"Two teachers, you should all be qualified, right?" Genos asked.

Saitama couldn't wait to draw out the first half of his transcript... and then found that in addition to a score of [-], there was a suspected S on the certification list.

"Wow, as expected of Saitama-sensei, it's also S-rank, and it's bigger than my S!"

Genos is simple-minded, and subconsciously thinks that Saitama's grades should be better than his own.

At this moment, Saitama was also in a dark mood, and then he slowly took out all the transcripts, and then he was silent...

"Ms. Saitama, what's wrong?" Genos asked in confusion.

"Let me be quiet..." Saitama stood at the window alone, secretly holding his report card in his hand, and was quiet.

However, Genos' machine eye glanced by chance, analyzed the data, and saw Saitama's transcript.

Suddenly, Genos was surprised: "So it turns out, Saitama-sensei's is not an S, but a C, so looking at the first half, it seems to be a big S!"

"Stop talking!" Saitama stopped him.

At this time, Li Zhenwu also slowly took out his transcript from the envelope.

Genos and Saitama's attention was immediately attracted.

"Teacher Zhenwu, what's your score?" "Zhenwu, what's your score?"

The two were curious at the same time.

Li Zhenwu took out the report card, the above two data.

Score: 75.Certification: C.

Chapter [-] Countdown to Leave

Saitama's report card is [-] points...and then a C-level evaluation.

And Li Zhenwu took out his transcript for Saitama and Genos to see.

On this transcript, it is written that the score is seventy-five, but the certification is also C.

"Ah, Zhenwu, you are also a C." Saitama shouted, and at this moment he was suddenly less depressed and had some comfort.

"Yeah, this written test is a little difficult." Li Zhenwu nodded and said, he didn't get such a score on purpose, but he was really blind in the written test.

Therefore, although the physical exam is [-] out of [-], the written exam has only such a small score, which directly makes his grades the same as Saitama.

In fact, it is accurate to say that Saitama's results were also held back by the written test.

After all, Saitama's written test score was [-] points, which was even worse than Li Zhenwu's [-] points.

"Mr. Saitama, your written test score is five points lower than Mr. Zhenwu." Genos reminded him calmly.

"The difference isn't that big." Saitama said dissatisfied.

In any case, this time the test results are like this.

The three were about to leave, but were also stopped by someone to tell them something about becoming a hero.

In a certain room, it was empty. Genos, Saitama, and Li Zhenwu were sitting below. They looked at the stage, and the A-level hero named 'Sneek' was chattering on it.

Although on the stage, Snake talked vigorously, as a senior, he was teaching this newcomer a lesson, but Saitama was chewing gum, Li Zhenwu took out a comic and read it, only Genos occasionally listened to the stage What are the people talking about.

"Hey, as a C-level hero, when my A-level senior speaks, you should pay attention!" Snake couldn't help but said dissatisfiedly, looking at Saitama and Li Zhenwu.

"You say yours, we'll go home after that." Li Zhenwu yawned.

"Hmph, two boys without seniors."

Snake snorted twice, then waved a few people away.

But after the three left, Snake faced another member of the Hero Association and complained: "Today's newcomer, it's too outrageous!"

Li Zhenwu and Saitama returned to Z City together, and parted ways with Genos on the way.

But on the way back, he ran into someone blocking the way.

"Well, is this the Snake?"

Saitama looked at the people blocking the way.

Snake stood in front of Saitama and Li Zhenwu, and put on a starting gesture: "Since you have joined the Hero Association, in addition to the rules on the surface, I should also tell you some unspoken rules. !"

Snake smiled sinisterly: "This is the 'disappointing power' that old members will give after new heroes join!"

"You two, you can shoot together!" Snake reached out his hand and looked at Saitama and Li Zhenwu with disdain, really planning to teach them a lesson.

"Saitama, go and deal with him."

In the face of Snake's provocation, Li Zhenwu and the two were indifferent, and even Li Zhenwu said so to Snake.

"OK, all right."

Saitama nodded.


Hero Association A-level hero, Snake, flutter.

The two returned to their residence, and Li Zhenwu came to Saitama's house.

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