Sun Wufan was even more nervous: "Will Uncle Piccolo be that Gula's opponent?"

"Although he missed a bit at the beginning, he should still be able to defeat him." Krillin said uncertainly.

It was just after such a conversation between them that a more powerful aura suddenly erupted from Gula over there.

At this moment, Namek is shaking!

Originally, Namek had encountered a rare climate, and the entire planet had almost entered its twilight period, and most of the Namek people were killed by Gula and others.

Now, because of the eruption of Gula's momentum, the entire planet is shaking!It seems that the planet is in jeopardy.

"What's going on?" Krillin was shocked.

"It's so strong!" Wukong's body was shocked, but his eyes were firmly locked on Gula. He could tell that the momentum of this mega-planet at the moment was radiated by Gula.

"So strong! If I face him, I may need to use the King's Fist to win." Wukong couldn't help but meditate in his heart!

In fact, although Piccolo gained powerful power after merging with a Namekian, Goku still has confidence. After special training, he is not inferior at all, and he doesn't even need to use Kaiwang Fist. able to defeat it.

And now Gula, Wukong does not have this confidence.

Gula's appearance at this moment has become smaller than before, even more ferocious, and his body is much larger.

This is Gula, facing Piccolo's attack, he lightly raised his hand to block it.

"Humph! I just released a little of my strength, you are no longer my opponent!"

Saying that, Gula's tail moved, and it slammed directly onto Piccolo's body!

Suddenly, Bick flew out even faster, crashing into two mountains!There was no movement after that.

"Uncle Piccolo!" Sun Wufan couldn't help screaming, feeling Piccolo's breath weakening.

"Gohan! Don't panic, go and eat this fairy bean for Piccolo." Wukong came to his son, quietly handed over a fairy bean, then looked at Gula solemnly, and said solemnly: "Next, his opponent is me!"

Gula looked at Sun Wukong carefully, and then smiled disdainfully: "The Namekian was not my opponent just now, let alone you."

Wukong, you don't mind Gula's underestimation at all, you are just slowly taking off the weight on your body one by one, and at the same time, the momentum on your body is gradually rising...

"Huh? Could it be that I underestimated you?" Gula looked at Wukong, who was getting stronger and stronger, and was a little surprised.

Immediately, Gula sneered again: "However, this is the only way to be my opponent."

Gula was so confident that he even put on an air, waiting for Wukong to be ready and waiting for her to attack first.

Wukong moved his body slowly, sensing Gula's strength. He didn't have much chance of winning, but his heart was still full of excitement. At this time, the Saiyan's warlike gene was at work in the deepest part of his body.

After removing the weight of his clothes, Wukong also gradually emerged from his body, which was visible to the naked eye. In fact, it was even more powerful.

"It's amazing, it's even stronger than the Bick just now!" Ke Lin was still stunned by the side!

Originally, he has gone through thousands of miles of development by the Great Elder of Namek, and his strength has been improved by a level, but now, he has seen Piccolo and Wukong, one is more fierce than the other!

However, Wukong's momentum has not stopped here, and Wukong squatted down slightly, made a posture of accumulating strength, and then shouted: "Ten times the king of the world!"

"It's the World King Fist again!"

At the scene, in addition to Wukong Kelin and others, Vegeta was still there, but he, who was originally strong in 0.6, was now suspected of being a wheel or a corner. Looking at Wukong's incomparably powerful momentum, jealousy in his heart was about to burst out. !

At this time, when I saw Wukong using the world king boxing, I felt even more bitter, and even now I still think that Wukong's world king boxing was taught by Li Zhenwu.

And after the tenfold world king fist, Wukong, the momentum on his body, suddenly made the wind and clouds move!

The powerful momentum directly caused waves in the air!

Gurana was similar to Frieza, with a look of surprise on his demon-like face.

"Can you actually improve your combat power and become so powerful?"

(The last few chapters temporarily end Dragon Ball Scroll, go to the next world, and come back when Sharu plays.)

Chapter [-] Destroy Brother Frieza!

The Qi in Wukong's body suddenly rose from his body like a fiery flame.

And his body was even more reddened, his muscles swelled up, and the clothes on his body couldn't wrap it up.

Facing such Goku, Gula couldn't help but be surprised, but his surprise didn't last long.

Because Wukong has already kicked heavily, the whole person has come to him.

"Drink!" Wukong shouted violently, his fists were already bombarded out, the energy on his fists, the root style hit like waves, the nearby air was blown up in an instant, and he was blown up alive and became a vacuum zone .

There is no doubt about the power of such an attack, and Gula, who bears the brunt, feels like a lonely boat floating on the sea.

"Bang!" Before Gula could do anything, he was already knocked out.

This scene formed a strong contrast with the scene of Gulabic just now, and it also showed the strength of Wukong.

"It's amazing!" Kelin kept repeating like a robot.

But Vegeta clenched his fist tightly, thinking that all this was Li Zhenwu's fault, and felt that if Li Zhenwu taught himself seriously, he would not be worse than Sun Wukong at all!

Wukong succeeded with one blow, and slammed Gula to the ground. After smashing a big hole, his body did not stop for a moment, and continued to attack.

For a time, an attack like a violent storm machine gun, like raindrops, fell on Gula's body.

Gula just endured Goku's attack for a while, and his body was a little messed up.

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