Inside 910, there is everything Raditz has seen since he just entered the earth.

So, Vegeta stopped there and watched slowly.

At the beginning of watching, Vegeta still had time and said to Naba beside him: "It turns out that after our planet Vegeta was destroyed by a meteorite, in addition to us and Raditz, there is a surviving Saiya. Man! It was the youngest son of Bardock, the Kakarot who was born with a combat power of only 2."

"Kakarot." Naba read the name Nian, and found himself slightly impressed: "I remember that when this Kakarot was born, Bardock entertained many people. At that time, Lord Zhenwu also went to , and gave Kakarot something to wear around his neck."

Saiyans have a very good memory, and can remember things almost immediately after birth, so Napa still remembers what he heard and saw when he was a child.

So, in Naba's memory, I still remember Li Zhenwu.

As for Vegeta, I remember it more clearly.

So Vegeta snorted coldly: "Humph! I don't know which Kakarot has only 2 combat power. What is worthy of Lord Zhenwu's attention, and even gave him a 'Longevity Lock'."

"So, is there any news about Kakarot among the messages from Raditz?" Naba asked.

"That's right." Vegeta nodded: "Back then, Kakarot was sent to a weak planet, Earth. This time, Raditz went to Earth."

While speaking, Vegeta was still browsing the information in the video.

Then, through Raditz's point of view, he saw Piccolo, Goku, and then Goku's child, Son Gohan.

"Hmph, stupid Kakarot, who actually gave birth to a child with the natives of the earth. His fighting power is only worse than he was back then."

How long did it take for the United States to say this, he was slapped in the face in the video, because he had already seen the powerful fighting power of Wukong and Piccolo, and the outbreak of Sun Wuhan in an instant, and the fighting power directly reached more than [-]!

"Is this the advantage of mixed blood? Children born of Saiyans and earthlings can have such potential!"

Vegeta couldn't help being slightly surprised. The combat power of more than [-] people almost surpassed the limit of a lower-level warrior.

What surprised Vegeta even more was what happened next.

When Wukong used Turtle Qigong, his combat power soared directly.

Piccolo used the magic light penetrating cannon, which also soared directly.

"I didn't expect that these warriors of the earth have such means." What Vegeta said was in terms of combat power.

I was very surprised at the means of Goku and Piccolo that can condense their fighting power.

Because in the universe, these methods are rare, and more are simple and rough fighting methods.

Later, Raditz witnesses Goku and Raditz die together at the expense of himself.

After the two bodies were also penetrated, what Goku said was also curious and noticed by Vegeta.

"Dragon Ball? Can you revive people? Can you fulfill any wishes?" Vegeta was a little surprised: "There is such a magical thing on earth."

When he heard the Dragon Ball, Vegeta couldn't help but light up his eyes: "Interesting, it seems that it is necessary to go to Earth."

Then, in the video angle, there are Klein and Turtle Immortal.

Then, from Klein's mouth, the words 'Uncle Zhenwu' appeared.

Hearing this, Vegeta, who was originally sitting in his spaceship, suddenly stood up, his face full of shock.

"Uncle Zhenwu? Lord Zhenwu?"

Then, Vegeta heard Raditz's final conversation.

That is, Raditz asked the person named Zhenwu if his full name was Li Zhenwu.

Vegeta saw Krillin from the video and nodded...

The video picture ends here, because Raditz died and the detector stopped working at the same time, so there is no remaining picture.

However, it was this last picture that shocked Vegeta.

"Zhenwu, Zhenwu, is it Lord Zhenwu?" Vegeta couldn't help but muttered to herself, her emotions were complicated.

"Master Zhenwu?" Naba listened to Vegeta's self-talk, and was a little surprised, and couldn't help but ask.

Vegeta can receive the video message from Raditz, but he can't.

"In the news from Raditz, it seems that Lord Zhenwu is now on Earth." Vegeta looked gloomy: "Since Lord Zhenwu left Planet Vegeta more than [-] years ago, after that even Vegeta was Planet Tower suffered a meteor and was in a coma, and after the Saiyans were almost wiped out, there was no news of Lord Zhenwu."

"Unexpectedly, on the earth where Kakarot is located, there is news of Lord Zhenwu."

Vegeta suddenly returned to his spaceship, and could not refuse: "Let's set off right now and go to Earth!"

Chapter [-] The Saiyans Are Really Coming!

The young and cowardly Son Gohan was taken away by Piccolo and started special training, and Piccolo's goal for Son Gohan was to defeat the two Saiyans a year later.

At the same time, Piccolo is also practicing with all his strength, and wants to improve the example to the point of defeating the opponent when the Saiyans attack one year later.

Moreover, Piccolo still has the mentality that he cannot lose to Sun Wukong.

After all, the current Wukong was brought to the underworld by the gods, and his body was also brought there, and he is practicing hard.

It will take a year for Wukong to finish his cultivation and be released, and his strength will definitely increase by then.

Piccolo is unwilling to be subordinated to others, and he does not have the good conditions as Wukong. He only has his own assiduous practice.

On the other hand, the gods also conveyed a notice to train the elite warriors of the earth in order to meet the next two Saiyan attacks.

Therefore, Kelin and Bulma went to find Yamucha, who was working as a baseball player, and Tianjin rice and dumplings, who were practicing assiduously under a waterfall.

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