On the battleship next to him, Sakaski shouted in a deep voice, and immediately a deputy went to give an order.

Immediately, countless artillery fires were aimed at the huge body like a hill.


Tongues of flame erupted, and the shells roared out, wrapped in a powerful force, and shot out.

Accompanied by a sharp whistling sound, hundreds of artillery shells fell downward in a concentrated arc.

"Sauro is dangerous, leave quickly, or you will die."

Looking at the cannonballs in the sky like a rain curtain, little Robin was very anxious and raised his head and shouted loudly.

However, Sauro looked down at them, his eyes were gentle, and he grinned: "Hee hee hee, even if I die, I will not let you hurt, you are the hope of the future!"

After saying this, he calmly closed his eyes, ready to accept the arrival of death.

Even on the distant naval battleship, everyone's eyes were full of incredible.

"Force Field!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice, as if from Jiuyou, rang in the ears of everyone.

The sound was not loud at first, but it grew louder with time, like thunder, and finally exploded.

The sound is thunderous.

Li Zhenwu finally arrived.

I saw an invisible energy shield, like a city wall, lying in front of the island, isolating O'Hara.

next moment!


Countless cannonballs touched the energy shield and exploded immediately.

For a time, countless artillery shells exploded, forming a sea of ​​fire, which was suspended in the sky and burned.

The sky and the earth were red, like maple leaves.

"Uh? It looks like it's going to be shot."

On the naval battleship in the distance, Zanku stood up with a gloomy expression on his face.

A trace of icy aura spread from his body, causing the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly.

"Demon warrior? This is the shame of justice."

Sakaski stood on the bow of the ship, his eyes indifferent, staring at the figure falling from the sky.


The temperature continued to rise, and his arm, completely transformed into a magma form, burned the air with white mist.

"It seems that this operation cannot end perfectly."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel had a solemn expression, and slowly drew out his saber, exuding a sharp sword intent.

The other two lieutenant generals also raised their heads and looked up at the figure in the sky, their eyes flickering with light.

"You navy, really shameless!"

Li Zhenwu slowly fell from the sky, his black hair was flying, and he had golden energy, and his body was surrounded by golden energy, as if the gods had descended.

Behind him, a huge ship floated slowly, obscuring the sky.

This picture is really shocking.

Whether it was the navy or the residents of O'Hara, their faces were full of shock at the moment.

That powerful momentum shook the world.

One person stands firm in the sky, and makes the strongest in the world bow their heads and become ministers!

Chapter [-] Frozen Fruit (Second)

"Big brother!"

Little Robin looked up, and when he saw Li Zhenwu, his eyes were full of tears, and his face was full of grievances.

From beginning to end, she did not call out Li Zhenwu's promise.

In the pure mind of the little girl, she didn't want the big brother to take risks because of himself.

However, little Robin never thought that Li Zhenwu would fall from the sky.

And looking at the majestic posture, it seems that even the navy is not afraid.

"Li Zhenwu?"

Dr. Clover and a group of scholars were also extremely shocked at this moment.

I didn't expect that the boy who lived on the small island of O'Hara at the beginning was so powerful now.

The huge suspended hull, dozens of meters high and [-] meters long, was like a castle, covering the sun in the sky.

"Is he the big brother that Robin said?" Olivia showed a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth, secretly thinking, thank you for taking care of my daughter all the time.

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