"Does this remind me of three years ago?" Li Zhenwu looked at Saitama thoughtfully.

Just three years ago, Li Zhenwu just came to this world, and Saitama also killed a crab monster who became a crab because he ate too many crabs in order to save a kid whose jaw was split in half. The path of the hero of interest.

Moreover, from that time on, Saitama gave up everything, went to training with all his strength, and finally succeeded in possessing almost invincible power at the expense of his hair, and also realized his dream of becoming a hero.


Li Zhenwu stood by and quietly looked at Saitama holding the crab in a daze. From his face, he saw some confusion.

The so-called bystanders are clear, and the authorities are obsessed.

Now Saitama, in fact, also faintly feels that something is wrong with him.

And Li Zhenwu, as a bystander watching the changes in Saitama, has a deeper feeling and is more aware of what the changes in Saitama are!

The current Saitama, although he has gained great power, has also fallen into a kind of confusion!

To be more precise, Saitama is gradually losing his feelings!

The passion for fighting, the novelty of the real thing, the satisfaction after saving people, and so on, Saitama is gradually losing this series of feelings.

It's just that Saitama didn't really find out.

"Perhaps, the side effects of powerful strength, in addition to a hair, these are also included."

Li Zhenwu secretly sighed.

After Saitama was in a daze, he seemed to have made up his mind to buy the crab he had on hand as the staple food for tonight.

So, he took the crab in his hand and took it to the cashier to check out.

At this time, Li Zhenwu thoughtfully prepared to slowly walk out of the supermarket.


Suddenly, the supermarket shook violently.

The lights in the supermarket also dimmed.

The crowd in the supermarket began to panic and run around.

Saitama was still flipping through his wallet looking for change.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

The whole supermarket suddenly brightened up.No, to be precise, half of the supermarket suddenly lit up.

Because the other half of the supermarket has disappeared.

Saitama was still looking around in a daze.

And Li Zhenwu has slowly walked out of the supermarket, and said to Saitama without turning his head: "There is a giant..."

The loudspeakers in the city have rang loudly and violently.

"Emergency Evacuation Forecast! Emergency Evacuation Forecast!"

"A giant creature has appeared in City D! And it is approaching City B! Please evacuate nearby residents as soon as possible!"

"Repeat! City D..."

The emergency horns in every corner of the city kept ringing such sounds in a loop.

Moreover, in this voice, it also set a level for this disaster.


In this world, there are not only classifications for heroes, but also divisions for weirdos and monsters.

It is probably divided into: gods, dragons, ghosts, tigers, wolves according to the degree of threat, and sometimes it can also directly express the strength of monsters or monsters.

God: a crisis that could lead to the demise of mankind;

Dragon: a crisis that can lead to the destruction of several towns;

Ghost: a crisis that causes a town to cease functioning or be destroyed;

Tiger: a crisis that causes a lot of casualties;

Wolf: There are risk factors present.

And now the giants are ghost-level!Can easily destroy a town if no one stops it!

Li Zhenwu raised his head and looked at the huge giant. The body of several hundred meters was extremely terrifying, and the muscles of his body were so strong that he was naked and exposed. If he stepped on it at will, it would be a giant with a height of hundreds of meters. Pit, several houses were destroyed!

Chapter [-] The King of Biceps! (fifth more)

The giant's body is tall, and ordinary people may not even be able to see his face when he raises his head.

And now, the giant even waved his hand at will, and that huge palm can bring a strong wind that is even more powerful than a typhoon of level [-]!Destroy half the city.

Moreover, the giant's action is also extremely fast, and a random step can span hundreds of meters and cause the earth to shake.

Li Zhenwu and Saitama acted together... They were on the left and right, and they had already caught up with this giant.

Then, they bent their knees and jumped, and they had already jumped a few hundred meters to the shoulders of the giant.

At this moment, on the right side of the giant, there is a thin man in a white coat and a pair of glasses.

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