This is when Li Zhenwu changed his clothes, so naturally he couldn't use his real name, so he directly borrowed the name of his cousin Li Locke in Naruto World to participate in the competition.

"It's amazing, he can actually breathe fire!" Wukong couldn't help saying.

"It's amazing!" Ke Lin was surprised, then turned to ask the immortal turtle beside him: "Mr. Wu Tian, ​​what kind of move is he? It's so powerful."

Immortal Turtle was disguised as 'Chenglong' (a homophonic sound here) at the moment, wearing a Tang suit with his hands behind his back, squinting at Li Zhenwu's shadow avatar, slowly shaking his head.

"I don't even know where this is coming from."

"However, on the surface, this Li Locke's attack still has a certain amount of damage. The fireball he spewed out was much higher than the normal flame temperature."

"Mr. Wu Tian, ​​how did you know?" Ke Lin asked curiously.

Immortal Turtle said with a smug smile: "Many chemistry books say that, the temperature and color of the flame have a certain relationship."

Yamucha was on the side, stared at Li Zhenwu's shadow avatar, and asked Immortal Turtle, "Mr. Wutian, if you use qi to defend against this level of flame, can you defend against it?"

"It shouldn't be a problem." Turtle Immortal replied.

The Turtle Immortal didn't care about any flames.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, it is incredible.

Especially the variety of ninjutsu shown by the shadow clone.

In addition to Fire Dun, Shadow Clone also used Water Dun and Lei Dun, each of which was eye-opening for the audience here.

At the same time, the shadow clone also quietly became what the host said: "Champion Popular!"

No way, because the fighting method of shadow clone, compared to the simple and direct fist-to-meat fight in this world, is really gorgeous and splendid, so it is particularly eye-catching.

The shadow clone neatly entered the top sixteen.

In the current Dragon Ball world, strong people such as Wukong and others are also relatively powerful.

But apart from their group, most of them don't even know what 'qi' is, so they are easy to deal with.

The top [-] players were selected, and then the top [-] players played against each other again to compete for the top eight.

Then the next day, the quarter-finals will be held, and the final champion and runner-up will be directly selected!

The opponent assigned by the shadow clone is a human wolf...

Or, a strange person, or a strange monster.

Because he is somewhat similar to a werewolf, but also the opposite.

In normal times, the human wolf is the image of a standing werewolf.

On the night of the full moon, he can become a human being.It is said that he became like this because of some kind of curse.

"The world is full of wonders." Li Zhenwu looked at the human wolf and sighed.

Li Zhenwu has a little impression of this human wolf. In the original book, the human wolf entered the quarterfinals.

It's just that in the quarter-finals, Chenglong, who was dressed up by the immortal turtle, was thrown into the street.

Now, because of the intervention of Li Zhenwuying's clone, Human Wolf obviously cannot successfully enter the quarterfinals like the original.

After all, he encountered Li Zhenwu's shadow clone as an opponent.

However, the wolf himself does not think so.

The human wolf looks like a werewolf, with a big mouth, revealing blood, and on the stage, he grinned at Li Zhenwuying's clone 'Li Locke': "Although your moves are very fancy, but when you meet me, it's best to Obediently surrender and admit defeat, or you will suffer later!"

"Oh?" Shadow avatar raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect this human wolf to set up a flag like this.

"If that's the case, then try it."

After 4.2, the shadow clone shrugged and said.

"Start!" The host held the microphone and shouted violently.

After the violent drinking, the host himself jumped out of the stage in a hurry to avoid accidental injury.

"Roar!" The human wolf had already let out a wolf's roar, and then his limbs kicked fiercely on the ground, and the whole person had already rushed towards the shadow clone!

The shadow clone stood there and didn't move, letting the wolf rush over...

(I haven't been in good health for the past few days, so I went for a check-up. The doctor said it was arrhythmia and low blood sugar. Please pay attention to rest, you must go to bed early, and you can't use your brain too much... I'll take a little rest, there are only two shifts today, next An update is tomorrow morning or 4 noon.)

Chapter [-] Human Wolf!

The human wolf grinned, and his sharp canine teeth flashed with a cold glow, and rushed towards the shadow avatar!

The werewolf form of the human wolf is not only the power and speed far beyond that of ordinary people, but also the habit of the wolf, so there is a smell coming out of his mouth...

The shadow clone already has five senses, and the disgusting smell from the pavement made his brows slightly wrinkle, and he couldn't help but move side by side like a parallel movement, leaving a phantom of the wolf.

The berserker wolf started to use all his strength, and at this moment, the shadow clone suddenly moved to the side, and his eyes suddenly became round!In front of him, Li Zhenwuying's clone disappeared, and he himself would fall directly from the ring!

In desperation, the man wolf rolled and threw himself on the ground, buffering the momentum while rolling on the side to reverse the direction.

After turning five or six laps in a row, the whole wolf was dizzy and dazed and looked up, opened his eyes and saw Li Zhenwuzhen looking at him with a strange 21 expression.It seems incredible.

The audience outside the venue burst into laughter when they saw this scene.

"Haha - no way, my stomach hurts."

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