Hearing the words of his subordinates, Long Chen said in a loud voice, his eyes were extremely hot, as if he had found the direction to realize his dream.

"What are we going to do next?" Bartholomew was sitting on a chair with a book on the table.

"Big Xiong, the world government doesn't know about you joining the Revolutionary Army, so I have a plan for you to leave the Revolutionary Army and sneak into the government." Long grinned, seeming to be confident in his own thoughts.

After experiencing the changes in the position of the general of Wano country, he thought of Li Zhenwu's words.

If you want to subvert a regime, it will be very difficult to destroy it from the outside alone.

But if you have your own people from within, then no matter what you do in the future, it will have a considerable effect, and it can even be slowly destroyed internally.

"Understood." Bartholomew didn't say much, but he unconditionally trusted Monkey D. Long's words.

"This era is the era of the revolutionary army. If you can make good use of your identity, it will have unexpected effects in the future."

Long stood up, glanced at the few people in the conference room, and said in a very low voice: "The blinded world will be baptized by us, so that everyone can get along equally."

"After meeting Ivan, we immediately started planning. At that time, the dreams we were chasing could be realized one by one."

The impassioned speech was full of shocking charm, and everyone looked at Monkey D. Long with fiery eyes.

Because his dream is also the dream of everyone in the revolutionary army.



In the office of the Navy Headquarters, the Warring States period was furious and smashed the table with one punch.

"It's abominable, almost, just a little bit, and the revolutionary army can be wiped out."

Warring States was annoyed at the bottom of his heart. If he had been more decisive and dispatched a small half of the headquarters' combat power, it would not have been the result now.

However, he did not dare to gamble, because the safety of the headquarters base was greater than everything else.

"Gahaha, that's Lao Tzu's son. How could you have captured him with those people you sent?"

Arrogant laughter sounded in the office.

Garp held the snack bag in both hands, and the tears came out of his laughter.

"Fart, it's not your good son. If there is a next time, I will definitely be able to exterminate them all." Hearing Garp's words, the head of Warring States anger smoked.

However, he couldn't help the guy in front of him. After all, Karp's attitude towards the navy was unquestionable.

"Really? Then I'll wait, best to catch him before he gets into big trouble."

Karp grinned and didn't care, turned and left the office, leaving a coquettish back.

With this carefree attitude, the angry Warring States trembled all over, and almost rolled up his sleeves and started.


A figure rushed in, thinking that the speed was too fast, and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this in the Warring States period, his eyes sank, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

As if to verify his hunch, the soldier forgot to do the salute, and his voice trembled as he said, "Master Warring States, Lieutenant General Sa Long has escaped."


Hearing this news, Warring States almost jumped over, leaned forward, grabbed the opponent's collar, and shouted, "Why did he run away?"

The soldier was so frightened by the angry face of the Warring States that his knees went weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Lieutenant General Sa Long let go of one of O'Hara's scholars. After being discovered by the Navy, he escaped from the Navy headquarters."


Hearing this news, Sengoku almost stood unsteady.

If Sa Long escaped from the headquarters, his emotions would not be so intense, but O'Hara's scholars also escaped.

And it was released by the Vice Admiral of the headquarters. This incident is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Bastard, immediately dispatch a battleship to pursue Sa Long and bring him back."

Suddenly, the Warring States waved his hand and ordered decisively.

As if receiving an amnesty, the soldier immediately took his orders and ran away as if he had escaped.

"O'Hara again, it seems that 343 has to find Spandain."

During this period of time, the Warring States period had already felt the enormous pressure from above.

"It's really a headache. The golden lion escaped from the underwater prison. The sudden rise of demon warriors, as well as the worst revolutionary army. Now there is another O'Hara demon. It seems that it is impossible to rest."

Warring States supported his forehead, at this moment, he felt the taste of Marshal Kong.

After half a ring, he replied calmly and dialed the phone bug on the table.

"Yohoo, Warring States, why are you so free to find me?" A wretched voice came from the phone bug.

"Come to see me at the navy headquarters immediately. There are important things to explain. This is the order from above."

Hearing Spandain's voice, Sengoku was quite impatient, and hung up after speaking, not even willing to say a word more.

After all, that is the chief spy, and it is a different organization from the navy.

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