In the second half of the Great Route, a deserted island in the New World.

This is an uninhabited island with no food and fresh water. If you live in it, it will be difficult for ordinary people to survive for a month.

But at this moment, in the bare soil, there is a conspicuous small earth bag, which is very special in the yellow sand of the block.



The sand on the small soil bag was loose and kept rolling down.

Soon, the burly body inside the earthbag was exposed, with jet-black hair scattered on his head and shoulders, and on both sides of his temples, a pair of horns were raised like a rhinoceros.

He slowly propped himself up from the bunker, shook his head, and stood up.

Red, naked upper body, solid muscles like a dragon, full of explosive power, and his left arm is covered with scale-like tattoos, which is extremely fierce.

"I buried myself for half a year and still can't die."

Depressed voice, full of sternness, he turned around, looked up in the direction of the sea, and whispered to himself: "Since you can't die, then go to the West Sea!"


A certain area of ​​the New World.

On the blue sea, there are dozens of large ships floating, one of which is in the shape of a whale, extremely huge.

"Gula la la la! Really scary little devil, it seems that after Roger's death, the world will be restless again."

On the white whale boat, a giant, burly blond sea, wearing a black turban, grinned.

"Dad, this kid dares to kill even the Tianlong people. It seems that the navy headquarters will let him go." Phoenix Marco put his hands in his pockets, his face indifferent.


The great waterway, Baldigo, the island of white earth.

"Leader, Mr. Li seems to be making too much noise this time." A revolutionary army held a newspaper and muttered dissatisfiedly to the tattooed man beside him.

"No, it's because our commotion is too small. The original intention of our establishment to stop it is not what it is now."

"Then what do we do?"

"Prepare the boat, let's go to the West Sea."

Long Yi waved his robe, showed a confident smile, and commanded the order decisively.

Chapter [-]: Train the Heavenly Dragon Woman!

The huge hull of the Miracle broke through the resistance of the sea and galloped past.

On the lush green deck, Li Zhenwu lay lazily on the beach chair, holding a glass of iced lemon juice in both hands, and drank it.

"The powerhouses in this world are really not that simple."

Li Zhenwu raised his head and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and his spirit was unprecedentedly relaxed.

Relying on its own power system, Miracle moved forward rapidly, and in just half a day, it had already entered the sea area of ​​the West China Sea.

"It seems that in ten days, I should be able to return to O'Hara."

Looking down at the nautical chart, Li Zhenwu muttered, and then he was relieved.

Recalling the battle just now, although Zefa had no power to fight back, he wanted to completely defeat him unless he broke through to Saiyan state.

But breaking through to Saiyan state will bring side effects that Li Zhenwu is unwilling to try~.

And it is still in the Chambord Islands, which is not far from the naval headquarters, which is almost the base camp of the navy.

"But it's okay, at least it can defeat Zefa's confidence, and it shouldn't bother me in the future."

Li Zhenwu couldn't help but be delighted when he thought of his great power just now.

In the end, if Rayleigh hadn't tried to stop him and let the power of him and Zefa spread out, he was afraid that the entire Chambord Archipelago would have an earthquake.

I just didn't expect that Rayleigh was indeed Roger's deputy, so powerful.

If Li Zhenwu hadn't evolved to a Saiyan state, his current strength would not be certain to win.

blu blu!

Just then, the phone bug on the table rang.

Li Zhenwu didn't need to guess, he knew that it must be the dragon.

Sure enough, as soon as he picked up the phone, Long's slightly respectful voice came: "Mr. Li, thank you for your generosity, our revolutionary army, I don't know how to thank you."

When Li Zhenwu heard this, he couldn't help but pouted, thinking that he wouldn't come to invite him again, would he?

Since this time, Long has often used the phone bug to contact Li Zhenwu, and occasionally gets random advice from Li Zhenwu.

Those esoteric and cutting-edge concepts made the revolutionary army leader almost have the respect of a fanatical believer in Li Zhenwu himself.

"It's just a little effort, it's not worth mentioning."

"Mr. Li, if you encounter any trouble, we will do our best to relieve your worries."

This is the promise of the dragon and the promise of the revolutionary army.

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