The two exchanged ninjutsu, and after that, the two said goodbye.

Li Zhenwu somewhat admired Kakashi for being able to invent a ninjutsu with such great power and large sums as Chidori.

And Kakashi also secretly admired Li Zhenwu. He felt that he was so old that he created such a magical ninjutsu as the afterimage avatar technique, but he didn't know that Li Zhenwu just combined the afterimage boxing with the avatar technique.

Li Zhenwu, who had no idea that he had become the object of Kakashi's admiration, returned to his home and reunited with his parents.

After taking advantage of the reunion time in the past few days, Li Zhenwu was about to leave the village to do the task.

In addition to reuniting with his family, in the remaining days, Li Zhenwu waited for the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi to assign him a task while contacting the various ninjutsu he had recently learned.

After about five more days in the village, Li Zhenwu finally received a summons from three generations.

"Is it finally time to leave the village?" Li Zhenwu was slightly excited, feeling that the sea was wide and the fish leaped, and the sky was high enough for the birds to fly... it was time.

With such a mood, Li Zhenwu went to Hokage's office.

"Teacher Sarutobi, do you have a mission?" Li Zhenwu asked directly.

"That's right." Three generations of Hokage nodded, "Now there is a mission that requires a lot of battles..."

Chapter [-] Going to the Front

The three generations of Hokage looked serious and Li Zhenwu explained the next task to be done.

After listening to the words of the three generations of Hokage, Li Zhenwu was stunned to find that the reason why he still needs to have such a slap is that he is still making trouble!

In the original history of Naruto World, in the [-]st year of Konoha, the Kingdom of Thunder sent ninjas to Konoha to sign a peace treaty. Although the incident of the Hinata family happened in the middle, but because of Konoha's tolerance, finally The peace treaty still played a role, and the entire country of Konoha and Thunder entered a period of peace.

But now Li Lingling, because a Li Zhenwu was inserted abruptly, and when Yunren Village tried to sign a peace treaty last time, and wanted to kidnap Hinata Hinata to explore the secret of Baiyan, Li Zhenwu was inserted horizontally. one foot...

It was because of Li Zhenwu's shouting in the village last time that Yun Ren not only bankrupted his conspiracy against the Hinata clan, but also caused problems with the peace treaty between Konoha and Yun Ren.

This is the change brought about by Li Zhenwu. Konoha and Yun Ren, who should have returned to peace after the Peace Treaty in history, are not optimistic now.

After that incident, the two continued to break out some minor conflicts. At that time, Jagged Kai was absent from the village for a period of time because of this incident.

Although this kind of small contradiction has been continuous, there has not been any major friction.

But recently, the little friction has started to escalate.

The atmosphere between Yun Ren and Konoha became more tense, and the war between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire also started.

The task assigned to Li Zhenwu by the three generations of Hokage now is to go to the current battlefield between Konoha and Yun Ninja to support Konoha.

Indifferently, it is a bit too much to say that the support is too much, but let Li Zhenwu go there, no doubt because he has the heart of training Li Zhenwu

The three generations of Hokage said slowly: "If you go this time, I will let the special Shangren Shiranui Huo Xuanjian be with you."

"I don't know Huo Xuanjian?" Li Zhenwu was slightly surprised, surprised that the three generations of Hokage actually let such a Shangnin act with him.

"Is this to protect myself?" Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

Shiranui Genma is Konoha's special Jōnin, with a strong gun and gold, and once served as the personal guard of the fourth Hokage.

Moreover, Shiranui Xuanjian is also the cousin of Li Zhenwu's former teammate Shiranui Xuanshui.

"Not bad." Three generations of Hokage nodded: "Although Zhenwu, your strength is not weak, but as a ninja, what you are good at is still a little single, and it is very important to have a ninja that can complement you."

Looking at the three generations of Hokage, it seems that he is determined not to let himself act alone, and to send someone to protect himself, Li Zhenwu did not refuse, but nodded and agreed: "If that's the case, then so be it."

On the day after accepting the mission from the three generations of Hokage, Li Zhenwu simply said goodbye to his family, and before he even had time to say goodbye to Inuzuka Hana, he was already on the road with Genma Shiranui and went to the place where he fought with Yun Ren.

Li Zhenwu and Shiranui Xuanjian are not unfamiliar, not only have the relationship of Shiranui Xuanshui, but also when Li Zhenwu conducted the Chunin assessment, Shiranui Xuanjian also served as the examiner on the spot.

Therefore, Shiranui Xuanjian knew Li Zhenwu's strength.

And this time, he also understands what his mission is - protect Li Zhenwu!

Shiranui Genma, who was originally from the escort team, is not only strong, but also has his own uniqueness in protecting people, so the three generations of Hokage sent him to join Li Zhenwu to protect Li Zhenwu's personal safety.

Now for the entire Konoha, Li Zhenwu has transformed from the unknown 'Konoha monster' to the 'Konoha monster' who is a super genius of Konoha in one fell swoop.

Although Li Zhenwu is now incomparable to Sannin, who is highly respected by the village, Li Zhenwu, who is also a disciple of the third generation of Hokage, is also a high-level existence of Konoha!

In this case, Shiranui Xuanjian did not have any resistance to his need to protect Li Zhenwu's safety.

"Li the future of Konoha!"

In the village, there are already people who hold this idea. It is not surprising that people are born from civilians and have strong talents.

Li Zhenwu and Shiranui Xuanma quickly became acquainted with each other along the way.

When they reached the front line, the relationship between the two was not bad.

Moreover, before he knew it, Shiranui Xuanjian no longer dared to treat Li Zhenwu as a four-year-old child.

In other words, it is difficult for anyone who has been in contact with Li Zhenwu to say that Li Zhenwu treats him as a child, but as an equal existence.

Arriving in the battle line and coming to greet Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu was a little surprised.

Chapter [-] Raid

The ninja who came to meet Li Zhenwu, wearing a mask, only showed a dead fish eye, it was Kakashi.

Li Zhenwu was a little surprised. I only saw him a few days ago, but at this time, I saw him again on the front line.

After Kakashi and Shiranui Genma said hello, they seemed to see Li Zhenwu's accident, and explained: "The front line is tight, after we communicated last time, I came here, but I didn't expect it. You will be here in a few days."

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