
Electricity was constantly flowing on the remains of Yatagaras, and after a while, the aroma of barbecued meat filled the air...

Then, Li Zhenwu withdrew his hand.

He looked at the beasts Dao Payne and Xiao Nan.

"Spirituality seems to be useless against me." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The next moment, 21 he had appeared a few meters in front of Xiao Nan and the beast Dao Payne.

"So fast!" Xiao Nan felt Li Zhenwu's speed once again, so fast that she couldn't even see it clearly.

But the beast Dao Payne was really a little surprised.

His double pupils are the reincarnation eyes of one of the most magical eyes in the world, possessing various magical insights and various functions...

Rao is so, just now his eyes also spent a bit, but only in a trance did he see a figure flashing past.

Then Li Zhenwu had appeared in front of him!

"You who only rely on the animal way are not my opponent at all." Li Zhenwu stood in front of the two of them and said lightly to the animal Dao Payne: "Now, let the other ones of the six ways come out."

Li Zhenwu knows the ability of the animal Dao Payne, and the biggest special ability is psychic.

And the beast Dao Payne's psychic technique, not only does not require seals, but also can summon other of the six paths.

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, the beast Dao Payne's always indifferent face was a little dignified at the moment.

"Or, let the most powerful Payne Tiandao come out." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

"You actually know me so well." Beast Dao Payne said slowly.

"It's alright." Li Zhenwu nodded lightly. In fact, it was more than just Six Paths of Payne. Even in the entire ninja world, Li Zhenwu was almost familiar with all the famous ninjas.

After all, in his previous life, he was the one who chased after him to the end!

"Then let's talk about my ninjutsu!"

The beast Dao Payne made a sudden move, and he took a deep breath.

The next moment, from his mouth, he spit out... a foam that seemed to cover the sky!

"Water Escape - Foam Chaos!"

White foam, looks very clean.

Spit out from the mouth of the beast Dao Payne, as if overwhelming, instantly shrouding Li Zhenwu in it.

Moreover, the duration of this beast Dao Payne's technique was also a bit long, and it took him five or six seconds before he gradually stopped.

The bubble also has no source and slowly dissipates.

The bubbles dissipated, and where Li Zhenwu was originally standing, there was a layer of gold on his body!

"The ninjutsu of the Hinata clan can actually be used."

A strange voice sounded.

Li Zhenwu looked straight ahead, and then found that in the direction where the animal Dao Payne was standing, there were five more people around!

Moreover, these five people have different statures and appearances, but the same is that their eyes are all reincarnation eyes with swirling ripples!

Moreover, all of them have screw-like things on their faces, and they are also wearing red-bottomed cloud robes that represent the clothes of Xiao Organization!

"Liu Dao Payne has come out." Li Zhenwu looked at these six people with great interest, that is, Liu Dao Payne!Or even Payne Six Paths!

It turned out that when using the bubble wave, the animal Dao Payne did not expect this technique to be a threat to Li Zhenwu, so he only had one purpose, temporarily disturbing Li Zhenwu's sight!

Then taking advantage of this short gap, the beast Dao Payne has used the psychic technique to summon the remaining five Payne to his side!

Just when he opened his mouth to speak, the one who recognized Li Zhenwu's body's golden glow was the most powerful and special Heavenly Dao Payne among the six ways of Payne!

"Heavenly Way Payne, Human Dao Payne, Shura Dao Payne, Animal Dao Payne, Hungry Ghost Dao Payne, and Hell Dao Payne."

Li Zhenwu looked at Penn's Six Paths, and then, like counting, he looked at each of them one by one, and then pronounced a name!

"Unexpectedly! I know about Payne to such an extent!"

Xiao Nan was on the side, his wings moved slightly behind him, and there was an unconcealed surprise on his face.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire ninja world, no one knows Payne well.

And Li Zhenwu, the previously unrelated Konoha monster, now knows Payne like a treasure!

How can Xiaonan not be surprised by 970?

"Li Zhenwu, the tree-leaf monster." For a while, Payne and Liu Dao spoke together, and also read out Li Zhenwu's name and title, but different businesses had the same indifferent tone and rhythm, which was indescribably weird.

"You actually know God so well." Then Payne Tiandao spoke alone, his voice low.


Li Zhenwu laughed, and the laughter was not small, so that they could hear it clearly.

Then Li Zhenwu said with some disdain and ridicule: "The arrogant and arrogant people call themselves gods, but they don't have the truth of gods, but they call themselves gods."

Li Zhenwu was disdainful, although Payne's six-path ability was almost omnipotent, and some of the special ninjutsu he had possessed brought the eye of reincarnation to the extreme.

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