However, Li Zhenwu wanted to lead out the last big boss, Kaguya Otsutsuki, and he needed infinite monthly reading energy.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu just stood there, organized the Ninja army, and obstructed the Eye of the Moon plan.

Li Zhenwu raised his hand, and the golden thunder light gathered on his hand, making the sound of birdsong, and then a huge Leiqi blade extended from his hand, and then he drew a long line in front of him.

"Everyone, it's better not to cross this line!"

Li Zhenwu has not been able to disclose his purpose and plan to the public, so it is inevitable that he and his former relatives and friends of Konoha will be on the opposite side.

However, for his ultimate mission, Li Zhenwu could only delay for a while.

" be used by him like this!" Hatake Kakashi looked at Li Zhenwu's actions and was full of emotion.

Rachel is the ninjutsu 700 he invented, but now looking at the application of Li Zhenwu, he is more skilled and advanced than him.

Moments after Li Zhenwu demarcated the boundary, several Hokage reincarnated from the dirt couldn't help but ask the people around him, who is Li Zhenwu...

The silence didn't last long, Jie Xue Kai suddenly jumped out, but his face was serious and serious.

"Zhenwu, I don't know what your purpose is, but Uchiha Madara's moon eye plan, we must stop it!" Tie Xuekai said slowly: "So, I'm coming to fight with you!"

After he finished speaking, Jagged Kai didn't even wait for Li Zhenwu to answer, or even tried the trick, and already reached out to seal.

"Eight-door Dunjia! Open! Open! Open! Open! Open! Open! Open!"

As soon as Jie Xue Kai came up, he directly used the legendary Eight Gate Dunjia, and directly opened the Seven Gates!

With his voice, his breath rose again and again!

After the seven-door Dunjia opened, there was even a scorching chakra on his body! , the momentum of the whole body, no one can ignore.

"Mr. Akai... You should know that you are not my opponent." Li Zhenwu slowly shook his head: "What's more, I can do it too!"

"It doesn't matter, the so-called youth is to do your best and work hard." Tie Xuekai showed his signature smile at this moment: "Whether I can beat you or not, I still have to try."

"Take the call!"

Jie Xuekai let out a low drink, and the whole person has come to Li Zhenwu!

At this moment, his whole body is full of breath, and his speed is very fast!Even among the many high-powered ninjas in the ninja army behind him, few can see the speed of Jagged Kai at this moment!


Jagged Kai kicks, using Konoha Whirlwind, but!

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and held Jie Xuekai's leg!

"So fast!"

Countless people's expressions changed, including many ninjas behind them!

After all, they couldn't even see the figure of Tie Xue Kai, but they opened seven of the eight Dunjia like this, so strong that Tie Xue Kai was so easy to be stopped!

"Konoha Liu!" Jie Xuekai shouted again, and continued to do it!

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and blocked Jagged Kai's attack again. During this period, his body didn't even move!

"Mr. Akai, you are not my opponent now." Li Zhenwu sighed: "If I had not left Konoha back then, with your strength, I would definitely not be your opponent."

"But after so many years, the me who is about to enter adulthood is not something you can deal with by opening the Eight Gates of Dunjia."

Li Zhenwu sighed.

Jie Xuekai took a deep breath, distanced himself from Li Zhenwu, and shouted again: "Eighth Gate Dunjia! Eighth Gate! The door of death is open!"

A red light suddenly erupted from Jagged Kai's body, and red steam rose from his body!

"The Eight Gates of Dunjia are fully open!"

In the back, many Konoha ninjas felt a sudden shock.

Kakashi even more worried in his eyes!

"Once the eight doors are fully opened, it will cost life!" Kakashi looked at Jie Xue Kai's extremely dazzling figure, but his heart sank!

"Is this the Eight Gates of Dunjia of the Ultimate Profound Truth of Taijutsu..." Tsunade slowly exhaled, and there was worry in his eyes!

At the same time, Konoha's ninth class is almost all here, and there are also Li Locke and Hyuga Neji's team.

At this time, Hyuga Neji was also a little worried. Looking at Jie Xuekai's figure, he couldn't help but exclaim: "Mr. Akai has actually opened eight doors!"

Saying that, Hyuga Ningji looked at Li Locke beside him, wanting to see how Li Locke would react.

After all, on the field now, one is Li Locke's blood-related cousin, and the other is his master!

However, what surprised Hyuga Ningci was that Li Luo, who knew exactly what it meant by opening all eight doors, was looking at Jie Xuekai at this moment, but there was no worry in his eyes!

"Little Li, aren't you worried about Teacher Akai?" At this moment, Hyuga Neji couldn't help asking.

"I believe my cousin, he won't have any intentions with Konoha." Li Luo shook his head slowly: "Also, Teacher Akai, who has used the eight dungeons, may not necessarily die..."

"Why?" Hyuga Ningci couldn't help but said, "The last gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, but the gate of 'death'!"

Hyuga Neji clearly means that when the door of death is opened, what else does it bring while gaining powerful power!

In front of him, Jie Xue Kai, with his eight doors fully open, was full of arrogance, and his aura was even more powerful than ever. The overwhelming pressure could be felt by everyone present, and then Jagged Kai moved!

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