Before opening her eyes, she remembered her previous situation.

He was caught by two weirdos wearing a black bottom and embroidered red cloud windbreaker, and he was unconscious. Then he opened his eyes and there was a group of people in that weird windbreaker surrounding him, using a ninjutsu to extract the second part of his body. Tailed beast!

That's right, tailed beast!

The two Yuki people suddenly figured out their situation, opened their eyes, and immediately sensed contact with the tailed beast in their bodies.

As a result, I found that my body was empty, and I couldn't contact the two-tailed beast!

The two Yumu were shocked.

Then, she discovered that her current state was not bad.

This is different from her impression that once she leaves the tailed beast, Ren Zhuli will die!He was quite healthy instead.

Moreover, the two-tailed pillar twisted and moved his body, and found that he was now being held by someone.

She stared, and suddenly realized that she was being held by Li Zhenwu.

"Li Zhenwu, the tree-leaf monster?"

The two Yuki people were surprised and did not expect to see this unexpected person.

Then, the first thought of the two Yumu people was to break free!

"Don't move, do you want to fall from this [-]-meter height?" Li Zhenwu said coldly.

Only then did the two Yumu people thoroughly look at the scene around them. There were white clouds everywhere, and the earth was infinitely far below. From here, you could see the music and see a big circle, and you could see the moon on the Internet as if it was very close.

"What's the matter? Why am I here?"

The two Yuki people calmed down a little, and immediately couldn't help asking, she had too many questions in her heart at the moment.

For example, before the Xiao organization attacked her, Li Zhenwu's actions were obviously related, and at this moment, after the tail beast was extracted, she had not died, but was alive and healthy.

"The two-tailed beast in your body was taken away by the Xiao organization, and I saved you. Now I'm going to take you back to the land of thunder and send you back to Yunyin Ninja Village."

Li Zhenwu explained it briefly.

"Xiao organization? Those people's organization, is it called Xiao? And after the tailed beast was extracted from my body, it still survived?"

The two Yuki people were still puzzled.

"I'll explain it to you slowly."

Li Zhenwu sighed, and then in his mind, he quickly searched for a reason, thinking about how to fool her.


The entire ninja world has been in a state of chaos recently.

Because the people of several major ninja villages were all plundered and taken away by a mysterious organization, this mysterious organization gradually surfaced, and its name was Xiao!

Almost, in addition to Konoha's Renzhuli, the other ninja villages in several major countries have their Renzhuli plundered.

This can make the whole ninja world lively.

What is Human Pillar Force?That's almost every village's nuclear-armed village!

But now, their 'nuclear weapons' have been snatched away by others, so how can they be calm?

The five big countries and the five big ninja villages were all lively, and they were all chaotic and chaos.

The emergence of the mysterious Akatsuki organization also shocked the entire ninja world.

Because of the intelligence, the members of Akatsuki's organization are almost all S-level wanted criminals in the major ninja villages in major countries, and each of them has committed extremely heinous crimes.

Now the actions of Xiao's organization make it even more difficult to see the purpose.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Akatsuki organization, the ninja villages of the five countries contacted and made a decision.

Let the Five Shadows Talk!

Just because of the Xiao organization, a meeting was held, and the five major countries discussed and discussed how to deal with the Xiao organization!

After all, every village clearly knows how powerful the human column force, or the runaway tailed beast, is.

And now, these terrifying tailed beasts have been mastered by a mysterious organization. If this organization has any evil intentions, then not any ninja village can easily bear it!

From the discovery of the Akatsuki organization's traces in the major ninja villages, the detection of Akatsuki's actions, to the decision to hold the Five Shadows Talks, it only took more than ten days.

This time, the Five Shadows Talk was initiated by Raikage of Yunyin Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Thunder, and it was held in the Kingdom of Iron near the Five Kingdoms.

The purpose of the five shadow talks is very simple.

Unite the power of the five major countries to discuss how to deal with and deal with the Xiao organization!

The reason why it was initiated by Raikage of Lei Zhiguo is because Lei Zhiguo was the first person who noticed Akatsuki's actions.

Because the two-tailed man Zhuli of the Kingdom of Thunder, after being taken away by the Xiao organization, returned safely, but the tailed beast in the body was indeed extracted by the Xiao organization.

Therefore, Raiying was furious and determined to fight against the Akatsuki organization, so he simply launched the Five Shadows Talk!

With the efficiency of the five major countries, the Five Shadows talks were carried out very quickly.

The shadows of the ninja villages of the five major countries all set off from their own ninja villages and countries, and went to Tiezhiguo for talks with the five shadows.

The fifth-generation Naruto Tsunade of the Konoha Ninja Village also brought 0.8 of his own guards, some of the village's comprehensive ninjas, and went to the country of iron.

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