"It's interesting to cultivate people."

Chapter [-] The Power of Li Zhenwu's Name!

When Tianjin Rice was a meal, these pictures had been filmed remotely by the TV station and broadcast live to TV sets all over the world.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu unsurprisingly turned on the TV and saw all this.

He looked at the cultivator with a terrifying appearance, a small body, but a good fighting ability, with a playful look on his face, and even couldn't help but mutter to himself: "It's interesting to cultivate people."

The cultivator, also known as the vegetable man and the cultivator, is a combat force developed and dispatched by the Saiyans of the Vegeta planet to conquer other planets.

When he was still on Planet Vegeta before, Li Zhenwu had seen the cultivator.

But now that he has worn a company on Earth, and after traveling the universe, Li Zhenwu discovered that this kind of human cultivation technology invented by the Saiyans is somewhat magical.

This is almost mass-produced high-quality cannon fodder.

At least now, it can be seen through live TV that a cultivator is fighting with Tianjin Rice.

This kind of cultivator is mass-produced.

But Tianjin Rice has been practicing since childhood. 780

But that's it, the strength gap between the two is not very big, which shows the uniqueness of cultivating people.

"If a cultivator like this is placed in a weak world, almost all of them can run amok and be invincible."

Li Zhenwu thought to himself, but he was just thinking about it.

The cultivator itself has almost no wisdom, but only has an evil fighting instinct and an instinct to obey orders.

Even they have no awareness of survival, and can only become qualified cannon fodder.

In the wilderness, Tianjin Fan defeated a cultivator, and it was a near miss.

And the failed cultivator was directly bombarded and dissipated by a wave of light from Vegeta.

"This kind of waste is useless." Vegeta said coldly, but the method was cruel and chilling.

In this case, Yamucha also appeared confidently, and he faced off against the second cultivator.

Although in terms of strength, Yamu tea can suppress cultivated people.

But in a moment of carelessness, Yamucha was hugged by the cultivator who was not afraid of death, and then the cultivator blew his own body!


When the smoke dissipated, there was already a big hole in Yamucha's heart, and the whole person lost the breath of life!

"Yamu Tea!"

At this moment, Ke Lin was almost heartbroken, his eyes widened, full of grief and anger.

Afterwards, Ke Lin released the Turtle School Qigong wave and directly killed the remaining few cultivators.

"Interesting, these earthlings can improve their combat effectiveness!"

Vegeta dodged Krillin's attack, and couldn't help saying.

With a detector on his face at this moment, he can clearly see the combat effectiveness of the few people in front of him.

"This method is very interesting, and it seems that every one of them will."

Several cultivators have all rushed to the street. Under such circumstances, Naba took a step forward, with a huge body and a hideous smile on his face: "Since the cultivators are not their opponents, it seems that I can only do it myself. It's gone!"

Saying that, Naba moved his body.

"Don't kill that Namekian, and ask about the Dragon Balls later." At this time, Vegeta behind him said, "And the little bald man, don't kill it, and wait for it. To ask him about the whereabouts of Lord Zhenwu."

"Understood, then let's kill the other people first." Naba's tone was cold, and the flower and the sword were ready to start.

As a result, from Naba's body, an incomparably powerful aura came out!

The ground is shaking slightly!

The hearts of several people in Klimbick were even more trembling and trembling.

"So strong!" Piccolo looked solemn: "Just the momentum, it's so powerful!"

And beside Tiantian Anxiety, the dumplings that were suspended in the air relying on their superpowers were almost blown away by this powerful momentum!

Ke Lin also felt a lot of pressure, because in their sense of qi, the Naba in front of him was almost unparalleled!

However, Krillin also keenly captured the content of Vegeta's words just now.

"Master Zhenwu? Do you mean Uncle Zhenwu?"

Kelin thought of this, and then remembered what Li Zhenwu had said to him a year ago, and Naba, who had burst into a powerful momentum, and quickly said loudly: "Wait a minute! You know a man named Li Zhenwu. Saiyans?"

Krillin's voice was so loud that several people at the scene heard it.

However, Tianjin Fan and Dumpling are very unfamiliar with this name, and Sun Wufan is not familiar with this name either, but Piccolo's eyes flashed with some divine light.

"Naba, stop first."

Hearing Krillin's words, Vegeta suddenly stopped Naba and told him to stop.

"Tell, tell, me! So, there, Li, Zhen, Wu, of, information, information!"

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