"Have you reached Earth yet?"

The two stepped out of the spaceship at the same time, Vegeta's eyes looked around and said with a grim expression.

"The planet where Kakarot is located, and the planet where Lord Zhenwu may exist."

Naba looked at everything around him curiously, and couldn't help but said disdainfully, "It's an ordinary planet. I don't know how Lord Zhenwu, who has not had any news for more than 21 years, is on this planet that doesn't shit."

"Maybe it's because of Kakarot." Vegeta's face was cold and his tone was cold.

The two of them woke up and got out of the ship at the same time that their ship had landed here.

On a plateau, some cold sweat suddenly appeared on Piccolo's forehead!

Beside Piccolo, Sun Wufan also showed a look of shock, and said glutinously: "Uncle Piccolo, these two powerful qi..."

"Did you feel it too?" Piccolo looked solemn: "The two powerful qi that suddenly appeared should be the two Saiyans."

Meanwhile, in the other direction.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly such a powerful two Qi!" Ke Lin was sweating coldly, and he also felt the breath of the Saiyans.

“Tianjin Rice!”

On the other side, Dumpling and Tianjin Rice were together. When Dumpling felt these two qi, his body almost fell out of the air, and he couldn't help but look at Tianjin Rice beside him!

Tianjin Fan looked solemn: "I didn't expect these two Saiyans to be so powerful!"

The Earth Z warriors who were full of self-confidence, after a year of practice, think that they have barely gained some self-confidence in the Saiyans.

But right now, the two Saiyans have just come to the earth, and the powerful breath they feel will destroy their self-confidence!

"So powerful, can we really be opponents?" Klein couldn't help thinking.

Although he thought so in his heart, Ke Lin rushed towards the two powerful breaths he felt at the first time.

At the same time, Tianjin rice, dumplings, bik, and even Yamu tea all reacted the same way!Together they headed towards the two Saiyans.

"This is the Earth! What do we do next? Just start killing all the people on this planet?"

Napa asked Vegeta.

Vegeta stood there coldly, exuding the coldness of a stranger: "First of all, you should meet Kakarot, a weak and low-level warrior."

"Then it's to figure out what happened to Dragon Ball, and then it's to find the trace of Lord Zhenwu!"

"Looking for Kakarot first, working on Dragon Ball, and finally looking for Lord Zhenwu." Naba twitched his fingers and calculated the events of the past three years.

Then, Naba asked, "Why do you want to find Lord Zhenwu at the end? We came so quickly, isn't it because Lord Zhenwu might be on this planet? Why do we have to find him last?"

Vegeta sneered and replied: "Because if Lord Zhenwu is really on this planet, then we have found Kakarot, and we can almost know his news!"

"If Lord Zhenwu is really on this planet, then it's just right, we will deal with Kakarot, the traitor among the Saiyans, and then go to see him!" Vegeta said decisively.

"So it is." Naba nodded, and then asked again: "Then, if we really see Lord Zhenwu, what are we going to do with him?"

Hearing this sentence, Vegeta's eyes flashed: "It doesn't matter how we treat him, because more than [-] years ago, Lord Zhenwu had the power to kill Frieza, the emperor of the universe! So we It's his attitude that needs to be taken care of."

After speaking, Vegeta said with a little confidence: "But according to the character of Lord Zhenwu in the past, he should be a person who is old-fashioned, then we can ask some Super Saiyan secrets!"

"If we get the secret of the Super Saiyan, maybe we can also become the real strongest warriors in the universe!" Vegeta said at the end, and couldn't help being a little fanatical.

"The Secret of the Super Saiyan!"

Naba exclaimed a little: "I originally thought 'Super Saiyan' was just a legend spread among Saiyans!"

"Humph! Super Saiyans really exist! I have seen Lord Zhenwu become Super Saiyans with my own eyes!"

Vegeta snorted coldly.

Back then, there were only a few people watching the battle in the universe, including Vegeta, but Naba was ineligible at that time.

Therefore, it is true that Vegeta was the only one who knew and saw Li Zhenwu transform into a Super Saiyan and fight Frieza with his own eyes.

Although Li Zhenwu has disappeared since then, there are only occasional news about her from the depths of the universe.But Vegeta has been unforgettable.

Moreover, Vegeta has also been looking for it, looking forward to meeting Li Zhenwu again.

He wanted to see Li Zhenwu's frenzy.

This fanatical heart is not because of other.

Purely because...he wants to know the secret of Super Saiyan from Li Zhenwu!And let yourself reach that state!

(Recommend a copy of "Dimensional Infinite Crystal Palace")

Chapter [-] Cultivating People!

Kelin, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan, Dumpling, Piccolo, Son Gohan and others all felt the powerful qi of the two Saiyans at the same time, and then rushed over there at the same time.

But when they came to the two Saiyans earlier than them, there were others.

This is a group of TV stations. They drove the camera, turned on the camera, and even broadcast live on the TV station in real time, going to the place where the two Saiyan spaceships were.

The reporter also kept saying to the camera: "The two UFOs that were suspected to be spaceships just landed here, and nearly half of the outdoor personnel in Dongdu saw it with their own eyes. Now this station is broadcasting the two unknown UFOs for you. What the hell is a flying object!"

The reporter is still live-streaming enthusiastically, but he is also dying

Vegeta and Naba had already noticed the movement on the reporter's side. Naba, who was tall and burly, exuded a fierce aura, grinned: "There are still some small bugs."

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