The ninjas of the five major ninja villages are all gathering, and the Akatsuki organization is also preparing.

Li Zhenwu was silent and transcendent. To outsiders, he seemed to have invested in the Xiao organization.

But Li Zhenwu has his own plans, and the body ninja village, including Bai and the other three, has no doubts about Li Zhenwu, and will fully maintain and support Li Zhenwu.

Even if Li Zhenwu told them to trend, they might agree with kindness.

In the words of a book city, that is, many ninjas in the village of body ninja, almost all of Li Zhenwu's brain-dead fans!

The Fourth Ninja World War is imminent.

The ninjas of the five major ninja villages have all gathered together, ready to deal with the pressure from the Akatsuki organization.

On the Xiao organization's side, it was at this critical moment that some accidents happened.

A member of the organization, Itachi Uchiha... is dead!

Moreover, he died at the hands of his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke, and before his death, he completely transferred his pupil power to Sasuke.

When Li Zhenwu got this news, he couldn't help but sighed at the plot inertia of the world.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu is also ready to make a quick decision and complete his ultimate mission as soon as possible.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu went directly to the cave of the base camp of the Xiao organization.

"It's almost time, let's act quickly."

Li Zhenwu directly found Uchiha Obito and said to him.

"Indeed, it's time! The seven-tailed beasts have all been sealed into the outsider golems, and even the eight-tailed avatar Chakra can barely replace the eight-tailed. Now, there are only nine-tailed chakras left. , you can directly summon the ultimate form of the ten tails and continue the Eye of the Moon plan!"

Uchiha Obito's eyes flashed. In fact, apart from the Moon Eye plan, he also shouldered the plan to resurrect Uchiha Madara, but this plan requires the capture of Payne's Samsara Eye...

This plan, Uchiha Obito was put on hold for the time being, because he himself was not sure whether he could defeat Payne, who has six clones.

Therefore, this plan was stranded, and it was imperative that Uchiha Obito directly trained his identity as Uchiha Madara, led the Akatsuki organization, and started the fourth ninja war!

The real start of the Ninja World War came from the 'reincarnation of the dirty earth' performed by the pharmacist!

The pharmacist pocket, who almost completely accepted the knowledge left by Orochimaru, not only increased his strength, but also mastered the ninjutsu that Orochimaru once mastered.

Among them, the most outstanding is the reincarnation of the dirty earth!

That is to say, he has the pharmacist pocket who has the reincarnation of the dirty earth, so he has the confidence to cooperate with the Akatsuki organization and does not worry about other things.

Because, Yao Shidou was alone, and summoned an army of 'reincarnation of the dirty earth'!

Once Konoha's first-generation Hokage Senju, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and even other villages such as Jinjiao Yinjiao, Kirigin's famous ninja sword seven people, and even the former leader of Yuyin Ninja Village, known as It is the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo.

These once famous and powerful ninjas in the ninja world were all summoned by the pharmacist with their DNA on their phones!Directly formed the army of reincarnation of the dirty earth!

Yao Shidou also acted as the vanguard of this Ninja World War, and took the lead in issuing a gauntlet to the five-nation coalition, starting the real war!

The five-nation coalition, or the ninja coalition of the five countries, has come together in season and is ready to start a war against Akatsuki.

, The battlefield is chosen in a large plain, which is far away from the civilians, so even if the ninjas use their best skills to fight, it will not have much impact on the civilians.

However, more than [-]% of the ninja seasons in the world have come together. To start a war, it will inevitably cause turmoil in many countries, and the national situation is somewhat unstable.

Among them, the country of red beans has allied with many allies, and is ready to move...

In the ninja coalition, the Konoha camp.

Five generations of Naruto Tsunade sit here, with a serious face, in the same conference hall, there are some examples of strong jounin such as Kakashi pig deer butterfly.

"Are you ready to make peace with the coming war?"

Tsunade asked solemnly, at the moment of the war, no one can maintain a relaxed state.

"This time in the ninja world war, the main goal of Xiao's organization should be our village and Yunyin Ninja Village. After all, the only remaining people, Jiuwei, are in our village, and Yawei is in Yunyin Ninja Village! So! , we will have a lot of pressure!"

Tsunade mobilized before the battle while sitting.

"Don't worry, Tsunade-sama, we will definitely protect Naruto, and we will never let Akatsuki's plan succeed!" Kakashi's eyes flashed with determination.

"You must keep it, otherwise Akatsuki's plan will be carried out, then the whole world will suffer!" Tsunade said.

"I just don't know, in this, what role does Junior Brother Zhenwu play..."

(The last few chapters are about to end the Hokage! Now the countdown to the Hokage volume is over. According to the voting results launched earlier, the next world is the anime world! Stay tuned! Absolutely wonderful!!!)

Chapter [-] The real Uchiha Madara!

Great war!Great war!Incredible battle!

The reincarnated army of Yaoshidou's dirty soil directly started a war with the joint ninja of Wucun.

The battle is extremely fierce, and it is getting more and more intense!

Makino's first, second, and fourth Megumi Hokage were all summoned by Dirty Earth Reincarnation to deal with Makino.

However, in this battle, many excellent ninjas also emerged!

As a result, the direction of the war has changed.

The army of reincarnation of the dirty soil was destroyed one by one, and sent to reincarnation, and the soul ascended to heaven.

The filthy reincarnated army of Yaoshidou, after being arrogant for a while, gradually lost.

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