At this time, Li Zhenwu came to the land of thunder again after a long absence.

The last time he came to the land of thunder was because of the war between Konoha and the land of thunder, Yunyin Ninja Village.

It was during that war that artist Li Zhenwu destroyed more than half of the living force of Yunyin Ninja Village, allowing Yunyin Ninja Village to recuperate and only barely recover until now.

However, after so many years of recuperation, the Yunyin Ninja Village in the Land of Thunder has become calm and peaceful.

Li Zhenwu flew all the way from the sky, crossed the towering mountain peaks, and then approached the land of thunder - the Yunyin Ninja Village in the territory.

Yunyin Ninja Village is worthy of its name. It is surrounded by clouds and mist, with mountains and water, like a fairyland.

"Yunyin Ninja Village turned out to be like this." Li Zhenwu sighed with emotion. Over the years, he has quietly visited various ninja villages, but this is the first time he has really come to Yunyin Ninja Village.

In the sky above Yunyin Ninja Village, Li Zhenwu hides in the clouds, hiding his figure and will not be discovered.

Then he closed his eyes and quietly sensed the target he was looking for through his breath.

In less than a moment, Li Zhenwu had already noticed it.

"I found it, it happens to be the stomach alone!" Li Zhenwu turned his eyes and looked at the valley below, and then his figure moved, and the whole person flew down quickly.

 … 1

The two Yumu people practiced their ninjutsu alone in the valley near Yunyin Ninja Village.

"Squirrel Ball Jade!" She was constantly demonstrating her own ninjutsu, making her ninjutsu faster and more powerful.

And when her chakra was almost exhausted, she snorted, her whole body moved, and she was constantly exercising her physical skills!

For so many years, she has persisted in this way and let her strength, alas, improve little by little.

Over the years, she has often woken up from her dreams, and what she saw was the scene of a violent ape gorilla with a height of hundreds of meters, ravaging the Yunyin Ninja Village resident.

Although so many years have passed, and even many new ninjas in the village don't know what happened that year, for someone like her, who has experienced everything firsthand, everything is extremely clear.

That's what keeps her going.

"Over the years, I have become stronger and stronger. Compared with the past, the improvement in strength has doubled!" The two Yumu people were constantly exercising their physical skills, thinking to themselves. : "I am now! Even when I face that Konoha monster Li Zhenwu, I will never be afraid of him!"

Years of training have also made the two Yumu people full of confidence in their own strength!

She is illuminating the gap between herself and Li Zhenwu, but she is also tasked with the current self, and the gap between Li Zhenwu, the Konoha monster of the past, is not big!

Of course, this gap is not big, it means that the other party does not become that terrifying gorilla.

During the exercise, the two Yumu people had firm eyes and regarded Li Zhenwu as an imaginary enemy.

She has been like this all these years!

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

In front of the two Yumu people are the mountain, the rock, and the tree!She used these to exercise her physical skills.

Rocks are flying, trees are breaking!All of them are undoubtedly showing the super strength that she has persistently exercised over the years!

After exercising for a long time, the two Yumu people rested for a while, ready to continue this persevering practice.

However, at this time, a black figure descended from the sky and landed in front of her!

The eyes of the two Yumu people froze. She didn't have the reincarnation eyes like Payne's, and she had a transcendent line of sight that could capture dynamic figures.

Only after the figure in front of her eyes dazzled her, did she slowly see who it was.

That is, when the two Yumu people saw the figure that fell from the sky and landed in front of her eyes, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she said in disbelief, "It's you!!!"

At this moment, the two Yumu people thought that they were having too many nightmares, otherwise how could they suddenly see the scene in front of them?

"Hey, Miss Yukito, long time no see."

It was Li Zhenwu who fell in front of the two Yumu people.

Li Zhenwu raised his hand at this moment and greeted the two Yumu people with a warm smile.

What happened back then was nothing more than a different standpoint, and there was actually no filthy contradiction between the two.

So after so many years, Li Zhenwu didn't feel bad about the two Yumu people.

On the contrary, because the images of the two Yumu people are somewhat similar to 'cat ears', Li Zhenwu still has a good impression of her.

However, the two Yumu people who were opposite Li Zhenwu's 'Cat Ear Niang' obviously didn't think so.

After hearing Li Zhenwu's greeting, and seeing Li Zhenwu's tail that was not put away at the back, the two Yumu people clearly knew that they were no longer dreaming, but the Konoha who often wanted to appear as the center of nightmares. The monster has truly appeared in front of his eyes!

At this moment, the momentum of the two Yumu people suddenly burst out!

Chakra emerged from her body!And directly formed the tail beast coat, wrapping her body and body.

This was the first thing she did to Li Zhenwu!

"The Konoha monster! Die!"

The two Yumu people didn't think about why Li Zhenwu appeared here, her first thought was to attack!

(Recommend a book "Global Live Death Trial"! My friend's book has [-] words, and the character is guaranteed!)

Chapter [-] by the vigilance of the wooden man

If the ninjas of Yunyin Ninja Village saw the two Yuki people at the moment, it would be incredible.

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