one leg, and then blocked his Tianshou foot.

Tsunade's silver teeth gnawed, but he still refused to admit defeat, and he kicked out with another kick, and in his hand, he squeezed his fist again and slammed it into Li Zhenwu's body.

'Snapped! '


After a few times, Li Zhenwu's reaction was a late attack!

Tsunade uses his right foot, then he directly lifts his left leg under the crotch.

Tsunade used his left foot, and he directly raised his right leg to block it.

The same is true above, Tsunade's two fists were blocked by Li Zhenwu again.

However, after this series of tricks, the state between them became a little weird.

If someone who doesn't know it is here, and sees their two limbs intertwined, entangled, and bound together, they will definitely think crooked.

In fact, because of the close contact and contact between the limbs, Li Zhenwu fully felt the majesty of Tsunade.

… For a while, the two of them realized something was wrong at the same time.

Tsunade's offshore immediately became red, and Li Zhenwu felt a little bit wrong.

Li Zhenwu shyly separated his hands and feet, but after he let go, he couldn't help but coughed twice, in order to ease the embarrassment, he said, "Senior Tsunade, your body and materials are really good."

However, Tsunade's offshore became even more popular, and he glanced at Li Zhenwu.

Tsunade was not embarrassed for too long. After a while, they all returned to normal. After all, they are not ordinary people.

Both of them calmed down, and tacitly did not mention what happened just now, but Tsunade spoke first, praising Li Zhenwu:

"Junior brother, your strength is really good." Tsunade said from the bottom of his heart, because just now, her strange power has been exerted to the extreme, but when it fell on Li Zhenwu, it was just like a stone sinking into the sea!Li Zhenwu couldn't do anything at all.

"Senior Sister Tsunade's strange force fist is well-deserved." Li Zhenwu laughed.

Although he just faced Tsunade, he seemed to lift weight lightly, but he also weighed Tsunade's true strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that Tsunade's strange power is the strongest Li Zhenwu has ever encountered in this world so far.

It's just that this kind of power is not so prominent in front of Li Zhenwu today.

But if Tsunade's punch and kick did not fall on Li Zhenwu, but on the ground or on the mountain, it would probably also have the effect of the ground collapsing and the mountain cracking.

"No matter how strong the strange power is, can't it still put you under the slightest pressure?" Tsunade sighed with emotion.

If she was still a little unconvinced just now, then now all she has left is to sigh slowly about Li Zhenwu's tyranny.

"No wonder he is called the Konoha monster, he is indeed a monster." Tsunade couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Li Zhenwu smiled and said nothing.

The truth of the matter is not that Tsunade's strange force fist is not good, but that he has...

too strong.

… As the sun rose completely, the whole Konoha became more and more lively.

Many Konoha ninjas who are out have also returned to Konoha because of what is going to happen today, just to witness the birth of a new generation of Hokage.

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