Li Zhenwu walked out of the Water Curtain Cave, then looked left and right, raised his head again, and found out why he hadn't noticed the arrival of the Immortal Soldiers and Immortal Generals before.

Because the Immortal Soldiers were on the 3.3 of the high cloud, Li Zhenwu only sensed the ground a little before, so naturally he didn't notice the arrival of these Immortal Soldiers.

Between the clouds, there were densely packed immortal soldiers and immortal generals, and they appeared to be surrounded, enclosing Huaguo Mountain.

Li Zhenwu saw a majestic middle-aged general headed by the leader, dragging an exquisite pagoda in his hand.

"Tota King?" Li Zhenwu recognized the iconic pagoda at a glance.

It seems that he saw Li Zhenwu's appearance, and Li Jing, the king of the tower, stood on the cloud, and the voice was passed down like the sound of Hong Zhongxian.

"Listen to the demon monkey below. According to the will of the Jade Emperor, you have killed thousands of human beings, and he will come to conquer! Quickly and quickly capture!!!"

Chapter [-] Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals!

Li Zhenwu was a little surprised when he heard the words of Li Jing, the king of towers standing in the cloud.

"If you kill some people, Heavenly Court will come to collect the monsters? When did the efficiency of Journey to the West become so high!" Li Zhenwu was surprised. How long he came to Huaguo Mountain to kill those hunters, Heavenly Court sent immortal soldiers and immortal generals to come to conquer already?

Li Zhenwu was really surprised, but the monkeys next to him were full of panic, and even jumped up and down anxiously.

The monkeys now are much more anxious than when the hunters came before.

"These are terrible. The newly restored Huaguo Mountain will be destroyed again." Some old monkeys couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this time, there were no monkeys to complain that Li Zhenwu brought them a disaster, but many monkeys were still thanking Li Zhenwu.

However, Li Zhenwu frowned, looking at the immortal soldiers and immortal generals in the sky and Li Jing, the king of the tower, and knew that the disaster of Huaguo Mountain this time, as well as these 21 heavenly soldiers, were all provoked by himself.

Looking at the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain who were in a bad mood as if a catastrophe was imminent, Li Zhenwu opened his mouth to reassure him: "Don't worry, it's just some immortal soldiers and immortal generals, see what I can do."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand to seal: "Shadow Clone Technique!"

Normally, Li Zhenwu's chakra in his body now has the richness and quality... You don't need to respond to Ninjutsu at all, and you can use all Muji Ninjutsu.

However, the ninjutsu that Li Zhenwu wants to fight now is extraordinary, and the addition of the seal can make his ninjutsu even more powerful.

After all, the ninjutsu that Li Zhenwu is going to perform now is not a ninjutsu with ordinary power.

It was when Li Zhenwu's voice fell, and his almost endless chakra surged in his body.

Then, in the eyes of countless immortal soldiers and immortal generals in the sky, including Tota King Li Jing, and in the eyes of a group of panicked monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, with Li Zhenwu as the center, suddenly "Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!" came out. Li Zhenwu came out one after another!

"This..." The old monkey was surprised, looking at the figure of 'Li Zhenwu' who was almost crowded with Huaguo Mountain for a while, he remembered the style of the Monkey King Monkey King in the past.

Not only these monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, but also countless heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky, even Li Jing, the king of the tower, and the third prince of Nezha all remembered the former Monkey King.

"This!" Nezha's eyes were shocked: "Isn't this Sun Wukong's hair clone technique?"

Back then, when Sun Wukong turned against the Heavenly Court, he faced numerous immortal soldiers and generals, and the monkeys and little demons above Huaguo Mountain would naturally not be their opponents.

But back then, Sun Wukong had a spell that could pluck a monkey hair at will, and he could incarnate into himself.

It was by this trick that Sun Wukong led the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain to fight against [-] soldiers and generals.

And now, Li Zhenwu has transformed into countless himself in an instant, which really surprised them, and immediately remembered a similar move of Sun Wukong.

"It seems that this monster has something to do with Sun Wukong." Nezha put away his casual attitude and put on a serious expression, thinking, "Could it be that this monster is in the same family as Master Monkey King?"

Nezha thought, but did not expect the result.

But in just this moment, Huaguoshan was already full of 'Li Zhenwu' figures.

There are probably thousands of Li Zhenwu in the Huaguo Mountain, which is full of promises. Compared with the nearly [-] heavenly soldiers and generals above the sky, there are not a lot of them.

Many heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky were surprised, and many people thought of Sun Wukong back then.

At this time, Li Zhenwu stopped seeing that tens of thousands of shadow clones had appeared.

Such a large-scale shadow avatar technique can be said to be unprecedented in history, and no one has come since.

Even Naruto in the Naruto world is nothing more than a thousand shadow clones differentiated with the help of the nine-tailed chakra.

And Li Zhenwu ate the fruit of the divine tree, possessed the divine tree physique, and the chakra in his body was almost endless. In addition to the bi9anhua obtained in this world, he performed such a large-scale avatar technique.

The next moment, these shadow clones flew densely, one by one, and the heavenly soldiers and generals above the sky were tit for tat.

Moreover, these shadow clones are not all empty-handed, but everyone has a 'ruyi stick' in their hands!It is amazing that the face is wishful and also has millions of clones!

The king of procrastination, Li Jing's face darkened, feeling a little bad.

Because the Sun Wukong of the year was similar to the same style, the result was that the army of Heavenly Court was disgraced.

In the Heavenly Court, at Nantianmen, Clairvoyant and Shunfenger, who were closely watching the lower realm, couldn't help but let out an exclamation!

Immediately, the four generals of the Demon Family guarding Nantianmen and the giant spirits guarding Nantianmen gathered together: "What's wrong? What happened to the lower realm?" 457

"The monster in Huaguoshan, just like the Sun Wukong of the year, used the technique of avatars, splitting tens of thousands of avatars, and each holding a stick." Qianliyan said solemnly: "It seems that this monster has a relationship with Sun Wukong. , deeper than we imagined, we must report to the Jade Emperor immediately!"

"What?" The Giant Spirit God was surprised and couldn't help but think: "Is there a second Monkey King?"

The sky above Huaguo Mountain was densely packed with people.

Countless Li Zhenwuying clones and almost [-] heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are tit for tat.

And one of them, Li Zhenwu, stood at the forefront, and said indifferently to Li Jing, the King of Tota: "Is killing those hunters count as wreckage? Then those hunters before the wreckage of the group of monkeys in Huaguo Mountain still look towards What if you catch me as a monkey demon?"

"No one came to ask them to kill the living beings. Why did I send you to the Jade Emperor to kill the living beings?"

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