The spectators in the stadium saw this incredible scene, and the corners of their mouths trembled, the wolf was helpless!too weak!

In other words, Li Rock player is too strong!

The appearance of the shadow avatar is ordinary, but the world of Longzhu is not a world that only looks at the face!The most important thing is strength.

Defeat the terrifying-looking, frightening wolves with ease.His bland appearance seemed to have grown taller.The audience in the ring looked at him frantically and shouted.

"Li Locke!"

"Li Locke!!"

In the voice of the crowd, the wolf knows that he will lose and murmurs to himself: "No, I have to avenge the moon."

Hearing his whispers, Li Zhenwu frowned, and when he came here, he had noticed one thing, that is, there is no moon on the earth!In other words, the number one martial arts in the world three years ago was eliminated by the Turtle Immortal with Turtle School Qigong.

A werewolf transforms into a werewolf during the full moon, and is in human form on weekdays.He had already guessed the reason, and as far as he knew the moon was destroyed when it was full.

Seeing that he was quite pitiful, Li Zhenwu, who was idle and bored, asked, "Are you trying to become a human again?"

"That's right, I just want to become a human! But, woo woo, my poor moon, woo woo," the human wolf was still half fierce at the moment, more like a wounded puppy whimpering.

He asked suspiciously, "Uh, isn't it good for you to be a werewolf? Your strength is stronger than that of a human."

"Who wants to be a werewolf! Woohoo-every girl sees my hair and dumps me right away. I want pretty girls! I want to counterattack!" he roared hoarsely.

Co-authoring this is still a lust | wolf.

Li Zhenwu still has a lot of doubts about this guy. After all, he often heard stories about werewolves when he was very young.

Puzzled: "Why don't you find a werewolf girl?"

"Who wants a furry werewolf girl!! I like bald, smooth skinned human girls."

The referee looked at the scene in front of him and raised his glasses.This is so weird, the two players actually started chatting on stage!

The world's No. [-] Martial Arts Club has never seen such a situation.He didn't even know what to say.

The shadow clone on the ring rubbed his chin, looked at the pitiful wolf in front of him and said, "Well, I'll make a moon, and you can change it back."

On the wall at the edge of the arena, Monkey King and Colin, who were lying on the wall, whispered.

"Wukong, isn't this Li Luo exaggerating when he said he could make a moon?"

"I don't know, but I feel like he can do it."

"I think he's making fun of wolves. Then trick him into admitting defeat."

When the two were talking, a tall man with a third eye came over.Tianjin Fan said disdainfully: "Just rely on him? Also making the moon, a joke!"

The dumpling floating following him made a face at the shadow clone, and said in disbelief, "Liar."

At this time, the two of them are the same as most Longzhu bosses or enemies, and they have not turned their backs on evil.Later, they will become an important force in the Sun Wukong camp.

At this moment, the exclamation from the audience immediately attracted the attention of several people.When they looked at it, they were shocked to find that the shadow avatar was pushing forward with both hands, like a moon god holding the hanging moon!It's still small, but it's growing rapidly.

Tianjin Fan and Dumpling watched this scene in shock, unbelievable that someone could make the moon.But Ke Lin covered Sun Wukong's eyes for the first time, because once Wukong saw the moon take shape, he would definitely become a terrible gorilla who lost his mind.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's body quietly came behind Wukong and patted him. Before he made a sound, he had injected some transformation suppressing fluid into Wukong!

"Don't cover Wukong's eyes, with me, he won't transform."

Then, Li Zhenwu said this to Ke Lin.

The shocking scene didn't last long.After all, the shadow clone is currently only a clone, and its power is limited.

And through the shadow avatar artificial moon, the wolf hair has faded, and the human wolf who has returned to normal bowed to him and thanked him: "Thank you so much! Mr. Li Luo, I will not forget you!"

And he nodded stiffly, watching the wolf who turned from a wolf into a somewhat obese human leave excitedly.

He whispered softly: "Why do I feel that he might as well stay the same? He should be destined to be alone for a lifetime."

Looking at the referee who was still in shock, he asked, "Can the result be announced?"

At this time, the stunned referee came back to his senses and said quickly: "Unbelievable! Player Li Locke actually created a moon, making the wolf player return to normal and voluntarily abstain from the competition. Now I announce that the result of the competition is... Li The Rock player wins! Advance to the quarterfinals!"

Amid the cheers and whistles of the crowd, the shadow clone smiled and left the venue.This kind of competition is not much fun for him, just to satisfy a wish.

Maybe in the next few years, the game will be more interesting and make him feel challenged

The shadow clone calmly walked through the exit, turning a blind eye to the hostile eyes of Tianjin Rice and Dumplings.

It was at this time that Krillin let go of Wukong's eyes half-believingly.

Wukong couldn't help but said, "Kelin, why did you cover my eyes just now?"

"Uh, hehe." Klein scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, "I was afraid you saw the moon just now."

Chapter [-] Battle Dumplings!

The game continues.

Although the shadow clone has advanced to the quarterfinals, there are still many players in the competition.He was patient enough to continue to wait.

The next day.

Today will be the quarterfinals!It's the best start.Strong players will appear here.

Li Zhenwu, Sun Wukong, Kelin, Yamucha, Chenglong (Turtle Immortal), Tianjin Rice, and Dumplings occupy seven places!

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