"What is your purpose?" The two Yuki people calmed down and asked.

She thought about it carefully, and according to the strength Li Zhenwu just showed, if she really has any thoughts, she really does not have any reaction speed.

However, the resentment that the two Yumu people had accumulated over the years for Li Zhenwu still made her not feel good when facing Li Zhenwu.

In front of Li Zhenwu, there was a fire burning, which he deliberately lit when night came, and also provided a light source in this dark and dark environment.

The flames shone on Li Zhenwu's face. Facing the questions of the two Yumu people, Li Zhenwu said in a low voice, "I'm here to give you a piece of advice."

"What advice?" The two Yumu people frowned, not knowing what medicine Li Zhenwu sold in his gourd.

Li Zhenwu turned his head and gave her a meaningful look: "I hope you can survive the advice!"

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he shot a bullet in his hand!An unknown object flew towards the two Yumu people.

"Crack!" The two wooden figures reached out to catch them, but they couldn't understand what Li Zhenwu said, "What is this?"

The two Yumu asked, while looking at their hands, they found that it was a small round bean wrapped in a small glass bottle.

"A life-saving thing," Li Zhenwu replied.

What he gave to the two Yumu people was the fairy beans that could bring people back to life as long as there was one breath left.

The biggest reason why Li Zhenwu specially came to give the two Yumu people a fairy bean is that Li Zhenwu has a very good impression of the two Yumu people. If they can let her live, then it will be very good.

If the system tasks can be completed, then the entire Naruto world in the future will be regarded as Li Zhenwu's personal belongings, a person's back garden.

And this back garden is destined not to be empty!It is essential to embellish more people who are interested in Li Zhenwu.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu came here on purpose to change the fate of the two Yugi people who lost their tails after being drawn from the original book!

"When Ren Zhuli is separated from the tailed beast in his body, it is almost inevitable." Li Zhenwu said lightly: "But if you eat the fairy beans in time, you can let your own vitality, even if it is out of the tail. Beasts can still be safe and sound!"

What Li Zhenwu said still left the two Yumu people at a loss, not knowing what his purpose was.

However, Li Zhenwu said these words, and it was almost the same, so he stood up suddenly and left the last word of advice for the two Yumu people...

"When necessary, you can mention my name!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zhenwu stepped on his feet, the ground cracked, and his whole person had already ascended to the sky like a rocket, and then he flew away without falling down at all.

On the spot, the two Yumu people looked up at Li Zhenwu's figure, disappeared in the sky, and couldn't help but muttered: "He can actually fly..."

After recovering from this shock, the two Yumu people felt a strong sense of powerlessness, because they remembered that when they first started, after so many years of hard work and hard work, they were not even Li Zhenwu's enemy of unity. .

"As expected of a Konoha monster!" She couldn't help but sigh.

Then, the two Yumu people began to ponder what Li Zhenwu just said.

She looked down at the small glass bottle in her hand, opened it and brought the beans out, pinched it in her hand to observe, but could not come to a conclusion.

"Could it be poison?" She guessed maliciously, but she felt that it was impossible. Because of Li Zhenwu's strength, if he wanted her to eat poison, he could just forcibly suppress it with his strength.

The two Yumu people thought about it on the spot for a long time, but they still didn't expect that Li Zhenwu's action was to 'Xiandou' again, and he said something inexplicable.

These really made the two Yuki people feel inexplicable.

Until two days later...

The two Yuki people interrupted their practice for two days because they encountered Li Zhenwu.

Because in meeting with Li Zhenwu again, she received a huge blow, and even made her feel that her hard work over the past few years seemed to be in vain.

Because of her hard work, facing Li Zhenwu, she was defeated at the touch of a button.

After being bored at home for two days, the two Yumu people felt a little frustrated, so she left the village again and went to a valley some distance outside the village to vent.

Her way of venting is very simple, that is, she constantly releases ninjutsu, bombards the valley, and consumes her chakra.

However, after she vented for a while, she found that there were two more people in the valley.

"Looks like this is the two-tailed human pillar."

"Yes, the only person who can have such a huge amount of chakra and energy is the human column."

The entrance to the valley was blocked by two people.

They wore black 177 embroidered red cloud cloaks, and one of them also wore Taki Ninja's forehead guard and a mask on his face.At this time, the other one's cloak was half covering his body, and half of his arms were exposed, and he was carrying a strange sickle weapon in his hand.

As soon as she saw the two of them, the two Yumu people felt that something was wrong, so she was very vigilant.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in Yunyin Ninja Village?" The two Yumu people frowned and looked at them.

"It seems that we should introduce ourselves." The ninja carrying the scythe said with a smile: "Below are the followers of the great god of the abyss of blood and darkness, Feiduan."

"This one is a ninja who sees money, Kakudo."

Feiduan's hippie smile, not serious.

The two Yumu people frowned and didn't know the two ninjas. She asked directly, "What are you going to do when you come to Yunyin Ninja Village?"

"Yahahahah, the question is really straightforward." Feiduan gently waved the bloody March sickle in his hand, "Our purpose is very simple and pure."

"It's just for you, who are people and pillars of strength, but I didn't expect us to be so lucky. We met you outside the village. This is really a great opportunity given by God."

Chapter [-] Erwei was captured

"What the heck! Hurry up and fix it, we can still earn some money by doing a part-time job on the way back."

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