In the mouth of Uchiha Obito, it is his Sharinyan that will extract the cells of Qianshou, then become the second Sharinyan, and then resurrect Uchiha Madara.

But... Nagato doesn't believe that Uchiha Obito can make his eyes evolve into Samsara eyes so easily!

So, he was silent for a while, and then questioned: "So, after the reincarnation of the dirty earth, Madara Uchiha has to wait for a long time to be resurrected by you with the eye of reincarnation?"

"Yes, that's it."

Uchiha Obito was talking nonsense. In fact, their original plan was for Uchiha Obito to take away Nagato's Samsara Eye, and then resurrect Uchiha Madara.

But now, because of some accidents, things have developed too fast, and it has directly entered this stage.

"Don't be silly, call out the ten tails."

It was at this moment that Li Zhenwu flew down in the sky silently watching everything below, and then urged.

It seemed that it was going to be the end, but now there is suspicion among the plan executors. Seeing that the plan is not going smoothly, Li Zhenwu can't stay any longer, so he came down and showed up to push forward.

"who are you?"

Seeing Li Zhenwu falling from the sky, Madara Uchiha was a little surprised.

Yao Shidou also had a similar expression, because after entering the Xiao organization, he had heard about some 'relationships' between the organization and Li Zhenwu, but he had never really met Li Zhenwu.

And this is, seeing Li Zhenwu, Yao Shidou couldn't help but have an idea: "How could a person like Li Zhenwu join the Xiao organization?"

"This is Konoha's most powerful ninja in recent years, Li Zhenwu, who is known as the Konoha monster. Of course, he is not a Konoha person now." Uchiha Obito quickly explained to Uchiha Madara.

"So it is." Uchiha nodded, thinking that Li Zhenwu was just a ninja who joined Xiao's organization by bewitching Uchiha, so he didn't care too much, but he agreed with Li Zhenwu's statement.

Madara Uchiha looked around: "Now, can you summon the ten tails?"

"There are still eight and nine-tailed chakras, but it doesn't matter. Eight-tailed chakras actually already have a part. The only thing that is scarce is nine-tailed chakras!"

"Even if the nine tails are scarce, but now the outsider golem can turn into ten tails and appear in the world."

Uchiha Obito explained.

"I see."

Uchiha nodded his head: "Then, where is the Nine-Tails Juriki? Taking advantage of my current state, I'll grab the Nine-Tails Jiro first, and then summon the perfect Ten-Tails."

"You don't need the nine-tails anymore, just summon the outsider golem." Li Zhenwu said lightly beside him at this time: "It takes too much time to take down the nine-tailed man's pillar power."

"Well?" Madara Uchiha looked at Li Zhenwu, a little displeased: "Since we have to do it, then it is better to make things perfect and foolproof!"

Li Zhenwu directly ignored Uchiha Obito this time, but looked at Nagato, with an unquestionable tone in his voice.

"Summon the ten tails directly!"

Nagato's face was calm, but he quietly took a step back.

"I see Mr. Uchiha Madara, and it seems to have different opinions!"

Nagato feels like a good moment at the moment, the powerful Li Zhenwu and the real Uchiha Madara, who is the most famous in the ninja world, seem to be at odds with each other.

At a time like this, Nagato also wanted the two of them to have a fight with clams.

Li Zhenwu has already seen his thoughts directly, so Li Zhenwu didn't even wait for Madara Uchiha to react, and he said to Nagato indifferently: "Do you know why I left you alive before? If you refuse now, I don't mind killing you, anyway, there are other substitutes besides you!"

Although Li Zhenwu's words seemed plain, Nagato, who was in it, felt a cold and cold killing intent enveloped him, causing him to have a strong death crisis!

But at this time, Madara Uchiha felt that Li Zhenwu was too sharp and did not take himself seriously. He couldn't help but asked Obitu coldly: "Who is this kid? Such an arrogant tone."

Uchiha Obito's mentality is tangled, and he doesn't know if Uchiha Madara is an opponent compared to Li Zhenwu.

So he thoughtfully said: "In today's ninja world, there should be no ninja more powerful than Li Zhenwu."

"Is that so? No wonder he speaks so confidently." Uchiha Madara's eyes flickered, his figure moved, and he came to Li Zhenwu: "In this case, I would like to see the strength of the strongest ninja in the ninja world today."

"go away!"

Just as Madara Uchiha's voice fell, Li Zhenwu was already impatient for a moment, and slapped it out directly,

"So fast!" At this moment, Madara Uchiha only saw a vague shadow, but there was no extra reaction, and the whole person had been hit.


Li Zhenwu's slap landed on Uchiha Madara's body, and then Uchiha Madara was like a fly facing a fly swatter. Under this slap, like a gray wolf that was beaten away, the whole person flew out!

"Now, the ten tails can be summoned!",

Yakushidou, Uchiha Obito, and Nagato all looked stunned, but Li Zhenwu turned his head at this moment and looked at Nagato coldly.

There is nothing wrong with what Li Zhenwu said. If it wasn't for this moment, Nagato's life would not belong to him at the moment he offended Li Zhenwu!

Chapter [-] Confront the Ninja army!

Uchiha Obito was stunned, Yaoshitou was stunned, and Uzumaki Nagato was silent.

They were still immersed in just now, and the real Madara Uchiha was slapped and flew out.

"He's actually... so strong!" Yao Shidou's heart was a little horrified.

Uchiha Obito was silent.

Under the enormous pressure of Li Zhenwu and the severe threat of life and death, Vortex Nagato couldn't help but nodded slowly and took a deep breath: "I'll summon the Ten Tails."

Li Zhenwu stood aside and watched silently, waiting.

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