At this moment, Qiyu was also looking at Li Zhenwu's thick and slightly raised black hair, and a pair of dull eyes like dead fish couldn't help but flash a hint of envy.

"Why, I became stronger, and he became stronger, but I was bald, he didn't!"

Saitama was somewhat envious of Li Zhenwu's hair.At the same time, he also knew that as he became stronger and stronger, Li Zhenwu, who exercised with him and persevered, was actually getting stronger and stronger.

But they never fought.

"I just watched TV, and the news said that a powerful geek just went to City A, and I'm leaving."

Saitama looked at Li Zhenwu and said.

"A powerful weirdo?" Li Zhenwu thought for a while, and then said, "I'll go with you, see and see, is this weirdo powerful?"

"Then you have to hurry up."

From City Z to City A, some people on the street suddenly felt like two winds were blowing past them, but when they turned their heads and looked, they couldn't see anything.

"Is it said in the news, what kind of weirdo is this time?"

The two moved forward at a high speed, even easily surpassing the speed of sound, and quickly went in the direction of the weirdo from City Z to City A.

"Did it say on TV how did this weirdo come about?" Li Zhenwu turned his head and asked as the two of them advanced at a high speed.

"No explanation, but I'll probably know when I see it. There are always a lot of weird people talking." Saitama replied.


The two are fast, but chatting casually, just like chatting on a walk, but in fact, they are moving at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound every second, 557 and even the two of them are carrying There were two winds.

"Naruto, have you finished drawing Chapter [-]?" The two were on their way and had nothing to do, so they chatted, and Saitama also asked.

Li Zhenwu's identity as a cartoonist has not been exposed to the public, but Saitama, who is a neighbor, knows it. Even Saitama, the otaku, is also the most "Naruto".

"It's almost there, let's go back and have a look." Li Zhenwu said casually, he was used to this, and occasionally he would show Saitama the comics he had drawn before sending them to the serialized newspaper.

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to what happens to Naruto." Saitama nodded.

"It will be exciting later." Li Zhenwu smiled.

Although the two chatted, the speed did not stop at all.

It didn't take long for them to travel from City Z to another city that wasn't too far away, City A.

At this point, the traces of the monster are obvious.

In a corner of the city, thick smoke is blowing, which is the trace of being destroyed by the powerful force of the weirdo.

"over there."

The two rushed over together.

Chapter [-] Vaccine Man! (third more)

Among the burning and smoking ruins, a little girl was standing alone and helpless, crying non-stop, crying: "Mom, mom."

A strange man with a purple body and a height of nearly three meters walked step by step, with some hideous colors on his face.

The weirdo walked behind the little girl, stretched out his big hand, smiled horribly, and then Ji shook his hand and held the little girl in his hand.

"Bang!" The weirdo shook his hand!

But he held a void!Because when he was about to touch the little girl, a figure flashed by and plundered the little girl away from his big hand.

The eccentric turned around and looked suspiciously, and found that beside him, there was a man in orange clothes who was holding the little girl at the moment.

On the other side, there was also a bald head in yellow clothes with a long cloak behind him.

"Saitama, I'm faster this time."

Gently putting the little girl down in his hand, Li Zhenwu turned his head and said to Saitama.

"Yes, you are faster this time." Saitama nodded, a little helpless, the two of them just came here at the same time, but Li Zhenwu was faster than him at that moment, so Li Zhenwu directly rescued the little girl .

"Who are you?" The weirdo asked with some displeasure in his voice.

Hearing the strange man's question, Saitama turned around, folded his arms, and his bald head was shining: "A person who is interested in being a hero, and another person who is essentially a manga artist but also likes being a hero."

Li Zhenwu smiled and did not answer, watching Saitama's performance.

"What? What the hell is going on at this time, not even a hero title." The purple eccentric said disdainfully.

Generally speaking, the registered heroes of the Hero Association will have a title of their own, so generally when the name is announced, the title will also be announced.

And most heroes who are not registered in the Hero Association will not have it.At the same time, almost those with certain strength will choose to register with the Hero Association. If they are not registered with the Hero Association, it often means that they are 'wild' and 'poor'.

The eccentric turned around, tall and burly, looking at Saitama and Li Zhenwu with all his muscles, and said, "I was born from the constant pollution of human beings - the vaccine man!"

The vaccine man patted his mouth and said with a vent.

"The earth is a complete life, people of the earth, you are the pathogenic bacteria that erode life on the earth!" The vaccine man said, his fists were clenched, his muscles were tense, his appearance was mighty, and there was a row of fine and sharp objects in his mouth that were very different from human beings. Teeth: "To destroy humanity and the harmful civilizations you have created."

"So I was born here by the will of the earth!" Said, the vaccine man swelled up, his body became bigger and bigger, and there were evil red lights in his eyes.

"And you are said to be interested, interested? Dare to deal with me, the apostle of the earth, just for this reason!"

The Vaccine Man has completely transformed into a monster two or three stories tall.

"Weird people really talk a lot." Li Zhenwu sighed: "Now that I know the origin of this weirdo, you don't need to ask any questions, he just said it himself."

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