Thinking that the real base camp is below, the three of them entered the underground together from here.

The three walked side by side in the tunnel below.

But before he went too far, Genos stopped and said solemnly, "An enemy is coming!"

As his voice fell, there was a rumbling sound of running.

And after a while, there was a huge unicorn-like remodeler running towards this side with a human in his hand.

While running, the giant unicorn transformed man was still asking the person in his hand: "There are three humans, which one is the target?"

"The two on the left are yes." The one in the hands of the Asura Unicorn is actually the scientist of this evolutionary family, Professor Kinos.

But it's because the Unicorn transformed man at the moment is the strongest in the base and lacks sanity, so he treats Kinos like this.

Kinos was caught in the hands of the Asura Unicorn, and his whole body was sore, but he still replied.

"Only the two on the left? So, the one on the right is useless?"

Asura Unicorn smiled weirdly and frantically: "If that's the case, let's deal with this miscellaneous soldier first!"

With that said, the speed of the Asura Unicorn suddenly increased!Almost instantly, he came to the three of them.

Genos didn't even have time to react, the big hand of the Asura Unicorn had already knocked it off.

Genos was horrified, but the speed couldn't keep up, and he was about to be hit.

But at this moment, he felt his arm being pulled, and the whole body suddenly changed position.

"Bang!" Asura's unicorn's fist fell flat and hit the wall.

But Genos turned his head gratefully to look at Li Zhenwu who had just pulled him and rescued him from the attack of the Asura unicorn.

Li Zhenwu smiled, it was just a little effort for him just now.

"Huh? The speed is quite fast." After Asura's unicorn hit the air, the whole person didn't care, but continued to run forward.

On the wall, a door suddenly appeared, and the Asura Unicorn turned and walked in, while laughing wildly and said, "If that's the case, then come to this laboratory dedicated to fighting."

Chapter [-] Powerful Secrets (First Update)

"So complicated."

Saitama groaned.

Although he said so, but seeing that Li Zhenwu had already walked over, Saitama quickly followed.

After entering this battle-specific laboratory, they found that it was a unique place, and it was extremely wide.

And all around is made of a bright material, enough to let people let go.

The Asura Unicorn madly smiled and said: "Enough? This laboratory is specially used for the battle of the test items. No matter what kind of transformed person is here, they can let go and fight. Not only is there enough space, but it is also difficult to die. destroy!"

Asura Unicorn had just finished speaking, and a tongue of fire was already directed at him!

"Huh? What, a miscellaneous soldier actually shot first." Asura Unicorn said dissatisfied.

At the same time, along with the tongue of fire, there is also the figure of Genos!

Genos was still brooding about being nearly attacked just now, so he made the first move at this moment.

Genos pushed his legs and came to the side of the Asura Unicorn at a very fast speed. With a high-intensity firelight on his hand, he had been attacking continuously.




The center of Genos' palm continued to spurt fire, and his attacks continued to be applied to Asura Unicorn.

Even after a series of continuous attacks, he used his own unique trick.

"Machine gun fire!"

Genos' fist was like a laser, and the flames kept pouring out, hitting the Asura Unicorn.

But at this moment, the Asura Unicorn suddenly smiled, and slowly spit out two words: "White, stupid!"

Then, the Asura Unicorn just raised his hand and fiddled, and directly hit Genos, and let Genos' figure fly away uncontrollably.

Even, at this moment, all parts of Genos' body were smoking.


Saitama caught Genos who was flying upside down, and then Saitama said to Genos who was still struggling: "Genos, you are not his opponent, don't force it."

At this time, Genos even had electric lights flashing on his body, which was a sign that the parts on his body were damaged and leaking electricity.

Genos struggled to raise his hand, and aimed the cannon hole in his palm at the Asura Unicorn again. The next moment, a more powerful wave of fire was sprayed out.

However, in the face of these firelights, the Asura Unicorn on the opposite side took a slight breath and blew it out the next moment.


Genos' fire was blown away!

"Blowing back? Impossible!" Genos' pupils shrank in disbelief.

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