Madara Uchiha knew the identity of the person who attacked him, but he couldn't think of the reason!

However, his body continued to swell after a large amount of chakra poured into it.

And Hei Jue is also merging with this large amount of Chakra.

Everyone looked at this scene in horror, feeling that something was wrong!

A figure gradually condensed in this high concentration of chakra.

White robes, long white hair, hideous white eyes, the nine-gou jade on the forehead, and the temples that have the characteristics of the Kaguya clan...

At this moment, everyone present couldn't help but guide: "Who is this?"

"Finally out...Otsutsuki...Kaguya Ji!"

Li Zhenwu spoke slowly and pronounced a name.

Many ninjas were very surprised when they heard Li Zhenwu's words.

They couldn't help but think: "What is going on with all this?"

The state of affairs at the moment, all shows that a huge reversal seems to be taking place.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

A series of laughter suddenly appeared, from the black body of Hei Jue, he laughed wildly.

"Mother, I'm finally going to be resurrected!"

"Mother? What's going on at this time? Didn't I create it with yin and yang?" Madara Uchiha's face was full of disbelief.

"You created it?" Hei Jue laughed wildly: "Then you think too much, I am a great mother, the source of all the ninja world, it is said that Kaguya Otsutsuki was born with the will of her!"

"What's going on?" Madara Uchiha couldn't believe it.

Hei Jue laughed, watching Kaguya Otsutsuki's gradually resurrected figure, he couldn't help but tell all the past!

It turned out that Uchiha Itachi's Moon Eye was just a delusion, but it was just a rumor created by Kurojue in order to revive Kaguya.

Hei Jue was explaining, and many ninjas present at the same time also heard Hei Jue's explanation and learned the truth.

Finally, Hei Jue laughed and said to Madara Uchiha: "But you don't have to be sad, because the infinite moon reading will be realized, your infinite moon reading is just to resurrect my mother Kaguya, and Kaguya will be Realize the true unlimited monthly reading! Let all human beings have only one will left!"

"It's finally out, it's finally over!"

Just as Hei Jue was laughing wildly, a faint voice entered his ears. He turned his head and saw Li Zhenwu slowly rising up, face to face with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Although you are very powerful, you are not necessarily my mother's opponent."

Seeing Li Zhenwu, Hei Jue was a little nervous, because he also witnessed the power of Li Zhenwu!

Therefore, in fact, he was also very worried about what happened to Li Zhenwu.

So Hei Jue said: "Anyway, your purpose is to achieve unlimited monthly reading! Even if it is to be realized by my mother Kaguya, it is nothing!"

Hei Jue was really uneasy, because he was not sure, even if Kaguya Otsutsuki was resurrected, was Li Zhenwu's opponent...

Without him, Li Zhenwu's performance is too powerful!

But Hei Jue's words made Konoha's group of people, including many other ninjas, sink their hearts.

"Is this the real purpose of the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu? Infinite eyesight?"

It was at this moment that Li Zhenwu chuckled lightly. This laughter could be clearly heard by everyone!

Then, they all heard that Li Zhenwu suddenly smiled and said:

"When did I... say that my goal is to achieve unlimited monthly reading!"

"What do you mean?" Hei Jue's face changed, and his voice couldn't help but lose his balance.

"I asked Madara Uchiha to use Infinite Moon Reading as soon as possible, but I knew that only in this way could Kaguya Otsutsuki be resurrected!"

"And my real purpose is not to make the Eye of the Moon really come true. The whole world is caught in the illusion world of infinite moon reading."

"My real purpose, from the very beginning..." Li Zhenwu smiled and said his true purpose with some coldness: "It's Otsutsuki... Kaguya!!"

(I thought I could finish it in a few chapters, but I didn’t expect to write many more chapters! This is really coming to an end! The Naruto World will end within three chapters! Please subscribe automatically!)

Chapter [-] The fruit of the divine tree! (End of Hokage!)

Kaguya Otsutsuki had completely appeared and was completely resurrected. Then she opened her eyes and was about to praise Hei Jue twice, but found that something was wrong at the scene.

The place was a little quieter.

Therefore, Kaguya Otsutsuki turned his head to look, and found the dense army of ninjas.

"There are so many ninjas here." She sighed, but at this time she heard a voice from the side.

"You're finally out, Otsutsuki... Kaguya!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki turned around immediately, and saw a handsome ninja with a strong and sturdy appearance, but his body was mediocre, floating in the sky, looking at himself.

"Who are you?" Kaguya Otsutsuki asked.

Li Zhenwu couldn't help but smile. He was in a good mood. Seeing that his task was about to be completed, why was he unhappy?

At this time, Hei Jue quietly came to Kaguya Otsutsuki and explained to her in a low voice the origin of Li Zhenwu... and Li Zhenwu's powerful strength, as well as his real purpose.

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