And the Jade Emperor said with a sullen face, "Let Clairvoyant, Shunfenger open the Nantian Gate and see what's going on in the lower realm!"

Chapter [-] Hunter!

Clairvoyant and Shunfeng Er took their orders, and immediately went to open the Nantian Gate to look and listen to the lower realm.

You must know that in the heavenly court, whether it is the Lingxiao Palace or anywhere, it is difficult for Clairvoyance and Shunfenger to return to function. They have to go outside Nantianmen before they can directly probe into the lower realm.

Soon, Clairvoyance and Shunfenger have returned.

One of them looked far, the other heard it clearly, and they returned to the small private room in the forest without much effort, and then reported to the Haotian Jade Emperor: "I have been ordered to check and found that the lower realm Dongsheng Shenzhou East China Sea is proud of the sea. When he came to the country, it was the monkey monster that was at work today, and he had a strange third eye on his forehead, and a divine light in his eyes was extremely bright, reaching up to the sky and down to the bottom of the sea."

"It's him again?" Jade Emperor's face sank, feeling very bad.

For them, just now they were still thinking about paying attention to this 'old monster' who had just been born, but they didn't expect this old monster to go to the Huaguo Mountain of the previous monster monkey, and also Got a vertical pupil?

"Is there any fairy family who sees this monster's origin?" The Jade Emperor couldn't help but ask again.

"One tail, monkey monster with vertical pupils?" The immortals below looked at each other, but found that they were confused, and no one knew Li Zhenwu's true origin and origin.

After some discussion, in the end, no one knew what Li Zhenwu's identity was and what kind of monster he was.

In the end, the Jade Emperor calmed his face and instructed Shunfeng Er to Clairvoyant: "Pay close attention to this monster, and report it immediately if it makes any move!"

"As ordered!"

Clairvoyant and Shunfeng Er gave the order, and immediately left the Lingxiao Palace to stare at Li Zhenwu in the lower realm outside Nantianmen.

Li Zhenwu didn't know anything about the fact that he had been targeted by Heavenly Court.

In the lower realm, after discovering Huaguo Mountain, he immediately flew over.

It didn't take long before Li Zhenwu came to Huaguo Mountain.

After all, the rest of the way is the sea, and there is nothing to see, so Li Zhenwu's speed is naturally fast.

Huaguo Mountain is near the sea, and the fragrance of birds and flowers has long since disappeared. Instead, it is bare, with many traces of burnt black exposed on the ground.

At the beginning, Li Zhenwu also saw the scorched blackness and desolation here, as well as the sporadic two bony monkeys, and then he judged that this was the Huaguo Mountain.

The Huaguo Mountain in front of him really didn't fit Li Zhenwu's thoughts at all, so he couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity that such a beautiful scenery was destroyed."

Li Zhenwu descended from the sky and immediately noticed that there were several hiding places in the dark looking at him.

Li Zhenwu doesn't need to open his eyes, but Jiugouyu's Samsara eyes can already see what those eyes are in the dark.

A few hungry bony monkeys.

In Fangcao Slope, among the vines, there are several monkeys squatting, staring at Li Zhenwu with dark eyes.

Even Li Zhenwu could hear their timid conversation.

"This one doesn't seem to be a hunter."

"Look, he has a tail just like ours."

"Is he a monster? Immortal?"

The whispers of the little monkeys were clearly audible in Li Zhenwu's ears.

With a slight smile, Li Zhenwu said, "Come out, I'm not an immortal in the heavens, and I'm not a hunter. I'm a friend of your Monkey King Monkey King, Monkey King."

Li Zhenwu's voice was clear and clear, and it came directly from his mouth for the little monkeys to hear.

For a while, the world seemed to be quiet, and the little monkeys didn't expect Li Zhenwu to suddenly say this, but they didn't dare to speak for a while.

After a while, a small voice asked Nuonuo: "What evidence do you have that you are a friend of the Great Sage?"

"Does this count?" Li Zhenwu shook his tail, and then took out something he had exchanged from the system space.

At that time, it was an unremarkable stick, but after Li Zhenwu took it out, he immediately said softly: "Big! Big! Big!"


In between, the stick in Li Zhenwu's hand, along with his voice, seemed to grow when he saw the wind. In less than a moment, it was thick, thick, and long, as if it had penetrated into the sky.

"It's the same as Grandpa's wishful golden hoop!" Suddenly, some monkeys couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, some monkeys slowly and carefully came out from where they were hiding, and then looked at and approached Li Zhenwu.

"Are you really Grandpa's friend?" A little monkey who had just reached Li Zhenwu's knees came to him, raised his head and waited to look at Li Zhenwu with big eyes, with a little hope in his eyes.

Now that he has decided to lie, Li Zhenwu will naturally lie to the end, so he nodded decisively and said, "Yes, I am."

"Although the Great Sage Monkey King is now being pinned under the Wuxing Mountain by the Tathagata Buddha, you can't be humiliated by the orcs in Huaguo Mountain, so I came here to help you." Li Zhenwu said.

As soon as he said this, there were tears in the monkey's eyes.

Compared with humans, the hearts of these monkeys are much simpler.

Li Zhenwu nodded, and was about to say something when suddenly a monkey's cry came out.

"Not good! The hunters are here again!"

A hurried and tense cry came, and suddenly, the monkeys who had appeared in front of Li Zhenwu, like frightened birds, hurriedly avoided and dispersed, trying to hide.

For a while, there was no monkey to take care of Li Zhenwu.

"The hunter is tired?" Li Zhenwu was distracted to communicate with the monkeys just now, but he didn't pay attention.

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