Wukong, who just got married, won the championship of the martial arts club again, which is a double happiness.

So Goku went on his honeymoon after the martial arts meeting...

He said hello to everyone, and went on a honeymoon with Qiqi, who had become his wife.

"I'm really grown up and can take care of my wife." Turtle Immortal couldn't help but sighed.

A few years ago, Wukong was still pure and ignorant about everything. Now...

Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

In the first year of Wukong and Qiqi's marriage, Qiqi became pregnant with a child.

In the second year, the child was born.

In order to commemorate his dead grandfather, Sun Wukong named his son exactly the same as his lost grandfather.

Son Gohan!

At the same time, Son Gohan is also the first half-race Saiyan!To be precise, it was the first Saiyan-earthian hybrid.

Sun Wufan's talent is very high, and he is very quick to get started with various martial arts!

Slowly, year after year passed.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed since the [-]rd World No. [-] Martial Arts Club.

In the past five years, due to various reasons, the twenty-fourth martial arts meeting has not been held.

Five years later, on this day, Wukong took his son and was about to go to the Guixian house of the Guixianren for a party among friends.

They flew from the sky to the Guixian House.

Then on the way, there were some accidents...

(The plot has been accelerated recently. After all, in this plot, the protagonist has no enemies, so the writing is boring.)

(I have had a fever in the past two days, my head is dizzy, and my body is hot and cold when I sleep... I originally promised the editor to update more, but I didn't do it, and there is no bubbling in the penguin group. This is also the reason... )

Chapter [-] Raditz Comes to Earth!

After the shadow of the Great Demon King Piccolo passed, the world slowly returned to peace, forming a scene of peace and tranquility in clothes.

On Earth, some farm.

A farmer was tinkering with his pasture. He accidentally raised his head and saw a strange scene. A round UFO fell from the sky, with some flames rubbing against the air.

"What is this?" The farmer was stunned, the cigarette butt in his mouth could not help falling to the ground, "Is it a meteorite? Or a UFO?"

Because of the distance and speed, the farmer could not see what was falling from the sky.

However, he saw the place where the unknown object fell, not far from where he is now.

"Go and have a look!" Driven by curiosity, the farmer drove his car and went to that place.

After a while, the farmer came to the place where the object fell.

The farmer got out of the car with a shotgun and looked carefully.

He found that in front of him, there was a big pit that reached hundreds of meters, and it had the shape of a 'bowl'.

At the bottom of this big pit, there is a round unknown object.

"This is obviously not a meteorite." The farmer thought.

Just as the farmer looked curiously at the circle at the bottom of the crater, the circle suddenly opened. "what."

The farmer was shocked, and at the same time he took his shotgun in front of him and looked down.

The circular aircraft opened, and Raditz, with black hair that almost reached his heels, flew out.

He was wearing a light combat uniform with a combat power detector on his left eye.

He slowly flew up, landed outside the pit, and glanced at the farmer.

"A scum with a combat power of only five! The nation on this planet is so weak." Raditz looked at the farmer in front of him with disdain.

"Who are you!" At this moment, the farmer was stunned by his current state, and couldn't help but point the shotgun in his hand at the 'alien' in front of him.

Raditz didn't bother to talk to the farmer in front of him, but the aura emanating from him made the farmer tremble and tremble, so much so that he couldn't help pulling the trigger of the shotgun!


A shot rang, and white eyes appeared on the muzzle of the shotgun, but the farmer was almost dumbfounded by the sight in front of him, and was terrified!

Because in front of him, Raditz slowly spread out one hand, and a bullet lay inside.

"Actually...the bullet was caught!" The farmer was horrified.

"Crack!" Raditz flicked the bullet in his hand, and immediately let the farmer in front of him die on the bullet at this moment.

Having easily dealt with the scumbag Earthman who had only five combat powers in front of him, Raditz turned on his detector on his eyes.

"There are still natives of this planet alive here. It seems that the guy from Kakarot is not responsible enough!" So I need Kakarot to help me, otherwise, just a warrior with only 2 combat power when Kakarot was born, I really don't want to admit that he is a Saiyan."

Raditz turned his head, and there was a beeping sound in his detector.

"I found it, there is a powerful combat power in this position, it should be Kakarot." Raditz flew up and flew in the direction of which powerful combat power was found by the detector.

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