The navy soldiers on the battleship looked horrified and their hearts trembled.

For those with natural abilities, in the eyes of these ordinary soldiers, they are almost equal to the gods above.

But that young man, standing against the wind, punched through tens of thousands of ice blades.

What kind of graceful appearance is this?

Everyone looked at the figure of the Tree of Omniscient floating in the void, and no longer looked down upon it.

Instead, it is unprecedentedly dignified.

"As expected of a big pirate with a reward of [-] million, even the black wrist Zefa can't leave behind."

Akainu Sakaski's face was stern, his eyes were extremely sharp, his body was full of flames, and he couldn't hold back the urge to shoot.

"Roger's era has passed, will it also usher in a new era because of this young man?" The flying squirrel was sweating coldly on his forehead.

He couldn't imagine how strong it would take to face the pervert of Kuzan calmly.

You know, among all the lieutenant generals, that man is known as one of the monsters.

Those elite naval soldiers were even more horrified, and there was a little more awe in their eyes.

"In the face of justice, all evil should be punished."

Feeling the fear of a navy soldier, Akainu Sakaski's eyes flashed with coldness, and he immediately stepped out and walked towards the island.

"It seems that under this catastrophe, no one can survive alone."

Flying Squirrel slowly drew out his sword, with firm belief in his eyes, and jumped down the frozen sea.

"If he doesn't die, the Demon Killing Order cannot continue." Huoshaoshan squinted his eyes, his gentle facial features were a little more dignified.

Immediately afterwards, he and another lieutenant general also jumped off the battleship.

Under the action of the force field, the shells of the naval battleship have no effect at all.

If that's the case, it's just a matter of fighting.

The four lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters were terrified, and wherever they passed, the naval soldiers were extremely excited.

This is the most elite force in this department, if even they can't defeat that man.

Then, this naval operation is doomed to fail.

"The lieutenant generals are going to take action together, and we can't be idle. For justice, we can only kill all the people on the island."

When the rest of the navy soldiers saw this, they immediately raised their arms and shouted.

Immediately, with the response of countless navies, they jumped off the battleship and used the most primitive battle to destroy O'Hara.


Under the tree of omniscience.

"What a shame! You want to let those guys come over." Kuzan's face was black, his body was filled with fog, and his figure was hazy.

For a strong man like him, needing help from others is a great insult to self-esteem.

"Very good, force me to kill!"

Sensing the rushing of the navy soldiers, the killing intent in Li Zhenwu's eyes was extremely intense.

He slowly raised his hand, his palm was facing the sky, and he saw the domineering look out of his body, towards the sky, and released it violently.

Soon, I sensed the rocks drifting in the void space, like a river of rocks, innumerable.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Kuzan looked unhappy and scolded coldly.

At this critical moment, he did not want any surprises.

"Since that's the case, then let you see the power of destroying the world!"

Facing Kuzan's question, Li Zhenwu slowly closed his eyes and felt the rock layer above the sky, a smile appeared on his face.

next moment.

He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in a deep voice, "Come down!"


The power of true martial arts contained in the body was instantly urged to the extreme, like the Milky Way rewinding, wrapped in the power of fruit, and soaring into the sky.

In an instant, countless rocks of different shapes vibrated in the void space, and were continuously pulled towards the ground below by a gravitational force.

Finally, there was a clatter.

The number of rocks is inexhaustible, like raindrops, the rustling sound is falling towards the bottom.

"Don't play other tricks for me!"

Seeing this scene, Kuzan let out a cold breath and condensed a saber in his hand.

"call out!"

Wrapped in the thick white mist, he jumped up, his saber shone with silver light, and slashed towards Li Zhenwu's head fiercely...

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