"I don't know, but I can feel that his use of this trick is absolutely strong in defense, no, super strong." Tom said solemnly.

Just kidding, even the light is rejected, what else in the world can get close to him?

Unless it is a super strong, armed color domineering practice is extremely powerful, it is possible to break through.


"It's a strange feeling. Although the force field was able to spread out before, it was unable to form an effective absolute defense."

"But this time, the energy in the force field operates according to certain rules, forming a rain cover similar to a barrier."

Li Zhenwu opened his eyes and smiled.

Under the operation of the fruit power, his position, like a black hole, changed into a dark mass.

However, the black hole does not contain a strong gravitational force, but contains the ultimate repulsive force.

Everything in the world is repelled, the light is distorted, and the air hums and vibrates.

"Haha, Mr. Tom, do your best to punch me and see."

With a long roar in the sky, 1.1 Li Zhenwu turned into a black hole, descended from the sky, and appeared in front of Tom the fishman.

"Ring, boy, I am born with divine power. Even a naval battleship, I can raise my hands with both hands. Are you sure that I can defend against my fists?"

Tom grinned, his strong arms waved, his clenched fists rattling.

Clearly, he is confident in his own strength.

"Try it."

The black hole is terrifying and abnormal, conveying Li Zhenwu's confident words.

"Well, don't blame me if you're hurt!" Tom said.

next moment.


The big fist of the grinding disc hit the black hole with a dull sound.

Tom was shocked, his whole body flew out in an instant, and with a bang, he fell to the ground.

Chapter [-] Intelligence Agencies

"What, isn't this defense too super powerful?"

"It's scary, is he still human?"

Frankie and Esbagu's eyes widened, and their shock couldn't be further increased.

They knew very well about Tom's power, but it was because of this understanding that they realized that Li Zhenwu was terrifying.

"Gahhaha, Tom's fist, able to pierce through the navy general who is moving at full speed, can't even pierce this boy's defense, it's really amazing."

Secretary Cocolo was stunned and couldn't believe it at all.

That is to say, Li Zhenwu's absolute defense can stand in place and withstand the full speed impact of the naval battleship, and he can also be unharmed.

"Cough cough, scary kid." Tom got up, feeling like he was falling apart. "It's a real monster, I don't know how you did it."

Don't talk about him, that's what everyone thinks.

Secretary Cocoro, who knows Devil Fruits in particular, feels the boundless strength in it.

"Hey, I'm a genius in fighting 21. As long as it's good for fighting, my talent is invincible."

After developing the absolute defense, Li Zhenwu was obviously in a good mood and praised himself.

In fact, the so-called fighting geniuses in this world are hardly worth mentioning in the face of Saiyan blood.

After all, being a Saiyan was born to fight.

As Li Zhenwu said, as long as it is related to battle, let alone the world of pirates, there is nothing more defying than him in the world of Daqian.

"Little devil, your strength, even if you face the admiral of the navy, you have the power to protect yourself."

Seeing Li Zhenwu's incomparable confidence, Tom couldn't help splashing cold water, wanting to destroy his prestige.

After all, the combat power of a general is not something that the Devil Fruit's ability can handle against the sky.

However, Li Zhenwu grinned and said with disdain: "What is the general, give me three years, and the whole world will shake under my feet."

He is very confident, let alone three days, if he works hard and evolves into a Super Saiyan, he can definitely sweep the whole world.

It's just that it won't last for too long now, and the side effects are serious.

"Ring, good boy, I hope you've always been so confident."

Tom pouted in disbelief.

Not to mention him, even the youngest French looked suspicious.

After all, the prestige of the Admiral of the Navy has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Haha, I didn't hurt you, it would be bad if I delayed the business." Li Zhenwu grinned, disapproving of Tom's words.

What is the general?

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