Chapter [-] Destroy the flying section! (please subscribe)

"I really don't have any other purpose, I just plan to save her life after she is extracted from the tailed beast." Li Zhenwu shook his head: "As for the tailed beast you mentioned, Ren Zhuli will die. , this is not absolute.”

It is indeed like what Li Zhenwu said, even in the original book, Gaara survived because of some accidents after being extracted from the tailed beast.And the eight-tailed rabbi, Ricky Rabbi, finally survived.

What's more, Li Zhenwu still has his own trump card, which can ensure the survival of the two Yumu people.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly: "I also have my own method, which will allow her to survive after being extracted from the tailed beast. As long as you don't make trouble on purpose."

"Hey, Konoha monster boy, why are you so arrogant in front of our Xiao organization!"

Li Zhenwu was talking to Tiandao Payne, but Feiduan behind him stopped talking.

He, and even the entire 21 Xiao organization, are used to being alone and wanton, but now there is a Li Zhenwu who is so casual in front of them.

The key is that Li Zhenwu still followed him to this base, which made Feiduan a little uncomfortable.

Li Zhenwu was in the sky just now, and he couldn't do anything, but now Li Zhenwu had already fallen to the ground, so he suddenly had some thoughts of his own.

"It seems that I should let you see the power of Uncle Ben and the power of Hexiao's organization." Feiduan took down the bloody March sickle that he carried on his shoulders and walked forward in two steps.

"I'll go first, you watch and then follow!"

Feiduan didn't care too much. Knowing that Li Zhenwu must have some skills, he also wanted to pull other people into the water.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bloody March sickle in his hand was suddenly thrown at Li Zhenwu!

Payne didn't stop him, because Feiduan had an immortal body, so Payne didn't worry about what would happen to Feiduan.

Instead, Payne warned the other members: "Don't shoot casually, once the Konoha monster starts, it will be very troublesome and troublesome..."

Payne said it seriously, but others were curious. The young and energetic Dirada asked directly: "Can't we defeat the Konoha monster with so many of us? Do we still need to be afraid of him? "

Payne glanced at Dirada, then replied in a low voice, "That's not necessarily true."

For Payne, or Nagato, who had personally witnessed Li Zhenwu's horror, he already had an intuitive understanding of Li Zhenwu. If he were to use one word to describe Li Zhenwu, it would be terrifying.

Terrifying strength, like a real monster!

In front, Feiduan's Bloody March Scythe had already flown in front of Li Zhenwu, and it was about to hit him directly.

It was at this moment that Li Zhenwu moved, he raised his hand, and with a 'patt', he already pinched the three-segment sickle with two fingers.

"Huh?" Feiduan was surprised. He didn't expect that the sickle he threw out would be pinched by two fingers. This was something he had never encountered before.

"Drink!" Feiduan let out a low voice, still holding the rope connecting the sickle in his hand, he pulled it back heavily!

Not moving.

He was pulling it back with force, but Li Zhenwu only pinched it with two fingers, but he couldn't pull it!

This is purely a force of suppression.

Feiduan took a deep breath and snorted again. The muscles on his arms suddenly exploded. He used all his strength again, grabbing the rope and pulling it back hard!

However, the sickle that Li Zhenwu held with only two fingers remained motionless.

"With your strength, it's better not to stand out alone." Li Zhenwu said with a chuckle, and then suddenly released his two fingers.

"Bangdang!" He was pulling the flying section of his sickle back like a tug-of-war, but at this moment he almost fell down.Rao is so, the sickle bounced back heavily, and suddenly collapsed to the ground, making a sound.

"Damn!" Feiduan felt very unhappy. He picked up his scythe, shouted angrily, and rushed forward. The bloody March scythe was raised high, and he was about to wave it down on Li Zhenwu's head. .

"A little, a little, just a little blood, I will let you experience the most painful pain in the world!" At this moment, Feiduan felt ruthless in his heart.

The members of Xiao's organization are all staring at this scene.They were also very curious that Feiduan's strange spell ability could kill Li Zhenwu.

"It's too slow, you can't do this." Li Zhenwu shook his head, the speed of Feiduan was too slow for his eyesight!

Moreover, Li Zhenwu didn't want to experience the Feiduan spell.Therefore, Li Zhenwu moved again.

When Feiduan was waving the sickle in his hand and was about to come to him, Li Zhenwu threw a leg!


Feiduan's body... was kicked out! !

From the middle of his body, where Li Zhenwu lifted his leg to 840, he was torn apart and burst open in the air!The whole body has become a stump of several parts.

"Okay... so strong!" Jiao Du couldn't help but look a little stunned. As Feiduan's teammate, he had the deepest understanding of Feiduan's strength.

Even if it is himself, if he fights Feiduan, he has to be very careful when he knows the other side very well. In this state, let alone solve Feiduan easily.

But now, Li Zhenwu simply kicked the Feiduan out of nowhere!

"If this shot hits me, will I die?" Jiao Du's face couldn't help but sank. He could hardly see the speed of Li Zhenwu's explosion just now.

"Ah, ah, I admit defeat!"

At this time, his body was torn apart, and a flying section with a neck on his head was still able to speak, and he was shouting: "It hurts to death, come and save me."

Almost everyone in Xiao's organization knew about Feiduan's immortality, so they were not surprised. Instead, they were immersed in Li Zhenwu's strength.

Jiao Du stepped forward silently, to help the chattering Feiduan, and bring his body together.

Chapter [-] Uchiha Madara! (Please subscribe!)

Feiduan was muttering, and Jiao Du silently put his body together.

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