In terms of power, it is of course no trivial matter. In fact, this pagoda has such a great reputation, and he also beat it down little by little.

There are countless monsters in the lower realm, and the tower changes color.

At this time, Qibao; Linglong Pagoda had just left Li Jing's hands, and immediately emitted a precious light of 580 Ying, and at the turning point, it turned into a streamer, and went directly towards Li Zhenwu.

His Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda has many functions. The simplest and most direct one is to throw it out and smash people.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is made of innate materials, so it is very sturdy. Ordinary monsters or monsters can't resist being smashed.

Nezha's corner of his eye swept across the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda for a moment, and he felt a little dissatisfied in his heart, because he felt that he was fighting, but was intervened by someone, and he felt unhappy.

However, no matter how dissatisfied and unhappy Nezha was in his heart, he didn't reveal it on the surface, because he was fighting against Li Zhenwu at the moment.

"With my father's Linglong Pagoda, this Li Zhenwu should be defeated." Nezha thought to himself that his own fighting power was unparalleled, and with Li Jing's Linglong Pagoda assisting him, even Wukong, who was a fledgling at the beginning of the year, might have to. Bend down.

After all, when Heavenly Court first attacked Sun Wukong, Nezha quietly released the water, so that Sun Wukong's adventures later, and even made a lot of trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

But now, Nezha didn't hold back at all, and with the Linglong Pagoda, he thought it would be easy to take down Li Zhenwu.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was like a stream of light, without any sound, it suddenly came to Li Zhenwu's body, and it was about to hit Li Zhenwu's forehead.

Ordinary monsters or immortals, in this attack on the municipality, will almost have their souls shaken, their primordial spirits will come out of their bodies, and they will be unconscious.

In fact, most immortals and even monster kings are difficult to take the next blow without a strong protective magic weapon, and they even get hit without any room to react.

However, Li Jing faced Li Zhenwu this time.

As for Li Zhenwu, he has the ultimate Jiugou jade reincarnation eye that can see through falsehood, see through everything, and have no dead ends in 360 degrees.

Therefore, when the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda came to Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu's Jiugou Jade Samsara Eye had already noticed it!

"Hey, want to sneak attack?" Li Zhenwu sneered, 'Huh! ' With a sound, the wishful stick in his hand flipped over, turned in a direction, and smashed it directly towards the Linglong Pagoda in front of him.

It stands to reason that the Qibao Linglong Tower is extremely powerful, and there is no magic weapon that can resist it.And Li Zhenwu's Ruyi stick is just a product of the Dragon Ball world, and it should not be able to handle this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

However, the wish-fulfilling stick in Li Zhenwu's hand is not originally from Dragon Ball, but the almost omnipotent 'system product'!

Therefore, when the Ruyi stick hit the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, not only did the Ruyi stick itself have no damage, but because Li Zhenwu added the strength to shake the mountains and rivers, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was smashed upside down and flew out!

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda flew out backwards and flew into the Immortal Soldiers and Immortal Generals. Suddenly, a crowd of people turned on their backs, as if the old driver's car overturned, and a large number of Immortal Soldiers and Immortal Generals were affected!

"How is that possible!" Li Jing was surprised, seeing the Linglong Pagoda being smashed into the air, somewhat unbelievable.

His exquisite pagoda, which used to be almost inexorable in the past, has now collapsed in front of Li Zhenwu.

"The stick in his hand doesn't need the Dinghaishen needle in Sun Wukong's hand at all!" Li Jing couldn't help thinking, while holding the magic formula, he controlled the Linglong Pagoda that flew out!

"Since this doesn't work, let's use another method." Li Jing squeezed a magic formula and drank: "Zi! Linglong Tower, close!!"

The Linglong Pagoda, which had been beaten into the heavenly generals, flew back again, and with a shout from Li Jing, it turned around again and came to Li Zhenwu, but this time, it did not go to Li Zhenwu again. Zhenwu smashed it.

But the door that looks like a small pagoda slams open!From the pagoda, there is a powerful suction!

"This time, I must be able to accept this monster called Li Zhenwu!" Li Jing thought to himself: "When Sun Wukong entered the pagoda, after he broke out of the pagoda, Buddha Burning Lamp once again made sacrifices for the pagoda. Now The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, even if Sun Wukong came here back then, it would be helpless to be sucked in!"

As Li Jing thought about it, he shouted violently again, the mana surging like a deep abyss, and the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda suddenly flourished!The incomparably powerful suction hit Li Zhenwu!

"Oops, it's this tower again!"

At this time, on the Huaguo Mountain below, many monkeys were beating drums and staring at the battlefield above.

When the Li Jing Pagoda was sacrificed, the Baoguang was prosperous and eye-catching, so some monkeys saw this scene and immediately recognized the pagoda.

"The Great Sage Grandpa was once taken in by this pagoda! At this time, the pagoda will accept Zhenwu Grandpa again!"

Immediately, many monkeys were worried and worried about Li Zhenwu's safety.

Because if they want to come, no matter how powerful Li Zhenwu is, there will be no Monkey King Monkey King, right?And the pagoda that Sun Wukong is recruited, can Li Zhenwu survive it?

Chapter [-] The Vientiane Heaven evokes power!

The monkeys on Huaguo Mountain were all surprised. Looking up at the sky, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda that Li Jing threw out was blooming with precious light. They were worried that Li Zhenwu would be taken in by this pagoda!

After all, Sun Wukong was also hit in the past, and according to what they think, Li Zhenwu should also be hit.

Not only these monkeys think so, even Li Jing is full of confidence in his Qibao Linglong Pagoda.

The exquisite pagoda's masterpiece, released an incomparably powerful suction force against Li Zhenwu.

Nezha, who was in the center of the battlefield, was not worried at all, because he also knew that Li Jing's Qibao Linglong Pagoda would not be accidentally injured.

Therefore, Nezha is also concerned about Li Zhenwu's actions, to see how long he can hold on, and then he will be received by Linglong Tower.

Then, there was a scene that surprised everyone.

I saw Li Zhenwu facing the suction from the exquisite pagoda, not afraid of danger, but sneered instead.

"Wanxiang Tianyin!" Li Zhenwu stretched out a hand at this moment, and in his hand, there was a small dot, releasing an amazing repulsive force to the outside!

"I want to see if it's your magic weapon's strong suction, or my Vientiane Sky Induction's stronger repulsion!" Li Zhenwu snorted coldly.

Vientiane Tianyin is the ultimate ninjutsu that can only be performed with the eye of reincarnation.

And Li Zhenwu has the divine tree physique, coupled with the Jiugou jade reincarnation eye, it is also easy to perform this technique.

Moreover, the Vientiane Tianyin that Li Zhenwu can use now is unprecedented in the Naruto world, surpassing the power of his predecessors.

It's rude to say that when Li Zhenwu was in the Dragon Ball world, he used Vientiane Tianyin, even if a comet fell to the earth, he could repel it, which shows the strong repulsion force.

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