"You are not my opponent!" Gula said slowly to Wukong, preparing to deal with Wukong first.

Between the words, it seemed that the two of them were about to start their hands.

At this time, Li Zhenwu's voice came from the side:

"You shouldn't be rivals!"

The voice with fighting intent entered the ears of Wukong and Gula, and they stopped their actions to fight for a while, and turned to look at Li Zhenwu.

On the other hand, Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand and pointed at himself slowly, and then said briefly, "Your opponent is me!"

"Goku, you and Gula, shoot me together! I've been eager to fight for too long!"

As Li Zhenwu spoke, the momentum on his body became more and more powerful, and the golden arrogance on his body was as dazzling as a hot star.

"Let's go together, only in this way can I have a good fight!" Li Zhenwu's eyes were like electricity, and his fighting spirit was boiling!The words in the mouth are even more arrogant!

So, Goku was shocked!Gula was also shocked!

Wukong felt that something was wrong, why did he fight and his stance changed?

But Gula felt humiliation!

Gula's angry eyes turned red, staring at Li Zhenwu, angry that Li Zhenwu looked down on him so much that he even let himself and Sun Wukong attack him together.

"Uncle Zhenwu, are you sure?" Wukong turned into a Super Saiyan state, and asked extremely calmly at this moment, but his heart was only eager to fight, and it didn't matter who he fought against.

"That's right, you try your best to give full play to your full potential. Only in this way can I enjoy the battle!" Li Zhenwu nodded affirmatively.

"Damn! If you don't need this kid, I'll kill you!" At this time, Gula burst out, and a gaseous energy burst out of his body to wrap himself, and the next moment he rushed to Li Zhenwu's side!

"Good job!" Li Zhenwu's eyes were calm, but his bellicose heart was fanatical, and the blood that had been silent for a long time was boiling!

At this time, Gula has not completely transformed, but his strength is no less than that of Frieza after his complete transformation and liberation of combat power!

And Wukong has a fighting power of more than [-] million!

The combat power of the two at the moment, in a single sense, is not Li Zhenwu's opponent.

Therefore, in order to fight for a long time, Li Zhenwu directly let Wukong and Gula attack him together!

"Wukong, come with you too!" During Gula's attack, Li Zhenwu even had time to shout wildly... and greeted Wukong to come forward together.

"Damn!!!" Gula was angry, thinking that Li Zhenwu was in Xiaoqian himself, and now he was at home with his fists.

This punch, for the request, is almost the same!

The star of Namek, which had been dying before, was shocked when Gula launched this knife attack...cracked!

It can be seen that Gula's blow is powerful.

And Li Zhenwu just raised his hand in the middle of nowhere.

"Bang!" After the dull sound, Gula looked at his blocked fist in disbelief: "How is it possible, how can you be so powerful?"

Seeing this scene and witnessing the strength of Li Zhenwu, Wukong's eyes bloomed with a belligerent look.

At the moment, he simply let go of his last worry, and when his figure moved, he rushed up with golden arrogance.

"Uncle Zhenwu, take it!"

Chapter [-] Dogfight!

When Li Zhenwu easily dismounted Gula, whose combat power was already over [-] million, Wukong stopped twitching when he saw this, but raised his fist and rushed towards Li Zhenwu, with a low drink in his mouth. .

"Good job!" Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and golden lightning flashed past.

Just when Wukong also attacked, Li Zhenwu still had time to turn his head and said to Gula in front of him: "If you don't show all your strength, then you can't fight against me at all."

Li Zhenwu's tone was flat, but it really hurt Gula's self-esteem.

Originally, Gula thought that in this world, apart from his father, he was the most powerful.

Even his younger brother Frieza, although he is known as the emperor of writing in the universe, is not his opponent at all.

Until this moment, in front of Li Zhenwu, he couldn't help but put away his self-confidence and began to face Li Zhenwu squarely.

After all, Li Zhenwu's strength is not something she can solve after her third transformation now!

In fact, Gula, who has transformed for the third time at this moment, is far stronger than his younger brother Frieza, and even more powerful than Goku who transformed into a Super Saiyan.

But facing Li Zhenwu, it was really not enough to watch.

"You are the only opponent besides my father who made me use all my strength." Gula said slowly, and at the same time distanced himself from Li Zhenwu for a moment.

then!Violent momentum soared into the sky!

Originally, Namek was torn apart with a single blow from Gula, and now, the broken Namek under his feet was shaking!

Li Zhenwu looked at the planet under the watch house slightly, and immediately came to a conclusion.

"The planet is going to explode."

Indeed, Namek has now reached the stage of extinction and cannot be saved.

Therefore, the three people present can also fight recklessly.

The momentum on Gula's body is constantly increasing, and Wukong, who is strong to the side, is still in shock!

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