It's just that this trick of his was the first trick he learned with Jagged Kai back then.

"Konoha... Whirlwind!"

Jagged Kai's attack quickly distorted the space!And Li Zhenwu's late attack, but it is not inferior at all!

When Jagged Kai's 'Ye Kai' came to Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu's Konoha Whirlwind also greeted him in time.


At this moment, the kicks of the two of them collided!The surrounding space was violently distorted!

Even distorted to the point of exaggeration!It seems that this space will shatter when they use more force!

Huge air waves also spread from the center of the battle between the two!

In an instant, within [-] meters in diameter around their bodies, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the cracks reached thousands of meters!

At this moment, even some ninjas who were close to each other couldn't help being swept away by the powerful air wave!

That is to say, in this case, people did not see the result of the battle between the two.

"What's wrong? Who wins?" Many ninjas were anxious and couldn't help but stare.

The smoke slowly dissipated, revealing the scene at the center of the battle.

"Kai... still lost!"

For his better vision, Kakashi has opened his own reincarnation eye, and then he can see everything faster than others.

At this time, Jie Xue Kai was paralyzed and weak to Li Zhenwu's body.

On the other hand, Li Zhenwu was raising a hand, supporting Jie Xue Kai.

"It can be called the battle of the pinnacle of the ninja world!" Beside Kakashi, the fourth generation of Megami Feng Minato, who also saw these, said in a low voice, "And it is the pinnacle of Taijutsu!"

"Mr. Akai... is he dead?"

Hyuga Ningji stared blankly, Jie Xue Kai, who had lost the ability to move, seemed to be alive and dead, and couldn't help saying.

"Cousin will not let Mr. Akai die!" Li Locke's voice sounded aside.

On the battlefield, Li Zhenwu took out a fairy bean...

Chapter [-] The Thousand-handed Buddha and Susanoo!

Li Zhenwu shoved Xiandou into Jie Xue Kai's mouth, and in a split second, Jie Xue Kai, whose last weak breath was about to disappear, quickly recovered his breath, and he was about to wake up.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu slashed the back of Tie Xuekai's neck with a palm knife, and immediately opened Tie Xuekai's eyes, but his body had recovered, and he was out of the state of dying in the next second.

After solving Jagged Kai, Li Zhenwu looked at the ninja army.

The line he drew before has been destroyed between the battle with Jagged Kai just now.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu lifted it up, and once again condensed a long blade of Leiqi, and slashed in front.

"This is still the boundary, and those who cross the boundary are at their own risk." Li Zhenwu said lightly. His voice seemed to be a list, but it clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

The ninja army was silent. The scene of Li Zhenwu and Jagged Kai fighting just now was seen. The exaggerated physical skills and the distorted space all told how terrifying the battle between the two was.

So at the moment, people are stunned!

At this time, far behind Li Zhenwu, there was an inhuman roar that seemed to shake the earth.

"Has the ten tails been awakened?" Li Zhenwu flashed this thought, looked back, and saw the original rigid outsider golem, which has now become agile, and the ten tails are even waving recklessly.

"Then, the next step is who will become the ten-tailed man Zhuli, and then carry out the Eye of the Moon plan!" Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

In fact, he still has some concerns.

Because Madara Uchiha is the only one who sincerely and wholeheartedly wants to carry out the Eye of the Moon plan. Others, such as Uchiha Obito and Uzumaki Nagato, are just fooled by Uchiha Madara.

Therefore, with the current Samsara Eye on Uzumaki Nagato, it is still unknown whether he will become the Ten-Tailed Human Pillar Force and carry out the Moon Eye plan!

"No matter what, the Eye of the Moon must be carried out!" Li Zhenwu made up his mind!

... "Now the latecomers are really incredible. I think we need to take action together to be able to force the mother-in-law's line of defense."

On the side where Li Zhenwu draws the land as the boundary, among the ninja coalition forces, they are negotiating.

Headed by a few Hokage who were channeled by Orochimaru, in addition to Uchiha... Itachi!Then add the shadows of a few other villages.

In the previous battle, the ninja coalition had won the whole victory, and one sentence defeated the army of reincarnated soil.

Then Sasuke resurrected Orochimaru, and let Orochimaru 'return to the shore', and then reincarnated in the dirt, summoning many ninjas as helpers!

"Although Li Zhenwu is strong, he shouldn't be able to resist us alone." Uchiha Itachi had an indifferent expression and stepped forward: "We will do our best to break through, and we must stop Uchiha Madara's Moon Eye plan! "

Saying that, Uchiha Itachi took a few steps forward again, and the writing wheel eyes in his eyes suddenly bloomed!

"Suzu... can be!"

The huge red Susanoo rose up, the skeleton up to tens of meters, quickly solidified, and on one side was the ten fist sword, and on the other hand was holding the Yata Mirror, and there was also the eighth version of the hook jade in Susanoo. fingertips twitching.

"The descendants are terrifying, there is a junior who can perform the ultimate technique of Uchiha Hitomi, is it Susanoo?"

Qianshou Hasuma glanced at Uchiha Itachi, who was about to cross the border with Susanoo, and sighed a little, then said, "If that's the case, then I can't fall behind!"

Saying that, Qianshou Zhujian also took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand.

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