Li Zhenwu is a Saiyan, and Saitama is almost the strongest in the universe, and he is the protagonist of destiny, with great luck on his body.

Therefore, if the battle between the two is placed on the earth, I am afraid that the earth will be destroyed by their battle.

Therefore, they chose to fight in the boundless cosmic vacuum.

Fortunately, both of them are not mortals. As a Saiyan, Li Zhenwu has the ability to survive in a short vacuum, while Saitama, as a powerful earthman, can also survive in a vacuum for a short time.

Therefore, their battles were brief and intense.

During the battle, Li Zhenwu didn't even use any of his own ninjutsu.

But just like Saitama, he uses his body to fight.

Finally, in his mind, the sound of the system came successfully.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task! Now the reward has been issued!"

After the sound of the system sounded, Li Zhenwu felt that there was an energy bursting out of his body, which directly fused the energy of the Saiyan bloodline and the fruit of the divine tree that were tangled in the body.

It was at this time that Li Zhenwu felt a sharp pain on his forehead.

Then suddenly, Li Zhenwu's vision changed.

Just like an extra eye, he also has an extra perspective!

"Ah?" Saitama looked at Li Zhenwu in a stunned manner, and found that Li Zhenwu had an extra erect eye on his forehead.

"It's really an alien, not only has a tail, but also a third eye." Saitama stared blankly.

Then, in Saitama's eyes, Li Zhenwu suddenly stretched out his hand and punched in front of him, and then the space shattered, leaving a black hole-like channel overflowing with light.

Then, Saitama heard Li Zhenwu's magnificent voice, but it spread in the vacuum: "Saitama, I'm leaving this world!"

"Eh? How can he still speak to me?" Saitama was puzzled, because they were still in the vast space, in a vacuum environment, and the sound could not be transmitted.

But Li Zhenwu managed to let his voice spread.

Saitama didn't struggle with this question for too long, because he felt a deep resentment in his heart.

After being together for almost three years, Li Zhenwu has long become his best friend, but now he is leaving.

And this departure is still leaving the world, which means that they may say goodbye forever in the future!

I just heard Li Zhenwu continue: "If there is a chance, I will come back to see you, and I have already handed over the "Naruto" to the publishing house to draw the next, as for the proceeds of this comic, I will return it in your name!"

Li Zhenwu didn't say much, because the passage to leave the world had already been opened, and there was not much time left for him.

Li Zhenwu looked at Saitama, who was suspended in the vacuum, and the earth, which was still very far away, and said, "Finally, I will send you back to earth!"

Before, when the two left the earth and came to space, Li Zhenwu came out directly through the dance of the sky.

And Saitama, after bouncing off the earth to remove the atmosphere at first, was brought here by Li Zhenwu.

Saitama himself does not have the ability to fly, so if there is really no Li Zhenwu, Saitama will have some trouble returning to Earth by himself.

Li Zhenwu came to Saitama's side, hugged and hugged him, then grabbed Saitama hard, and threw him in the direction of the earth.

"Goodbye Saitama! There's a chance to see you again!"

Li Zhenwu's voice spread through space in space and reached Saitama's ears.

Saitama was very helpless, opened his mouth, but could not make a sound, or the sound could not be transmitted in a vacuum environment.

In the end, some of Saitama's words were not conveyed after all, and the whole person was thrown to the earth. At the same time, he turned back slightly and watched Li Zhenwu step into the overflowing channel!

"After more than three years, I finally left!"

Li Zhenwu stepped into the passage. This passage directly broke the boundaries of the world, allowing him to break through this world and go to other worlds.

In the world of One Punch Man, he stayed for three years, and during the three years, he watched Saitama grow stronger and stronger.

And in this process, Li Zhenwu's own harvest is also not small!

Not to mention anything else, the current Li Zhenwu is already an adult Saiyan.

In addition, because he has completed the task, he has obtained all the energy of the fruit of the god tree.

Moreover, the qi in his body has also continued to improve during this period of time, and it has reached the point of blasting the planet.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Li Zhenwu is not too far away from turning into that Super Saiyan.

What is lacking now is just continued accumulation and an opportunity!

Li Zhenwu stepped into the passage, as if it was just a moment, and it seemed like countless hours, and then he had already appeared in the sea of ​​​​empty.

In this Void Realm Sea, there are Void turbulence everywhere, which can easily crush everything.

The last time he crossed, Li Zhenwu was suppressed because of his ability, so he had to rely on system protection.

But now, his body is covered with thick chakra and a gaseous protective cover, but he can barely survive.

In the Void Realm Sea, Li Zhenwu looked around, even the Jiugou Jade Samsara Eye on his forehead was shining brightly, looking for the next world he wanted to cross.

Raised, his eyes stopped on a 'bubble' in the distance.

In the boundary sea, every bubble is actually a world.

As for this 'bubble' locked by Li Zhenwu, you can faintly see that there are several beads floating inside the bubble...

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