"Hey, what are you doing here?" Wukong asked curiously.

"Maybe, it's doing something invisible." Li Zhenwu's body is half-smile, but in fact she knows everything. After all, she can share memory with the shadow clone, and the two are the same person.

Seeing a group of people from the Turtle Immortals, the Crane Immortals immediately confessed.

After all, it is not good to do bad things in public!

So he glanced at the shadow clone coldly, and then said: "Tianjin rice, dumplings, let's go."

Chapter [-] Tianjin Rice

"Boy, you'd better be careful and pray you don't meet me later."

Before leaving, Tianjin Fan slowly turned to the shadow clone.

In the face of his threat, the shadow avatar spread his hands indifferently.

After Chenglong, the incarnation of Turtle Immortal, watched the three go away, he couldn't help but warn the shadow clone: ​​"Young man, that Tianjin meal is not ordinary, and his master is insidious and cunning, you have to be careful."


At this time, Wukong clutched his growling stomach and said anxiously, "Mr. Wutian, I'm dying of hunger. Let's go first."

After he finished speaking, he hurried to the cafeteria without waiting for a response. Ke Lin, who knew Sun Wukong's appetite well, did his part to follow him.

After the whole sea swallowed, the semi-finals of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association officially began.

Referee: "Player Li Luo is... No. [-]. His opponent is Tianjin Fan!"

When the game arrived here, the rare vacancy in the field was already full of people at this moment, and some people were lying on the wall, watching with binoculars on the tall tree in the distance.


The roar of the helicopter in the sky shocked the audience to complain, these are the live broadcast of the TV station!The world's No. [-] Martial Arts Association, how could such a feast not be watched by TV stations?

I don't know how many people are waiting in front of the TV and looking forward to the start of the semi-finals.

Shadow Clone and Tianjin Fan are both very strong players in their opinion.From the outside, Tianjin Rice, with three eyes and a height of more than two meters, seems to have an advantage.but!Li Locke can use ninjutsu, which is also seen by people in this world, all kinds of strange and gorgeous 'magic'.

As a magical world, Qilongzhu is still very inclusive.The technique of shadow avatars only aroused amazement, but did not cause any trouble.

This world's No. [-] Martial Arts Club is an innovation!Shift from traditional force to higher level combat.

In the top eight, all except the idol boxer have mastered the use of qi, which can also be said to be the use of higher-level power.

In the highly anticipated arena, the shadow avatar in a ninja suit came out first.His dressing style is unique, but has some charm of his own.

Today, he is most warmly welcomed by the audience, and the cheers have never stopped since his appearance.

After the previous competition, the shadow clone seems to have gained considerable popularity.Smiling and waving at the fans in the audience, he had the feeling of a concert.

"Li Locke! Come on!"

"Defeat Tianjin Fan! Come on!"

"I put all my money on you, and you lose one. You must win!"

He automatically ignored the latter sentence and gambled with his battles, which he didn't like.

Seeing that he was so popular, Tianjin Fan in the backstage sneered and said with disdain, "I'll see if you're still so proud when I put you on the ground later."

When the referee saw that both of them had already played, he walked up to the two and whispered a few words.Shouting to the audience: "Okay! Audiences. The [-]nd World's No. [-] Martial Arts Tournament, the semi-finals are about to begin. The first match will be between Li Locke and Tianjin Fan."

The audience has long been impatient and clamored to start quickly.Those who like to watch this are impatient, they just want to watch the good fight and nothing else matters.

"So good, the game is about to start! I'll go to the field first."

No one in the confrontation on the field cared about his departure.

The sullen Tianjin Fan threatened, "I'll step on both of your legs in a while, and let you know the horror of our Hexianliu." After speaking, he revealed a terrifying smile.

For Tianjin Rice, Shadow Clone is patient but not infinite!

After all, the current Tianjin Rice is still somewhat sinister and evil.

So he said seriously: "A person like you will not truly recognize yourself without experiencing a failure. Today I will give you the failure you need most."

The battle has not yet begun, and the contradictions between the two sides have been intensified.

There is only one way for martial artists to resolve conflicts!That is the most direct physical and physical struggle and the most intense collision.

"Boom." "Boom."


The shadow clone whips its legs like a landing axe to Tianjin Fan's neck...


The reaction speed is extremely fast, and Tianjin Fange, who has rich combat experience, blocked his attack.Feeling the heavy power, I was secretly shocked.This Li Locke is so powerful, his strength is even comparable to him.

The battle was at its most intense from the beginning.

The shadow avatar did not exert all its strength, but it was not much different from the full force.This time, he didn't use ninjutsu. For a real martial artist like Tianjin Fan, being able to fight with fists and feet in such a bloody, foot-to-foot battle was a very pleasant process for him.


Shadow distraction blocked Tianjin Fan's heavy blow, and felt this terrifying force vibrate in his body, and his muscles even felt a little sore and numb.

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