The universe does not count years. In this state, Li Zhenwu flew for a long time before slowly approaching the stars.

Then, Li Zhenwu also saw the life planet he wanted to find as he wished.

At that time, there was a red star all over the body, and on the surface of the planet, there was a white atmosphere surrounding it.

And next to the planet, there are two satellites that emit bright yellow and colored light, that is, the moon.

"Life planet!" Li Zhenwu was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately increased the speed again, and slammed towards the discovered life planet.

In the process of flying over, Li Zhenwu also felt that the appearance of the planet at this moment seemed a little familiar.

As he approached the planet, Li Zhenwu felt the same kind of breath...

(Recommend a book, written by a friend, "The Evil Judgment of Martial Arts"!)

Chapter [-] Star Vegeta!

When he was about to enter the red planet at this moment, Li Zhenwu suddenly realized where he had come.

Star Vegeta!

Saiyan planet, Vegeta!

When he realized this, Li Zhenwu felt a little joy in his heart.

Because Star Vegeta still exists, that means the plot hasn't started yet!

Since the plot hasn't started yet, Li Zhenwu doesn't need to face a character with a combat power of over [-] million as soon as he comes up.

You know, in the Dragon Ball world, people's general fighting power has risen since Frieza's plot has passed.

Even in the later stage, even the combat power of becoming a Super Saiyan is not the highest level.

Li Zhenwu naturally did not want to enter that time period.

Therefore, after seeing Star Vegeta in front of him, he was also slightly happy.

This also means that he can grow as much as the characters in the plot and slowly improve his combat effectiveness.

Li Zhenwu thought while his body had broken through the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta.

In his induction, there are many Saiyan breaths on this planet, but apart from the breath of intelligent races like Saiyans, there are no other intelligent races.

This also means that the current timeline is an unknown number of years before the official start of the plot!

You know, Planet Vegeta was not originally called Planet Vegeta, or even the hometown of Saiyans.

Formerly known as Planet Planet, the original inhabitants were peace-loving Planters, who were later invaded by Saiyans. Slowly, in the generation of King Vegeta, it was renamed Planet Vegeta.

Therefore, if Li Zhenwu wants to determine the timeline, he must know whether King Vegeta already exists in the Saiyan race.


Li Zhenwu's figure broke through the atmosphere, his body directly suspended there, and then he looked up, looking for the largest city, and then flew directly down.

Along the way, Li Zhenwu did not hide his breath!

In the Dragon Ball world, all warriors are very sensitive to breath.

Not to mention the Saiyans who are fighting races!

Coupled with Li Zhenwu's undisguised breath, it made him look like a beetle in the grass!Conspicuous like fireflies in the dark!

Because of this, Li Zhenwu flew down, and before he flew to the ground, a Saiyan flew into the sky and stopped in front of Li Zhenwu!

This Saiyan is not tall, but a little short, but his aura is absolutely not to be ignored!

The slightly raised hair, the black beard around his mouth, the resolute face, the battle suit and the cape behind him reminded Li Zhenwu of a person.

"Who are you? Why did you come to Star Vegeta?"

This Saiyan looked at Li Zhenwu like a great enemy, because the breath from Li Zhenwu was very powerful!He didn't even dare to take the initiative!

After a while, other Saiyans came one after another behind this Saiyan, and some even asked, "King Vegeta, who is this person? An enemy?"

Star Vegeta!King Vegeta!

Immediately, Li Zhenwu confirmed his guess that the little Saiyan in front of him was the last Saiyan king, King Vegeta!

"It turns out that this place has been renamed to Star Vegeta." Li Zhenwu sighed with emotion, he found himself in a good time period!

The time now is when the plot has not yet begun, but it is also the time when the plot is about to unfold!

"Who the hell are you?" King Vegeta couldn't help but ask again, but this time the question was a little dignified.

Because judging from Li Zhenwu's words just now, it is really difficult to distinguish between friend and foe.

In fact, if it wasn't for the aura that Li Zhenwu released at the moment too strong, as a tyrannical and wanton Saiyan, I am afraid that he would have come up and killed Li Zhenwu long ago.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and the tail that was originally tied around his waist was quietly revealed, swaying gently, and then Li Zhenwu smiled lightly: "Can't you tell from my appearance?"

The yellowish complexion, black pupils, slightly raised black hair, and the fluffy tail that swayed gently behind him suddenly surprised and surprised King Vegeta: "Are you a Saiyan?"

King Vegeta was a little surprised, because Li Zhenwu's breath was too strong, even overshadowing him, the king of Saiyans who is currently the strongest among the Saiyans.

"If it's fake." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, but nodded to confirm his identity.

King Vegeta looked at Li Zhenwu in astonishment. Saiyans are not many, and the strong are respected, and the weak are almost all sent to weak planets to conquer and conquer other races.

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