When the Turtle Immortal moved, it was very fast.

At least in the eyes of onlookers, it can cause exclamations.

"As expected of Mr. Wu Tian, ​​the speed is so fast, I can only see some afterimages!" Ya Mucha said intently.

"Mr. Wu Tian and I still have some gaps." Ke Lin couldn't help but said, seeing the speed of Immortal Turtle at the moment, he felt that he was still close.

Other ordinary onlookers were even more exclaimed.

Wukong, on the other hand, was staring at Li Zhenwu's reaction.

I saw Immortal Turtle came to Li Zhenwu at a very fast speed, and his whole body was already jumping up, and he raised his hand and slashed with a knife.

It was only when Li Zhenwu was about to hack into Li Zhenwu's body that he moved.

Chapter [-] Racial Talent

When Immortal Turtle's hand knife came near Li Zhenwu's neck with a sharp whistling sound of breaking the air, Li Zhenwu started to do it.

In the eyes of many bystanders, they could only capture a faint afterimage of the Immortal Turtle's attack, so it was hard to imagine how such an attack would be followed.

"This man is miserable!" said a bystander.

And Wukong was concentrating. In his eyes, he was able to see the trajectory of Immortal Turtle's shot. Naturally, he also saw Li Zhenwu's shot!

At this moment, Li Zhenwu raised his hand!

Others couldn't see it, but Wukong could see it clearly. Li Zhenwu raised his hand with this blow, which was different from the traces he could clearly capture of the immortal turtle.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu seemed to shoot at will, so that Sun Wukong himself only saw an afterimage.

Then, in the eyes of countless onlookers, the originally blurred afterimage of Immortal Turtle suddenly stopped, and the whole person was clearly revealed in front of everyone.

"Stop, stop?" Yamucha said in surprise.

"It didn't stop, it was blocked." Ke Lin opened his mouth wide.

"It actually blocked such an attack!"


The state of Turtle Immortal and Li Zhenwu showing and coming out made the scene unbearably noisy.

Because the original attack speed was so fast that the immortal turtle whose figure was blurred, the whole person stopped in the air at this time, and the hand knife he originally attacked was caught by a big hand that seemed to be light but unbreakable!

That is to say, because the hand knife was caught, the Turtle Immortal couldn't fall down.

"Clap!" "Put!"

Immortal Turtle tried hard, but couldn't pull his hands out. For a while, his legs and legs couldn't help but kick in the air, but they couldn't reach the ground.

This scene is surprising.

Because Li Zhenwu not only blocked the Immortal Turtle's attack, but judging from the current situation, it seems that he has also subdued and subdued Immortal Turtle!

"I underestimate him..." At this moment, Immortal Turtle flashed such an idea in his mind.

But it was at this time that he faced Li Zhenwu squarely, but he was ready to use his powerful state.

I saw him take a deep breath, and his whole body was about to swell up because of qigong.


At this time, Li Zhenwu released his hand in time.

Immediately, Immortal Turtle fell from the air, and he suddenly fell to the ground, but the ground shook slightly.

Li Zhenwu took a step back, with a faint smile on his face, waiting for Immortal Turtle to continue to attack.

"Good boy, I'm going to be serious." Turtle Immortal took a deep breath and said slightly.

In fact, Immortal Turtle had already used [-]% of his strength just now, but he didn't expect Li Zhenwu to be so powerful.

As a result, not only did his [-]% of his strength not pose a threat to Li Zhenwu, but he almost threw himself on the street.

At this time, Immortal Turtle got serious.

"Come on." Li Zhenwu nodded, waiting for Immortal Turtle to continue attacking.


This time, the ground of the stadium where the Turtle Immortal was originally under his feet suddenly exploded!The ground was originally made of high-strength materials, and a large hole was formed, and there were cracks about four meters in diameter around it.

This time, everyone was shocked.

Many onlookers couldn't help but step back, because in the whole venue, they could feel the power of the Turtle Immortal, which is only the aftermath!

If the speed of the turtle fairy just now, some people can see the afterimage, then most of the current turtle fairy can't capture his figure!

This time, the speed was higher than before, and the Turtle Immortal, who was abruptly raised a step, came to Li Zhenwu's side in an instant!

Then Turtle Immortal simply punched out!

The battles in Dragon Ball World are simple and straightforward, just pursuing great power and speed.

Because, as long as your speed is up and your strength is enough, then the other party's fancy moves are all for nothing!

Therefore, the battles in Dragon Ball are straight-forward!Just fists meet!Fist to fist, foot to foot.

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