This gust of wind blew up the dust and plucked up the soil.Blow to the tree, destroy the forest!

It is as if the waves make the mountains sway, making this universe dizzy, and the sun and the moon are dim!

The strong wind blew in front of Li Zhenwu, and for a while, the stones, sand, and pebbles on the ground were hung up like cannonballs, and then like a huge sandstorm, it headed towards the hunters.

Li Zhenwu controlled this strong wind, and let the gravel be mixed in it, flying around in the hunter team!

This time, the men and horses that had stepped forward had their heads broken, their bodies shattered, and the blood dyed the sand on the ground a crimson color.

However, the hundreds of little monkeys that these hunters originally caught were unscathed and not affected at all.

Even, they were still stunned, finding that things were developing too fast, and they didn't have time to react!

The gust of wind gradually dissipated, and more than a thousand men and horses who originally came to hunt monkeys died on the spot. The world seemed to be quiet as the gust of wind dissipated. Walking out of the dark place, looking at the scene for a while, and then there is the sound of sad cheers!

Chapter [-] Reconstructing Huaguo Mountain

The monkeys in Huaguoshan gradually came out of their hiding places in the dark. They saw the corpse of the hateful hunter who skinned and eviscerated their countless clansmen. For a while, they couldn't help cheering with sadness.

The cheering is that these guys who tortured them like a nightmare are dead, but the sadness is that they have lost so many companions because of these people.

At this time, an old monkey who had been caught by the hunter trembled and rushed towards Li Zhenwu vigorously. His trembling trembling was more frightened by the scene in front of him.

This old monkey with white eyebrows came to Li Zhenwu and bowed his head: "Thank you for saving this grandpa!"

With the reminder of the old monkey, other monkeys also thanked Li Zhenwu for coming.

A little monkey reappeared: "Are you really Grandpa's friend?"

At this time, the monkeys who had listened to Li Zhenwu's self-introduction before had already believed it.

Following the little monkey's words, the other monkeys who had not heard Li Zhenwu's words before were surprised: "It turns out to be a friend of the great sage, no wonder it's so powerful!"

Just a moment to thank Li Zhenwu - there are more monkeys.

"Report to the Jade Emperor!"

Above the heavenly court, Clairvoyance and Shunfenger had just inquired about the news, and Shunfenger immediately entered the Lingxiao Palace to report.

"What's the matter?" Jade Emperor asked.

"The demon monkey in the lower realm killed more than a thousand ordinary hunters in Huaguo Mountain." Shunfeng Erhui reported.

"What!" The Jade Emperor's face darkened, he didn't expect that the 'old monster' who had just been born in the lower realm would make trouble so soon.

"Also, this demon monkey claims to be a former friend of the Monkey King Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain, and came to take care of the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain." Shunfeng Er continued.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with the previous demon monkey." Suddenly, the Jade Emperor's face turned even darker.

"Jade Emperor, Wei Chen is willing to lead people to subdue this demon monkey that is chasing the world, killing and slaughtering recklessly!"

At this time, a dignified middle-aged man in Lingxiao Palace came out, holding a small pagoda in his hand. He was really the famous Tota King Li Jing who rose in the age of Fengshen!

At this time, Li Jing took the initiative to invite Ying.

The Jade Emperor's eyes sank, looked at Tota Li Tianwang, thought for a moment, and said, "That's right, Li Qing's family will bring the immortal soldiers and immortal generals, and then call Nezha, and go together to meet the details of this monster. Yes, you can directly arrest and bring to justice or execute Shasha!"

After thinking about it for a while, the Jade Emperor was worried that Li Zhenwu would be the same as Sun Wukong back then, so he sent Nezha out, very cautious.

"The minister leads the order!" Tota Li Tianwang was very majestic, and he was about to retire with his hands.

And the Jade Emperor ordered: "Clairvoyance Shunfenger pay close attention, don't relax!"

"According to the order!"

The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain ran to tell each other, all the monkeys still on Huaguo Mountain learned that the hunters who had been catching and killing themselves had been wiped out, and there was also the Great Sage Grandpa. friends come to take care of themselves.

As a result, all the surviving monkeys in Huaguo Mountain came out and gathered in the direction of Li Zhenwu.

Originally when Sun Wukong was still there, there were more than [-] little monsters or monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, but now there are only [-] to less than [-] points left, and all of them are hungry and dim-eyed and skinny. .

The monkeys have been complaining: "After the great sage's defeat, the Huaguo Mountain was burned down by Yang Jian, the Erlang God, and the original flower and fruit trees were gone. The monkeys lost their food source and ate trees all day. hide, gnaw on the grass."

Slowly, all the monkeys gathered at the top of the hill where Li Zhenwu was.

Li Zhenwu glanced around and said, "Don't worry, let's see what I can do to restore Huaguo Mountain to its former glory."

Having said that, the monkeys avoided this task, and then Li Zhenwu began to play.


The chakra that had deteriorated in Li Zhenwu's body surged, and he was on Huaguo Mountain for a while, so the bare or charred ground turned over, revealing the yellow and colored land full of vitality.

Later, Li Zhenwu turned his attention to some flowers and trees.


With Li Zhenwu's light drink, the flower and fruit trees grew rapidly, and then the fruit was lifted, and the seeds were quickly released.

Then, Li Zhenwu controlled these seeds and spawned them on Huaguo Mountain!


On the ground, the seedlings of trees rose from the ground, grew when the wind was blowing, and matured quickly.

On the Huaguo Mountain of Nuoda, the elm and willow trees are planted in the front, the pine and nanshu trees are planted in the back, and there are peaches, plums, plums, and jujubes in the middle.

Even Li Zhenwu took out a series of fresh seeds from the system space, such as grape, bayberry, pitaya, pineapple, and banana, and planted them on Huaguo Mountain.

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